Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries

Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries

Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries

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202 THE FIRST AGE OF THE MARTYR, CHURCHin One whose mind they collectively represent,and that One is He from whose Person their authorityradiates; in "whom, as he says in this sameletter, " the old kingdom was being destroyed, Godappearing j in the form <strong>of</strong> a man, unto the newness<strong>of</strong> eternal life."25 Again, it is not merely an outwardunity <strong>of</strong> government, but an inward unity <strong>of</strong>the truth held in common, and also held as givenby authority: not truth, as a result <strong>of</strong> the curiosity<strong>of</strong> the human intellect, rather truth, as aparticipation in the mind <strong>of</strong> Christ. Thus theCatholic unity <strong>of</strong> government is at the same time aunity <strong>of</strong> belief, which two unities are not, in fact,separable, for their principle is one in the Person<strong>of</strong> Christ, in respect <strong>of</strong> whom submission to theRuler is one and the same thing with belief in thetruth revealed by Him, who is King no less thanWord, Word no less than King.We have, then, here the principle <strong>of</strong> authorityand tradition as seated in the hierarchy, and at thesame time the whole order and unity <strong>of</strong> the Churchas girdling the world by its chain <strong>of</strong> the Episcopate,and as possessing the truth and exhibiting itin its quality <strong>of</strong> an institution. It is before us andat work in its succession <strong>of</strong> men, in its sacramentswhich they administer,26its truth which is im-25 Ad, Eplies. xix.26 Another point on which S. Ignatius dwells repeatedly is the receivingthe flesh <strong>of</strong> Christ in the Eucharist: thus he says <strong>of</strong> the heterodox,ad S-myrn. 6: " <strong>The</strong>y abstain from the Eucharist and prayer,because they do not confess that the Eucharist is that flesh <strong>of</strong> our

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