Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries

Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries
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116 THE SECOND MAN VERIFIED IN HISTORYwhole region of grace, and is coextensive witthe whole action of the Incarnate God upon menwhom He has taken to be His brethren. TheHoly Spirit in this Giving is He who representsthe Redeemer, and executes His will, not as aninstrument, not as one subordinate, but as thevery mind of Christ between whom and Christthere can far less enter any notion of division orseparation than between a man and his own spirit.He is that other Paraclete, abiding for ever, whoreplaces to the disciples the visible absence of thefirst Paraclete, the Redeemer Himself: He is thePower constituting the Kingdom of Christ ; theGodhead inhabiting His Temple ; the Soul animatingHis mystical Body ; the Charity, kindlinginto a living flame the heart of His Bride ; theCreator and Father of His Race.This connection between the Dispensation ofthe Son and the Giving of the Spirit was delineatedby our Lord himself when He first appearedto His assembled disciples after His resurrection.As they were gazing in wonder and trembling joyon that Body which had undergone His awful passion,as He showed them the wounds in His handsHis feet, He told them how His sufferingswere the fulfilment of all that in the Law, theProphets, and the Psalms had been written concerningHim. And thereupon it is said, He openedtheir mind to the understanding of these Scrip-tures. It was thus that the Christ was to suffer,

THE SECOND MAN VERIFIED IN HISTORY.117it was thus that He was to rise again on the thirday. Hitherto He has dwelt upon His own dispensation,as the fulfilment of all prophecy, nowHe proceeds to its fruit: that in the name of thisChrist repentance and remission of sins should beproclaimed to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem." And you," He says," are the witnesses of thesethings. And, behold, I send the promise of myFather upon you : but stay you in the city ofJerusalem until you be endued with power fromon high." Again, at another occasion of equalsolemnity, when He was with His assembled disciplesin visible form for the last time, at themoment preceding His ascension, He uses the sameemphatic words, charging them not to depart from.the city, but to await there that promise of theFather, the baptism in the Holy Ghost, which theywere to receive in common together, which wasto be the power in virtue of which they shouldbe His witnesses for all time unto the ends of theearth : the power which instead of restoring alocal kino;dom O to Israel, / as was in their thoughts Owhen they questioned Him, was to create an universal* kingdom to Him in the hearts of men.It is then as the result of His passion, and thetoken of His resurrection, that the Son sendsdown upon His disciples the promise of the Father,that is, the perpetual presence of the Spiritf the Father and the Son, the Spiritd Grace, that permanent and immanent pow

THE SECOND MAN VERIFIED IN HISTORY.117it was thus that He was to rise again on the thirday. Hitherto He has dwelt upon His own dispensation,as the fulfilment <strong>of</strong> all prophecy, nowHe proceeds to its fruit: that in the name <strong>of</strong> thisChrist repentance and remission <strong>of</strong> sins should beproclaimed to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem." And you," He says," are the witnesses <strong>of</strong> thesethings. And, behold, I send the promise <strong>of</strong> myFather upon you : but stay you in the city <strong>of</strong>Jerusalem until you be endued with power fromon high." Again, at another occasion <strong>of</strong> equalsolemnity, when He was with His assembled disciplesin visible form for the last time, at themoment preceding His ascension, He uses the sameemphatic words, charging them not to depart from.the city, but to await there that promise <strong>of</strong> theFather, the baptism in the Holy Ghost, which theywere to receive in common together, which wasto be the power in virtue <strong>of</strong> which they shouldbe His witnesses for all time unto the ends <strong>of</strong> theearth : the power which instead <strong>of</strong> restoring alocal kino;dom O to Israel, / as was in their thoughts Owhen they questioned Him, was to create an universal* kingdom to Him in the hearts <strong>of</strong> men.It is then as the result <strong>of</strong> His passion, and thetoken <strong>of</strong> His resurrection, that the Son sendsdown upon His disciples the promise <strong>of</strong> the Father,that is, the perpetual presence <strong>of</strong> the Spiritf the Father and the Son, the Spiritd Grace, that permanent and immanent pow

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