Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries

Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries
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264 THE SECOND AGE OF THE MARTYR CHURCH.his disciple Polycarp. Iremeus, by birth a nativeof lesser Asia, enjoyed when young the instructionsand intimate friendship of the bishop of Smyrna.In his old a^e O he delighted o to remember howPolycarp had described his intercourse with John ,and with those who had seen the Lord: how herepeated their discourse, and what he had heardfrom them respecting the teaching and the miraclesof that Word of life whom they had seenwith their own eyes. "These things," says Irenaeus ," through the mercy of God I then diligentlylistened to, writing them down not on paper, buton my heart, and by His grace I ruminate uponthem perpetually."25 Later in life he left Smyrna ,and settled in Lyons, of which Church he was apresbyter when the terrible persecution of 177broke out there. Elected thereupon to succeeda martyr as bishop, he crowned an episcopate oftwenty-five years with a similar martyrdom. Hewrote, as he says, during the episcopate of Eleu-therius, who was the twelfth bishop of Rome fromPeter, and sat from 177 to 192. After describingat length the Gnostic errors concerning the divinenature, he sets forth in contrast the unity of thetruth as declared by the Church in the followingwords :" The Church, though she be spread abroadthrough the whole world unto the ends of the earth ,has received from the Apostles and their disciples25 Frag. Epist. ad Florin, torn. i. p. 340.

THE SECOND AGE OF THE MARTYR CHURCH.265faith in one God ;" and he proceeds to recite hercreed, in substance the same as that now held :then he adds, dwelling with emphasis on the verypoint which I have been noting, the sprinklingabout, that is, of distinct communities so widelydispersed, which yet are one in their belief."This proclamation "and this faith the Churchhaving received, though she be disseminatedthrough the whole world, carefully guards, as theinhabitant of one house, and equally believes thesethings as having one soul and the same heart, andin exact agreementhese things she proclaims andteaches and hands down, as having " one mouth.For, though the languages through the world bedissimilar, the power of the tradition is $ne andthe same. Nor have the churches founded iny otherwise believed or otherwise handeddown, nor those in Spain, nor in Gaul, nor in theEast, nor in Egypt, nor those in the middle of theworld. But as the sun, " God's \^ V/V'l- KJ creature, ^J. V> 14) U l«l. *"- V^« in all theworld is one and the same, so too the proclama-Lon of the truth shines everywhere, and lights allmen that are willing to come to the knowledge cthe truth. Nor will he among the Church's rulerswho is most powerful in word say other than this,)r no one is above his teacher :26 nor will he thais weak in word diminish the tradition, for thFaith being one and the same, neither he that cai26 He seems to refer to Matt. x. 2i: OVK eart [j.u6r)TT]S UTTC/J rbv SiSda" '

THE SECOND AGE OF THE MARTYR CHURCH.265faith in one God ;" and he proceeds to recite hercreed, in substance the same as that now held :then he adds, dwelling with emphasis on the verypoint which I have been noting, the sprinklingabout, that is, <strong>of</strong> distinct communities so widelydispersed, which yet are one in their belief."This proclamation "and this faith the Churchhaving received, though she be disseminatedthrough the whole world, carefully guards, as theinhabitant <strong>of</strong> one house, and equally believes thesethings as having one soul and the same heart, andin exact agreementhese things she proclaims andteaches and hands down, as having " one mouth.For, though the languages through the world bedissimilar, the power <strong>of</strong> the tradition is $ne andthe same. Nor have the churches founded iny otherwise believed or otherwise handeddown, nor those in Spain, nor in Gaul, nor in theEast, nor in Egypt, nor those in the middle <strong>of</strong> theworld. But as the sun, " God's \^ V/V'l- KJ creature, ^J. V> 14) U l«l. *"- V^« in all theworld is one and the same, so too the proclama-Lon <strong>of</strong> the truth shines everywhere, and lights allmen that are willing to come to the knowledge cthe truth. Nor will he among the Church's rulerswho is most powerful in word say other than this,)r no one is above his teacher :26 nor will he thais weak in word diminish the tradition, for thFaith being one and the same, neither he that cai26 He seems to refer to Matt. x. 2i: OVK eart [j.u6r)TT]S UTTC/J rbv SiSda" '

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