Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries

Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries
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150 THE SECOND MAN VERIFIED IN HISTORY.of Pentecost, the root-of perpetual mission fromwhich the heralds derive their commission; theyare sent, they proclaim, they are heard, they arebelieved, and this faith opens the door for the admissionof subjects into the kingdom, according tothe law which they proclaim. Thus are describedo us at some length the acts of that wise master-builder whose words we have just cited; butthough he laboured more abundantly than all,all acted after the same manner. The Churchwas founded by personal teaching, of which theliving word was the instrument, and the wholetruth which was thus communicated was termedthe Tradition32 or Delivery.We now come to the second step. Beforethe Apostles were taken to their reward, the sameSpirit, who had instructed them that they wereto found the spiritual kingdom by means of theliving word, inspired them to commit to writinga portion of that great tradition which they hadalready taught by mouth.33 But they never deliveredthese writings to men not already Chris-3- ?) 7rapa5o

THE SECOND MAN VEEIFIED IN HISTORY.151tians. One evangelist expressly says that he drewup a narrative in order that his disciple mightknow the certainty of what he had already been instructedin catechetically, that is, that by that greatsystem of oral teaching by question and answer,that grounding of the truth in the memory, intellect,and will, which Christianity had inaugurated,and that he wrote after the pattern of those whohad delivered over the word to us, having been itsoriginal eyewitnesses and servants.34 A secondevangelist declares that what he was putting intowriting was a very small portion indeed of whathis Lord had done.35 Another verv"/remarkablething is that the Apostles are not recorded tohave put together what they had written themselves,or others by their direction, so as to makeit one whole ; far less that they ever declaredwhat was so written to contain the complete traditionof what they had received. But what theydid was to leave these writings in the hands of particularchurches, having in every case addressedthem to those who ted asChristians, and not having left among: th7 O oocument whatever intended to impart the Christianfaith to those who were ignorant of it. Thesewritings were in the strictest sense Scriptures ofthe Church, which sometimes stated, and alwaysin their form and construction showed that theywere adapted to those who had been taught the» Luke i. 2-4. " j^ xs> 30.

150 THE SECOND MAN VERIFIED IN HISTORY.<strong>of</strong> Pentecost, the root-<strong>of</strong> perpetual mission fromwhich the heralds derive their commission; theyare sent, they proclaim, they are heard, they arebelieved, and this faith opens the door for the admission<strong>of</strong> subjects into the kingdom, according tothe law which they proclaim. Thus are describedo us at some length the acts <strong>of</strong> that wise master-builder whose words we have just cited; butthough he laboured more abundantly than all,all acted after the same manner. <strong>The</strong> Churchwas founded by personal teaching, <strong>of</strong> which theliving word was the instrument, and the wholetruth which was thus communicated was termedthe Tradition32 or Delivery.We now come to the second step. Beforethe Apostles were taken to their reward, the sameSpirit, who had instructed them that they wereto found the spiritual kingdom by means <strong>of</strong> theliving word, inspired them to commit to writinga portion <strong>of</strong> that great tradition which they hadalready taught by mouth.33 But they never deliveredthese writings to men not already Chris-3- ?) 7rapa5o

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