Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries

Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries
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236 THE FIRST AGE OF THE MARTYR CHURCH.of the Christian doctrines which the emperor couldhave ; but these would be very far from conveyingto him the character of the Church as an institution.They were intended to obviate the persecutionsarising o from the causes above described, 'to show the purity of Christian morality, the reasonablenessof Christian belief, the fidelity of Christiansentiment to the imperial rule as establishedby a divine providence. They were not in theleast intended to lay before him the ChristianChurch as a whole. Thus Justin, replying to theaccusation that they were expecting a kingdom,says, "You rashly conceive that we mean a humanone, whereas we speak of that with God. "We may then, it seems, conclude with certaintythat Antoninus was only partially aware of whatChristianity was. That discipline of the secret ,which was itself the result of persecution - of theChristian Faith having to make itself a place ina world utterly opposed to it, - became at onceits protection, and the cause of further persecution; of persecution, in so far as it put Christiansunder general suspicion, but of protection, inasmuchas it covered with a veil that complete moralrevolution to which the Christian Faith was tendingfrom the first, and towards which it was continuallyadvancing. Could Trajan have foreseen whatwas apparent under Constantine, his treatment ofChristians would have had no forbearance or hesitationin it, his blows no intermission or doubt-/

THE FIRST AGE OF THE MARTYR CHURCH.237fulness. As it is, up to the time we are nowconsidering, there are no traces of a generasecution against the Christian name organised bythe emperor as head of the State. There are mberless local and individual persecutions startingup in this city and in that, and arising from thefundamental contrariety of Christian belief to theexisting heathen worship and the ordinary heathenlife. Such we have and no more. And so a greathost of martyrs in single combat won their crown.ut the emperor did not set himself to destroy aunity which he did not see.Now as to the character in Christians whichtheir condition in these hundred and thirty yearstended to produce, we can form a clear conclusion.Of the relative proportion of actual martyrs to thewhole mass of believers we can indeed have noccurate notion; but it is plain that all were liableto suffering as Christians in every various degreeup to that ultimate point of witnessing by death.Thus the acceptance of the Christian Faith itselfinvolved at least the spirit of confession, if notthat of martyrdom. A man lived for years, perhapsa whole generation, with the prospect ofsuffering, which it may be never came, or came asthe crown of a long period in which heroic virtueshad been called forth. Thus S. Ignatius had beenmore than forty years bishop of Antioch, and hadcarried his church hardly through the bad timesof Domitian, when he gained at last what he

THE FIRST AGE OF THE MARTYR CHURCH.237fulness. As it is, up to the time we are nowconsidering, there are no traces <strong>of</strong> a generasecution against the Christian name organised bythe emperor as head <strong>of</strong> the State. <strong>The</strong>re are mberless local and individual persecutions startingup in this city and in that, and arising from thefundamental contrariety <strong>of</strong> Christian belief to theexisting heathen worship and the ordinary heathenlife. Such we have and no more. And so a greathost <strong>of</strong> martyrs in single combat won their crown.ut the emperor did not set himself to destroy aunity which he did not see.Now as to the character in Christians whichtheir condition in these hundred and thirty yearstended to produce, we can form a clear conclusion.Of the relative proportion <strong>of</strong> actual martyrs to thewhole mass <strong>of</strong> believers we can indeed have noccurate notion; but it is plain that all were liableto suffering as Christians in every various degreeup to that ultimate point <strong>of</strong> witnessing by death.Thus the acceptance <strong>of</strong> the Christian Faith itselfinvolved at least the spirit <strong>of</strong> confession, if notthat <strong>of</strong> martyrdom. A man lived for years, perhapsa whole generation, with the prospect <strong>of</strong>suffering, which it may be never came, or came asthe crown <strong>of</strong> a long period in which heroic virtueshad been called forth. Thus S. Ignatius had beenmore than forty years bishop <strong>of</strong> Antioch, and hadcarried his church hardly through the bad times<strong>of</strong> Domitian, when he gained at last what he

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