Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries

Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries
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224 THE FIRST AGE OF THE MARTYR CHURCH.sonal conduct at a later period of his life how hewould treat the profession of the Christian Faithif it thwarted a ruling desire. When, after fifteenyears of incessant travel, study, and observation,he returned to Rome, and had enclosed at Tivolia space of eight miles in circumference, adornedwith copies of the most beautiful temples in hiswide dominion, he offered sacrifices and consultedthe gods as to the duration of his work ; but hereceived for answer that the gods who inhabitedtheir images were tormented by the prayers whichthe widow Symphoros and her seven sons offereddaily to their God.45 If she and her childrenwould sacrifice, they promised to grant all his demands.Upon this Hadrian ordered Symphorosaand her seven sons to be brought before him, andendeavoured by kind words to bring them to sacrifice.She replied, "It was for not consentingto what you ask that my husband Ga3tulius andhis brother Amantius, both tribunes in yourarmy, suffered various tortures, and, like generouschampions, overcame your demons by aglorious death. If their death was shameful beforemen, it was honourable in the sight of the45 So the persecution of Diocletian is said to have arisen from Apollodeclaring that the just who were upon the earth prevented him fromuttering true oracles ; and a like answer was received hy Julian theApostate at Antioch, where the relics of S. Babylas had been translatedby Gallus to Daphne, near a celebrated temple of Apollo. Here Julian,offering in rain a great number of sacrifices to the demon, was at lengthinformed that the body of the saint condemned him to silence, andordered the Christians to remove it. S. Chrys. torn. ii. 560.

THE FIRST AGE OF THE MARTYR CHURCH.225angels, and now they are crowned with immortallight. They live in heaven, and follow everywherethe Kinor " who VY AAVy reigns X V-/AV! AAkJ there, u.i_i.vy-i- v->« covered withglory by the trophies they have gained in dyingfor Him." Hadrian, stung by this reply, couldnot contain himself, but said : " Either sacrificethis instant to the immortal gods, or I will myselfsacrifice you with your children to these godswhom you despise." " And how should I be sohappy," said Symphorosa, "as to be worthy withhildren to be sacrificed to my God ?" "tell you," said Hadrian, " I will have you sacrificedto my gods." "Your gods," replied she," cannot receive me in sacrifice. I am not a vie-tim for them ; but if you order me to be burntfor the name of Christ my God, know that thefire which consumes me will only increase theirpunishment." " Choose, I tell you," said the emperor; u sacrifice or die." " You think, doubtless,to frighten me," rejoined Symphorosa; "butdesire to be at rest with my husband, whom youput to death for the name of Christ." Then theemperor ordered her to be taken before the templeof Hercules, to be struck in the face, and hung upby her hair. But finding that these torments onlyserved to strengthen her in the faith, he had herthrown into the Anio. Her brother Euenius, /being one of the chief men at Tibur, drew hebody from the water, and buried her in the suburbsof the town.n. Q

224 THE FIRST AGE OF THE MARTYR CHURCH.sonal conduct at a later period <strong>of</strong> his life how hewould treat the pr<strong>of</strong>ession <strong>of</strong> the Christian Faithif it thwarted a ruling desire. When, after fifteenyears <strong>of</strong> incessant travel, study, and observation,he returned to Rome, and had enclosed at Tivolia space <strong>of</strong> eight miles in circumference, adornedwith copies <strong>of</strong> the most beautiful temples in hiswide dominion, he <strong>of</strong>fered sacrifices and consultedthe gods as to the duration <strong>of</strong> his work ; but hereceived for answer that the gods who inhabitedtheir images were tormented by the prayers whichthe widow Symphoros and her seven sons <strong>of</strong>fereddaily to their God.45 If she and her childrenwould sacrifice, they promised to grant all his demands.Upon this Hadrian ordered Symphorosaand her seven sons to be brought before him, andendeavoured by kind words to bring them to sacrifice.She replied, "It was for not consentingto what you ask that my husband Ga3tulius andhis brother Amantius, both tribunes in yourarmy, suffered various tortures, and, like generouschampions, overcame your demons by aglorious death. If their death was shameful beforemen, it was honourable in the sight <strong>of</strong> the45 So the persecution <strong>of</strong> Diocletian is said to have arisen from Apollodeclaring that the just who were upon the earth prevented him fromuttering true oracles ; and a like answer was received hy Julian theApostate at Antioch, where the relics <strong>of</strong> S. Babylas had been translatedby Gallus to Daphne, near a celebrated temple <strong>of</strong> Apollo. Here Julian,<strong>of</strong>fering in rain a great number <strong>of</strong> sacrifices to the demon, was at lengthinformed that the body <strong>of</strong> the saint condemned him to silence, andordered the Christians to remove it. S. Chrys. torn. ii. 560.

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