Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries

Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries
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294 THE SECOND AGE OF THE MARTYR CHURCHthan heaven, superior to time and all fleeting nature,legislator ineffable, unexpressed by voice,unseen by eye; and we who cannot grasp hisessence rest upon words and names, and forms ofgold, ivory, and silver, in our longing to conceiveHim, giving to His nature what is fair among ourselves.But fix Him only in the mind; I care notwhether the Greek is kindled into remembranceof Him by the art of Phidias, or the Egyptian bythe worship of animals, that fire is his symbol tothese, and water to those ; only let them understand,let them love, let them remember Himalone."62I doubt not that Junius Rusticus was familiarwith such thoughts as these, and as a matter ofphilosophic reflection assented to them. And nowlet us study the scene which was enacted in hispresence and by his command.63" At a time when the defenders of idolatry hadproposed edicts in every city and region to compelChristians to sacrifice, Justin and his companionswere seized and brought before the Prefectof Rome, Rusticus. When they stood beforehis tribunal, the Prefect Rusticus said: Well, beobedient to the gods and the emperor's edicts.Justin answered: No man can ever be blamed orcondemned who obeys the precepts of our SaviourJesus Christ. Then the Prefect Rusticus asked: In62 Maximus Tyrius, diss. 17, 12; Reiske, and diss. ii. 2. 10.03 Acta Martymm sincera, Ruinart, p. 58-GO.

THE SECOND AGE OF THE MARTYR CHURCH.295what sect's learning or discipline are you versed?Justin replied: I endeavoured to learn every sortof sect, and tried every kind of instruction; but atlast I adhered to the Christian discipline, thoughthat is not acceptable to those who are led by theerror of a false opinion. Eusticus said: Wretch,is that the sect in which you take delight? Assuredly,said Justin; since together with a right belieffollow the example of Christians. What beliefis that, I pray ? said the Prefect. Justin replied:The right belief which we as Christians join withpiety is this, to hold that there is one God, theMaker and Creator of all things which are seenand which are not seen by the body's eyes, andto confess one Lord Jesus Christ the Son of God,foretold of old by the prophets, who will alsocome to judge the human race, and who is theherald of salvation and the teacher of those whoearn of Him well.I indeed as a man amand far too little to say anything great of His infiniteGodhead: this I confess to be the office ofprophets, who many ages ago by inspiration foretoldthe advent upon earth of the same whomhave called the Son of God." The Prefect inquired where the Christiansmet. Justin answered : Each wherecan.Do vou suppose that we are accustomed allto meet in the same place ? By no means, since ththe Christians is not circumscribed by, but being invisible fills heaven and earth,

294 THE SECOND AGE OF THE MARTYR CHURCHthan heaven, superior to time and all fleeting nature,legislator ineffable, unexpressed by voice,unseen by eye; and we who cannot grasp hisessence rest upon words and names, and forms <strong>of</strong>gold, ivory, and silver, in our longing to conceiveHim, giving to His nature what is fair among ourselves.But fix Him only in the mind; I care notwhether the Greek is kindled into remembrance<strong>of</strong> Him by the art <strong>of</strong> Phidias, or the Egyptian bythe worship <strong>of</strong> animals, that fire is his symbol tothese, and water to those ; only let them understand,let them love, let them remember Himalone."62I doubt not that Junius Rusticus was familiarwith such thoughts as these, and as a matter <strong>of</strong>philosophic reflection assented to them. And nowlet us study the scene which was enacted in hispresence and by his command.63" At a time when the defenders <strong>of</strong> idolatry hadproposed edicts in every city and region to compelChristians to sacrifice, Justin and his companionswere seized and brought before the Prefect<strong>of</strong> Rome, Rusticus. When they stood beforehis tribunal, the Prefect Rusticus said: Well, beobedient to the gods and the emperor's edicts.Justin answered: No man can ever be blamed orcondemned who obeys the precepts <strong>of</strong> our SaviourJesus Christ. <strong>The</strong>n the Prefect Rusticus asked: In62 Maximus Tyrius, diss. 17, 12; Reiske, and diss. ii. 2. 10.03 Acta Martymm sincera, Ruinart, p. 58-GO.

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