Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries

Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries

Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries

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138 THE SECOND MAN VERIFIED IN HISTOby incorporation into that Body which He hadcreated as the result <strong>of</strong> His becoming man. Thisit was for the individual to become a Christian.But Christianity itself was neither a mere system<strong>of</strong> belief, nor an outward order representing thatbelief, but " the great and glorious Body <strong>of</strong>Christ,"18 possessing and exhibiting the wholetruth <strong>of</strong> doctrine, possessing and distributing allthe means <strong>of</strong> grace, and presenting together toGod those whom it had reconciled with Him, andmade one, as the members <strong>of</strong> the Son by the indwelling<strong>of</strong> the Spirit.Let us now trace the exact correspondence <strong>of</strong>the historical fact with the dogmatic statementjust given.<strong>The</strong> Acts <strong>of</strong> the Apostles exhibit to us thecreation <strong>of</strong> the divine society by the descent <strong>of</strong>the Holy Ghost on the day <strong>of</strong> Pentecost. Whenthey were all together, the sound as <strong>of</strong> a rushingmighty wind was heard, which filled the wholehouse wherein they were sitting, and tongues as<strong>of</strong> fire were seen, the tongues apportioned severally,but the fire one,19 which rested upon each,to kindle in all that eternal flame <strong>of</strong> charity which18 S. Iren. iv. C. 33, 7. avatcpivei roils ra (r%io7x,ara epya£op.4vovs, KeVousovras TTJS TOV 0eoG 07^775, /cat rb tSiov AwnTeA.es OVCOTTOWTOS, aAAatvuaiv TTJS e/c/cArjcrias' Kal Sta jiu/cpas Kal TU.S ttyoucras amas T& ptya KalTOV XpiffTOv re/j-vovras Kal Siaipovvras, Kal ftaov rb CTT' avrois avaipowras,TOI/S tlTvrv \a\ovvras Kal rbv, KOI rltv Kap.T)\ov Karairivovras.19 Acts ii. 3. w

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