Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries

Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries
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126 THE SECOND MAN VERIFIED IN HISTORY.and to it alone, and belongs to it because it is animatedby the Spirit of Truth. And this animationis like the Head, the same yesterday, to-day, andfor ever. It is not of any past time more or lessthan of the present or the future. It is the illuminationwhich belongs to that whole last day,through which the Body of Christ grows, teaches,labours, and suffers, until the mortal day breakinto the light of eternity.His third gift to the Body is that of charity,and for the same reason, because He is this Himself.He who is not only the Unity of the Fatherand the Son, 7 but their mutual Love, * coming O as thegift of that Divine love which redeemed the worldby the sacrifice of its Maker, and as the Spirit ofthat Love, who invested Himself with human flesh,creates in this human dwelling-place that one cha-rity which bears His name, and is of His nature ,and which in that one body joins the wills of mentogether as His Truth joins their intellects. [If theBody of Christ has one prevailing charity, whichreaches to all its members, and encompasses theleast as well as the greatest, it is because the heartis divine.The fourth gift which He bestows upon theBody is sanctification, and it may be said to bethe result of the other three. This, again, is Hisown name and nature, and many have thoughtand said, His personal attribute, to make holy ;and that, as Fathership indicates the First Person,

THE SECOND MAN VERIFIED IX HISTORY.127and Sonship the Second, so the making holy namesthe Third, the bond of the most blessed Trinity.But this, at least, may be said to be the final causeof the body which He animates, the imparting ofholiness. In virtue of this gift, all the means andaids and rules of holiness are stored up in theBody. And this does not mean that there is nota continual falling away from the rule and practiceof holiness in particular members, but it meansthat while these, in spite of the Body's nurtureand solicitude, fall away from it and perish, theBody lasts for ever, the rules and aids and meansof holiness lasting for ever within it, because it isthe Body of the Spirit of holiness.Now these four gifts, Unity, Verity, Charity,and Sanctity, can none of them exist in the Bodywithout the other, and all of them exist togetherthere, because they have one divine root, that indwellingof the Holy Spirit which is the fruit ofthe Incarnation, and whereby the mystical Bodyof Christ corresponds to His natural Body. Ofthis Body the beginning is Unity, the substanceTruth, the bond Charity, the end Sanctity. Countlessheresies and schisms have sought to break upthe coinherence of these gifts, but in vain. Theonly success which the indwelling Spirit allowsthem is to detach from the Body those who areunworthy to remain in it, and to prolong for atime their maimed existence by some portion ofsome of His gifts. Truth, for instance, has such

THE SECOND MAN VERIFIED IX HISTORY.127and Sonship the Second, so the making holy namesthe Third, the bond <strong>of</strong> the most blessed Trinity.But this, at least, may be said to be the final cause<strong>of</strong> the body which He animates, the imparting <strong>of</strong>holiness. In virtue <strong>of</strong> this gift, all the means andaids and rules <strong>of</strong> holiness are stored up in theBody. And this does not mean that there is nota continual falling away from the rule and practice<strong>of</strong> holiness in particular members, but it meansthat while these, in spite <strong>of</strong> the Body's nurtureand solicitude, fall away from it and perish, theBody lasts for ever, the rules and aids and means<strong>of</strong> holiness lasting for ever within it, because it isthe Body <strong>of</strong> the Spirit <strong>of</strong> holiness.Now these four gifts, Unity, Verity, Charity,and Sanctity, can none <strong>of</strong> them exist in the Bodywithout the other, and all <strong>of</strong> them exist togetherthere, because they have one divine root, that indwelling<strong>of</strong> the Holy Spirit which is the fruit <strong>of</strong>the Incarnation, and whereby the mystical Body<strong>of</strong> Christ corresponds to His natural Body. Ofthis Body the beginning is Unity, the substanceTruth, the bond Charity, the end Sanctity. Countlessheresies and schisms have sought to break upthe coinherence <strong>of</strong> these gifts, but in vain. <strong>The</strong>only success which the indwelling Spirit allowsthem is to detach from the Body those who areunworthy to remain in it, and to prolong for atime their maimed existence by some portion <strong>of</strong>some <strong>of</strong> His gifts. Truth, for instance, has such

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