Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries

Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries
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196 THE FIRST AGE OF THE MARTYR CHURCH.maintain the empire at its full tide of power inhonourable peace, while Antoninus crowned theforty years of equable and generally just government-bestowedon the Roman world by Trajanand Hadrian-with a further happy period of morethan half that length, wherein the glory of the empiremay be said to have culminated. ImperialRome never saw again such a day of power, orsuch a prospect of security, as when Antoninuscelebrated the secular games at the completion ofnine hundred years ; and for ages afterwards hisname carried respect, and men looked back on hisreign as on an ideal period of happiness for thosewhom he ruled.One of the most competent observers of ourtime has marked the last ten years of the reign ofPius as the period at which the independent deve-lopment of Graco-Roman _ heathenism terminated,when it had exhaustedall the forms of its own in-"ward life, since the Neoplatonic philosophy whichis the only striking product of intelligence thatarises afterwards, is manifestly due to the antagonismwith Christianity, and is no pure offspringof the heathen spirit.18 From this time forthChristian influences become unmistakable in theiraction upon heathen thought and society. This,then, affords another reason why we should endeavourto trace the progress and extension which theChurch had reached at this point.18 Dollinger, Heidentkum und Judenthum. Vorwort, iv.

THE FIRST AGE OF THE MARTYR CHURCH.197Now a contemporary of Antoninus declaresthat in his time, that is, about the year 150, therewas no race of men, ' either barbarians or Greeks,none even of Scthian nomads roaming in waggons,or of pastoral tribes dwelling in tents, amongwhom prayers and thanksgivings were not offeredto the Father and Creator of the universe in thename of the crucified Jesus.19 Thus, in aand twenty years the Church had outstripped thelimits of the empire. The germ which in the timeof S. John was rooted in the chief cities, hadspread out thence and increased, taking more andmore possession of the soil in all directions. Stillwe must consider the Christian Church in eachplace of its occupation as a small minority of thepeople : nor is there any reason to doubt the statementmade by Celsus, that at the period whenhe wrote, the middle of the second century, theChristian Faith counted few of the educated, distinuished,and rich amon its adherents ;20 forOrigen, in replying to him, alleges no specific exampleto the contrary. Yet, here too we mustconsider the t/ justice of Origen's c remark.21 thatthese classes are everywhere few in proportionto the poor and ignorant, and that Christianitybeing the day-star arising on every soul tookof all classes alike. "So much, then, as to the19 Justin, Dialog, with Tryphon, 117. Tertullian, 50 years later, adc.Judaos, 7, goes beyond this.20 Kellner, Ilellenismus und Christentlium, p. 85.21 Origen coat. Gels. i. 27.

196 THE FIRST AGE OF THE MARTYR CHURCH.maintain the empire at its full tide <strong>of</strong> power inhonourable peace, while Antoninus crowned theforty years <strong>of</strong> equable and generally just government-bestowedon the Roman world by Trajanand Hadrian-with a further happy period <strong>of</strong> morethan half that length, wherein the glory <strong>of</strong> the empiremay be said to have culminated. ImperialRome never saw again such a day <strong>of</strong> power, orsuch a prospect <strong>of</strong> security, as when Antoninuscelebrated the secular games at the completion <strong>of</strong>nine hundred years ; and for ages afterwards hisname carried respect, and men looked back on hisreign as on an ideal period <strong>of</strong> happiness for thosewhom he ruled.One <strong>of</strong> the most competent observers <strong>of</strong> ourtime has marked the last ten years <strong>of</strong> the reign <strong>of</strong>Pius as the period at which the independent deve-lopment <strong>of</strong> Graco-Roman _ heathenism terminated,when it had exhaustedall the forms <strong>of</strong> its own in-"ward life, since the Neoplatonic philosophy whichis the only striking product <strong>of</strong> intelligence thatarises afterwards, is manifestly due to the antagonismwith Christianity, and is no pure <strong>of</strong>fspring<strong>of</strong> the heathen spirit.18 From this time forthChristian influences become unmistakable in theiraction upon heathen thought and society. This,then, affords another reason why we should endeavourto trace the progress and extension which theChurch had reached at this point.18 Dollinger, Heidentkum und Judenthum. Vorwort, iv.

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