Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries

Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries
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270 THE SECOND AGE OF THE MARTYR CHURCH.that they may not be taught. So estranged fromthe truth they deservedly wallow in every error,tossed about by it, having different opinions onthe same subjects at different times, and neverholding one firm mind, choosing rather to besophists of words than disciples of the truth; forthey are not founded upon the one rock, but onthe sand, which has in it a multitude of pebbles."31And he elsewhere contrasts the certaintywithin, and the uncertainty without, this teachingpower :"The said heretics, then, being blind to thetruth, cannot help walking out of the track intoone path after another, and hence it is that thevestiges of their doctrine are scattered about withoutany rule or sequence. Whereas the road ofthose who are of the Church goes round the wholeworld, because it possesses a firm tradition fromthe Apostles, and gives us to see that all have oneand the same faith, where all enjoin one and thesame God the Father, believe one disposition ofthe Son of God's incarnation, know the same giftof the Spirit, meditate on the same precepts, guardthe same regimen of ecclesiastical rule, await thesame advent of the Lord, and support the samesalvation of the whole man, body and soul alike.Now the Church's preaching is true and firm, inwhom one and the same way of salvation is shownsi Lib, iii. c. 24.

THE SECOND AGE OF THE MARTYR CHURCH.271through o the whole world. For to her is intrustedthe light of God; and hence the wisdom of God,by which He saves all men, ' is sung at her enance,acts with confidence in h ,laimed on her walls, and speaks ever in the gatthe cywhere the Church prolaith truth: she is the seven-branched candlestickbearing Christ's light."32It has been necessary to give at considerablelength the very words of S. Irenasus, because theyare stronger and more perspicuous than any summaryof them can be, and because they exhibit acomplete answer not to this particular heresy only,but to all heresy for ever. Such an answer, comingfrom one who stood at the second generation ofrom S. John, Mis of the highest value. Thus hemeets the gnostic principle that divine truth isacquired by the individual through some processof his own mind, which in this particular case istermed gnosis, but which may bear many othernames, by appealing to an external standard, theRule of Faith in the Church from the beginning,which by its unity points to its origin and lineagefrom the apostles and Christ. And this serves tobring out the central idea which rules his wholemind, that " where the Church is, there also is theSpirit of God ; and where the Spirit of God is, thereis the Church and all grace : but the Spirit isTruth." The deposit of which " he spoke is not a32 Lib. v. c. 20.

THE SECOND AGE OF THE MARTYR CHURCH.271through o the whole world. For to her is intrustedthe light <strong>of</strong> God; and hence the wisdom <strong>of</strong> God,by which He saves all men, ' is sung at her enance,acts with confidence in h ,laimed on her walls, and speaks ever in the gatthe cywhere the Church prolaith truth: she is the seven-branched candlestickbearing Christ's light."32It has been necessary to give at considerablelength the very words <strong>of</strong> S. Irenasus, because theyare stronger and more perspicuous than any summary<strong>of</strong> them can be, and because they exhibit acomplete answer not to this particular heresy only,but to all heresy for ever. Such an answer, comingfrom one who stood at the second generation <strong>of</strong>rom S. John, Mis <strong>of</strong> the highest value. Thus hemeets the gnostic principle that divine truth isacquired by the individual through some process<strong>of</strong> his own mind, which in this particular case istermed gnosis, but which may bear many othernames, by appealing to an external standard, theRule <strong>of</strong> Faith in the Church from the beginning,which by its unity points to its origin and lineagefrom the apostles and Christ. And this serves tobring out the central idea which rules his wholemind, that " where the Church is, there also is theSpirit <strong>of</strong> God ; and where the Spirit <strong>of</strong> God is, thereis the Church and all grace : but the Spirit isTruth." <strong>The</strong> deposit <strong>of</strong> which " he spoke is not a32 Lib. v. c. 20.

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