Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries

Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries
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132 THE SECOND MAN VERIFIED IN HISTORY.collect and draw into itself out of all nations andranks of men those who should form the Church,that is, the Kingdom and Temple, and House, andBody, and Family of Christ. In it was to workand from it to go forth henceforward to all timethe virtue of Him who had assumed our flesh, nottransiently, but for ever; in the Head and theBody, through the life of His Spirit, Christ shouldfceach and bear for ever that witness to the truthof which He spoke in the hall of Pilate, and concerningwhich He said that "this gospel of thekingdom should be proclaimed through the wholeworld, for a witness to all nations, and then thatthe end should come."13 To the continuance, theindissolubility, the purity of this power He hasedged His word in such a way that they whodeny it must in doing so deny Him. He haseven made the unity of this Body the specialmark to men of the truth of His mission, beseechingHis Father in that last prayer, " Neitherpray I for these alone, but for those also whothrough their word shall believe in Me, that theyall may be one, as Thou, Father, art in Me, and Iin Thee, that they also may be one in Us, that theworld may believe that Thou hast sent Me."There are three analogies14 which illustrate this13 Matt. xxiv. 14.14 See Mokler, Die Einlieit i)i der Kirche, p. 176. " Der Korper dessnschen 1st eine Offenbarung des Geistes, der in ihm sein Dasein be-kundet, und sich entwickelt. Der Staat ist eine nothwendige Erscheinung,eine Bildung und Gestaltung des von Gott gegebenen KOI

THE SECOND MAN VERIFIED IN HISTORY.133creation of our Lord-a creation in itself as singularas His assumption of man's nature.Fir st, that of the relation between the soul andbody. The soul is the life of the body; the body,as it were, the mansion and home of the soul, itsbearer. Through the body the qualities of thesoul become visible and known; its powers exer-cise themselves, and personal unity so binds thetwo together that we love or hate, admire or despise,the one for the sake of the other ; the griefof the soul acts upon the body, the sickness ofthe body depresses the soul. Through the acts ofthe body we learn the very existence of the soul,and in these acts it portrays itself. Human naturehas been so made by its Creator that the qualitiesof soul and body, of spirit and matter, are imputedin the individual man to each other. Now to theBody we have been considering the Spirit of Christis, as it were, the soul. It is nothing strange, then,f it was His will to create such a Body, if itthe result of His Incarnation, that the like effectswhich exist in the case of every human soul andbody should take place here. To this Body alsothe power and virtue of its soul are communicated;and, since Christ by His Spirit animates it, in honouringit He is honoured; in despising it, He iidespised. There is an imparting to it of the qualities which He has ; and thus it is thtity, truth and charity dwell in it as thf His mind. Thus every man contains in

THE SECOND MAN VERIFIED IN HISTORY.133creation <strong>of</strong> our Lord-a creation in itself as singularas His assumption <strong>of</strong> man's nature.Fir st, that <strong>of</strong> the relation between the soul andbody. <strong>The</strong> soul is the life <strong>of</strong> the body; the body,as it were, the mansion and home <strong>of</strong> the soul, itsbearer. Through the body the qualities <strong>of</strong> thesoul become visible and known; its powers exer-cise themselves, and personal unity so binds thetwo together that we love or hate, admire or despise,the one for the sake <strong>of</strong> the other ; the grief<strong>of</strong> the soul acts upon the body, the sickness <strong>of</strong>the body depresses the soul. Through the acts <strong>of</strong>the body we learn the very existence <strong>of</strong> the soul,and in these acts it portrays itself. Human naturehas been so made by its Creator that the qualities<strong>of</strong> soul and body, <strong>of</strong> spirit and matter, are imputedin the individual man to each other. Now to theBody we have been considering the Spirit <strong>of</strong> Christis, as it were, the soul. It is nothing strange, then,f it was His will to create such a Body, if itthe result <strong>of</strong> His Incarnation, that the like effectswhich exist in the case <strong>of</strong> every human soul andbody should take place here. To this Body alsothe power and virtue <strong>of</strong> its soul are communicated;and, since Christ by His Spirit animates it, in honouringit He is honoured; in despising it, He iidespised. <strong>The</strong>re is an imparting to it <strong>of</strong> the qualities which He has ; and thus it is thtity, truth and charity dwell in it as thf His mind. Thus every man contains in

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