Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries

Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries
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276 THE SECOND AGE OF THE MARTYR CHURCH.whence they all spring. Thus all are the first,and all apostolical, while all being the one proveunity: whilst there is between them communicationof peace, and the title of brotherhood, andthe token of hospitality.38 And no other principlerules these rights than the one tradition of thesame sacrament/'39Here is the summing up of what Irenasus hadsaid with the force, brevity, and incisiveness whichcharacterise Tertullian. Further on he rejects anyappeal on the part of heretics to scripture :" If the truth be in our possession, as many aswalk by the rule which the Church has handed^^down from the Apostles, the Apostles from Christ,and Christ from God, the reasonableness of ourproposition is manifest, which lays down that here-tics are not to be allowed to enter an appeal toscriptures, since without scriptures we prove themto have no concern with scriptures. For if theyare heretics, they cannot be Christians, inasmuchas they do not hold from Christ what they followby their own choice, and in consequence admitthe name of heretics.40 Therefore not being Chris-tians, they have no right to Christian writings. Towhom we may well say, Who are you ? when did38 Tertull. de Prase. 19, 20.39 The word here stands evidently for the whole body of Christiantruth, rites, and discipline, the communication of which was a sacra-mentum.40 That is, he opposes the word choosers to the word Christians;the one signifying those who believe what they choose, the other thosewho believe what Christ taught.

THE SECOND AGE OF THE MARTYR CHURCH.277you come? and whence? What are you, who arenot mine, doing in my property ? By what rightdost thou, Marcion, cut down my wood ? By whatlicense dost thou, Valentinus, turn the course of mywaters ? By what poweremove my landmarks ?This is my possession : how are you sowing it.and feeding on it at your pleasure? It is mine, Irepeat: I had it of old; I had it first: I have theLoned title-deeds from the first proprietors.I am the heir of the Apostles. According to th11, according to their trust, according to thoath I took from them, I hold it. You, assuredly,4they have ever disinherited and renounced, asaliens, as enemies. But why are heretics aliensand enemies to Apostles, save from difference ofdoctrine, which each at his own pleasure has eitherbrought forward or received against Apostles ?"41Thus Tertullian adds the witness4of the Africanchurch to that of the Asiatic and Gallic churchesin IrenaBus.We have noted the great church of Alexandriaas a most complete instance of the growth wherebyfrom the mother see the hierarchy took possessionof a land. But the principle of such growth wasthe ecclesiastical rule, and its strength the energywith which that rule was preserved. This rulewas twofold : the rule of discipline, or outwardregimen, what we now call a constitution; and therule of Faith. What the church of Alexandria41 De Prcescrip. 37.

276 THE SECOND AGE OF THE MARTYR CHURCH.whence they all spring. Thus all are the first,and all apostolical, while all being the one proveunity: whilst there is between them communication<strong>of</strong> peace, and the title <strong>of</strong> brotherhood, andthe token <strong>of</strong> hospitality.38 And no other principlerules these rights than the one tradition <strong>of</strong> thesame sacrament/'39Here is the summing up <strong>of</strong> what Irenasus hadsaid with the force, brevity, and incisiveness whichcharacterise Tertullian. Further on he rejects anyappeal on the part <strong>of</strong> heretics to scripture :" If the truth be in our possession, as many aswalk by the rule which the Church has handed^^down from the Apostles, the Apostles from Christ,and Christ from God, the reasonableness <strong>of</strong> ourproposition is manifest, which lays down that here-tics are not to be allowed to enter an appeal toscriptures, since without scriptures we prove themto have no concern with scriptures. For if theyare heretics, they cannot be Christians, inasmuchas they do not hold from Christ what they followby their own choice, and in consequence admitthe name <strong>of</strong> heretics.40 <strong>The</strong>refore not being Chris-tians, they have no right to Christian writings. Towhom we may well say, Who are you ? when did38 Tertull. de Prase. 19, 20.39 <strong>The</strong> word here stands evidently for the whole body <strong>of</strong> Christiantruth, rites, and discipline, the communication <strong>of</strong> which was a sacra-mentum.40 That is, he opposes the word choosers to the word Christians;the one signifying those who believe what they choose, the other thosewho believe what Christ taught.

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