Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries

Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries
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318 THE THIRD AGE OF THE MARTYR full generations have passed since the day ofPentecost. In this time a people has been formed.Already a hundred and fifty years before an eyewitnessamong themselves had observed the natureof this people. " Christians are not distinguishedfrom other men either by country, or bylanguage, or by customs: for they have no citiespeculiar to themselves, nor any language differentfrom others, nor singularity in their mode of life..... But they dwell both in Greek and in barbarouscities, as the lot of each may be, followinglocal customs as to raiment and food, and the restof their life, but exhibiting withal a polity of theirown, marvellous and truly incredible. They dwellin their own country, but it is as sojourners; theyshare in everything as citizens, yet suffer everything as strangers. Every foreign land is to thema country, and every country a foreign land. . . .In a word, what the soul is in the body, that Christiansare in the world. The soul is diffused throughall the limbs of the body, and Christians throughall the cities of the world. . . . The soul is shutwithin the body, of which it' is the bond, andChristians are like a garrison in the world, whichthey hold together."5Here a writer, calling himself a disciple ofApostles, describes to us, at the beginning of thesecond century, what the apostolic age of seventyyears had wrought. He puts his finger just upon6 Ep. ad Diognetmi, 5, G.

THE THIRD AGE OF THE MARTYR CHURCH.319the marvel which we are contemplating. Fiftyyears later, at the moment the empire was culminatingo under the serene rule of Antoninus, ' aconvert from heathenism, a philosopher who hadspent his life in examining all the sects and racesof the empire, and who afterwards became a martyr,said of Christians that being " quarried outof the side of Christ, they were the true Israeliticrace," "altogether being called the body, for bothpeople and church, being many in number, arecalled by one name as one thing ;" they are infact " as one man before the Maker of all things, O 7throughOthe name of His first-born Son'" the High-Opriest gathering up first in the prophetical visionand then in the real fact " the true high-priestlyrace"6 in His own Person. Thus Justin pointedout this conception of the Christian people to theJew of his time as both foretold in prophecy andexhibited " in fact. The longer that such a peopleas this endured, the greater would be the marvel.A hundred years after this, Origen uses thesame language and points to the same marvel.He had in the year 249, at the entreaty of a friendand pupil, set himself in the maturity of life, andof a renown which filled the Church as no man'sbefore had filled it, to answer the attack of a hea-ithen philosopher, Celsus, upon Christianity. He6 S. Justin Martyr, Tryphon, sec. 135, 42, 116; where he refers to andexplains the vision of the high-priest Jesus in the prophet Zachariasin. " ". 1. -

THE THIRD AGE OF THE MARTYR CHURCH.319the marvel which we are contemplating. Fiftyyears later, at the moment the empire was culminatingo under the serene rule <strong>of</strong> Antoninus, ' aconvert from heathenism, a philosopher who hadspent his life in examining all the sects and races<strong>of</strong> the empire, and who afterwards became a martyr,said <strong>of</strong> Christians that being " quarried out<strong>of</strong> the side <strong>of</strong> Christ, they were the true Israeliticrace," "altogether being called the body, for bothpeople and church, being many in number, arecalled by one name as one thing ;" they are infact " as one man before the Maker <strong>of</strong> all things, O 7throughOthe name <strong>of</strong> His first-born Son'" the High-Opriest gathering up first in the prophetical visionand then in the real fact " the true high-priestlyrace"6 in His own Person. Thus Justin pointedout this conception <strong>of</strong> the Christian people to theJew <strong>of</strong> his time as both foretold in prophecy andexhibited " in fact. <strong>The</strong> longer that such a peopleas this endured, the greater would be the marvel.A hundred years after this, Origen uses thesame language and points to the same marvel.He had in the year 249, at the entreaty <strong>of</strong> a friendand pupil, set himself in the maturity <strong>of</strong> life, and<strong>of</strong> a renown which filled the Church as no man'sbefore had filled it, to answer the attack <strong>of</strong> a hea-ithen philosopher, Celsus, upon Christianity. He6 S. Justin Martyr, Tryphon, sec. 135, 42, 116; where he refers to andexplains the vision <strong>of</strong> the high-priest Jesus in the prophet Zachariasin. " ". 1. -

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