Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries

Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries
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328 THE THIRD AGE OF THE MARTYR CHURCH.of the whole. The Church is likewise one,*thoughOshe be spread abroad, and multiplies with the in-crease of her progeny : even as the sun has raysmany, yet one light, and the tree boughs many, yetits strength is one, seated in the deep-lodged root ;and as, when many streams flow down from onesource, though a multiplicity of waters seems tbe diffused from the bountifulness of the overflow-ing abundance, unity is preserved in the sourceitself. Part a ray of the sun from its orb, and itsunity forbids_this division of light; break a branchfrom the tree, once broken it can bud no more ;cut the stream from its fountain, the remnant willbe dried up. Thus the Church, flooded with thelight of the Lord, puts forth her rays through thewhole world, with yet one light, which is spreadupon all places, while its unity of body is not infringed.She stretches forth her branches overthe universal earth, in the riches of plenty, andpours abroad her bountiful and onward streams ;yet is there one head, one source, one mother,abundant in the results of her fruitfulness.-" It is of her womb that we are born; ournourishing is from her milk, our quickening fromher breath. The Spouse of Christ cannot becomeadulterate; she is undefiled and chaste; owningbut one home, and guarding with virtuous modestythe sanctity of one chamber. She it is who keepsus for God, and appoints unto the kingdom thesons she has borne. Whosoever parts company

THE THIRD AGE OF THE MARTYR CHURCH.329with the Church and joins himself to an adulteress,is estranged from the promises of the Church. Hewho leaves the Church * of Christ, attains not toChrist's rewards. He is an alien, an outcast, anenemy. He can no longer have God for a Fatherwho has not the Church for a mother. If anyman was able to escape who remained without theark of Noah, then will that man escape who is outof doors beyond the Church. The Lord warns usand says: He who is not with Me is against Me,and he who gathereth not with Me, scattereth.He who breaks the peace and concord of Christ,sets himself against Christ. He who gathers elsewherebut in the Church, scatters the Church ofChrist. The » Lord says: I and the Father are one;and again of the Father, the Son, and the HolyGhost it is written: And these three are one. Anddoes anyone think that oneness, thus proceedingfrom the divine immutability, and cohering in heavenlysacraments, admits of being sundered in theChurch, and split by the divorce of antagonistwills ? He who holds not this unity holds not thelaw of God, holds not the faith of Father and Son,holds not the truth unto salvation." This sacrament of unity, this bond of concordarably cohering, is signified in the place inthe Gospel where the coat of our Lord JesusChrist is in nowise parted or cut, but is receivea whole garment, by them who cast lots whorather wear it, and is possessed as an in-

THE THIRD AGE OF THE MARTYR CHURCH.329with the Church and joins himself to an adulteress,is estranged from the promises <strong>of</strong> the Church. Hewho leaves the Church * <strong>of</strong> Christ, attains not toChrist's rewards. He is an alien, an outcast, anenemy. He can no longer have God for a Fatherwho has not the Church for a mother. If anyman was able to escape who remained without theark <strong>of</strong> Noah, then will that man escape who is out<strong>of</strong> doors beyond the Church. <strong>The</strong> Lord warns usand says: He who is not with Me is against Me,and he who gathereth not with Me, scattereth.He who breaks the peace and concord <strong>of</strong> Christ,sets himself against Christ. He who gathers elsewherebut in the Church, scatters the Church <strong>of</strong>Christ. <strong>The</strong> » Lord says: I and the Father are one;and again <strong>of</strong> the Father, the Son, and the HolyGhost it is written: And these three are one. Anddoes anyone think that oneness, thus proceedingfrom the divine immutability, and cohering in heavenlysacraments, admits <strong>of</strong> being sundered in theChurch, and split by the divorce <strong>of</strong> antagonistwills ? He who holds not this unity holds not thelaw <strong>of</strong> God, holds not the faith <strong>of</strong> Father and Son,holds not the truth unto salvation." This sacrament <strong>of</strong> unity, this bond <strong>of</strong> concordarably cohering, is signified in the place inthe Gospel where the coat <strong>of</strong> our Lord JesusChrist is in nowise parted or cut, but is receivea whole garment, by them who cast lots whorather wear it, and is possessed as an in-

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