Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries

Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries
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268 THE SECOND AGE OF THE MARTYR of bishop. By this order and succession thetradition from the Apostles in the Church and theteaching of the truth have come down to us. Andthis proof is most complete that it is one and thesame life-giving Faith which has been preserved inthe Church from the Apostles up to this time, andhanded down in truth. . . . With such proofs, then,before us, we ought not still to search among othersfor the truth, which it is easy to take from theChurch, since the Apostles most fully committedunto this, as unto a rich storehouse, all which isof the truth, so that everyone, whoever will, maydraw from it the draught of life. For this is thegate of life : all the rest are thieves and robbers.They must therefore be avoided ; but whatever isof the Church we must love with the utmost diligence,and lay hold of the tradition of the truth.For how ? if on any small matter question arose ,ought we not to recur to the most ancient churchesin which the Apostles lived, and take from them onthe matter in hand what is certain and plain. Andsuppose the Apostles had not even left us writings,ought we not to follow that order of traditionwhich they delivered to those to whom theyintrusted the churches ? To this order manybarbarous nations of believers in Christ assent,having salvation written upon their hearts by theHoly Spirit without paper and ink, and diligentlyguarding the old tradition."2929 S, Irenams, lib. iii. c. 3, 4.

THE SECOND AGE OF THE MARTYR CHURCH.269This capital point of the ever-living teachingoffice he further dwells on :" The Faith received in the Church we guardin it, which being always from the Spirit of God,like an admirable deposit in a good vessel, * isiyoung* J O itself, 7 and makes young */ O the vessel inwhich it is. For this office on the part of God30 isintrusted to the Church as the breath of life wasgiven to the body, in order that all the membersreceiving may be quickened, and in this is placedthe communication of Christ, that is, the HolySpirit, the earnest of incorruption, the confirmationof our faith, and the ladder by which we ascendto God. For,"says he, in the Church God hasplaced Apostles, Prophets, Teachers, and all the remainingoperation of the Spirit; of whom all thoseare not partakers who do not run to the Church,but deprive themselves of life by an evil opinionand a still worse conduct.For where the Churchis, there also is the Spirit of God : and where theSpirit of God is, there is the Church and all grace :but the Spirit is Truth. Wherefore they who arenot partakers of Him are neither nourished untolife from the breasts of the mother, nor receivethat most - pure fountain which proceeds from theBody of Christ, but dig out for themseterns from earthly ditches, and from the filthdrink foul water, avoiding the Faith of the Churchlest they be brought back, and rejecting the Spirit30 " Hoc enim Ecclesice creditum est Dei munus."

THE SECOND AGE OF THE MARTYR CHURCH.269This capital point <strong>of</strong> the ever-living teaching<strong>of</strong>fice he further dwells on :" <strong>The</strong> Faith received in the Church we guardin it, which being always from the Spirit <strong>of</strong> God,like an admirable deposit in a good vessel, * isiyoung* J O itself, 7 and makes young */ O the vessel inwhich it is. For this <strong>of</strong>fice on the part <strong>of</strong> God30 isintrusted to the Church as the breath <strong>of</strong> life wasgiven to the body, in order that all the membersreceiving may be quickened, and in this is placedthe communication <strong>of</strong> Christ, that is, the HolySpirit, the earnest <strong>of</strong> incorruption, the confirmation<strong>of</strong> our faith, and the ladder by which we ascendto God. For,"says he, in the Church God hasplaced Apostles, Prophets, Teachers, and all the remainingoperation <strong>of</strong> the Spirit; <strong>of</strong> whom all thoseare not partakers who do not run to the Church,but deprive themselves <strong>of</strong> life by an evil opinionand a still worse conduct.For where the Churchis, there also is the Spirit <strong>of</strong> God : and where theSpirit <strong>of</strong> God is, there is the Church and all grace :but the Spirit is Truth. Wherefore they who arenot partakers <strong>of</strong> Him are neither nourished untolife from the breasts <strong>of</strong> the mother, nor receivethat most - pure fountain which proceeds from theBody <strong>of</strong> Christ, but dig out for themseterns from earthly ditches, and from the filthdrink foul water, avoiding the Faith <strong>of</strong> the Churchlest they be brought back, and rejecting the Spirit30 " Hoc enim Ecclesice creditum est Dei munus."

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