Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries

Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries
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114 THE FIRST AND THE SECOND MAN.whereby becoming man, and leaving His Fatherand His Mother.43 He would cleave to the wifeHe so took, the human nature which in redeemingHe espoused. This, and no other, was thereason why Eve was formed out of Adam. It isthe beginning of the divine plan, which is coherentthroughout, which was designed in the state of in-nocency, which remains intended through the stateof guilt, which is unfolded in the state of grace £L -i. f^W/X*/*which is completed in the state of glory, whenwhat that forming of Eve from the side of Adam,and of the Church from the side of her Lord, whatthat growth through thousands of years, throughmultitudinous conflicts, through unspeakable sorrows,through immeasurable triumphs, shall finallyissue in, shall be seen by those whom the SecondAdam has made worthy of that vision, and bywhom it is seen enjoyed.43 See Origen on Matt. xiv. 17. KOI 6 Kriffas ye O.TT apxrjs riv KO.TiK6va fa ev /ioppf; 0eoC inrdpx^v ap*pKO.T eiKOva afuporepois xapiffdiJ.ti'os' Kal KaraXeXoitre 76 8ia TT\V^KKXriaiav Kvpios b avbp irarepa I §v eupa. Sre ev wood??? f A Qeov urrwpYe, r w Kara-AeAotTre 8e Kal rty ,U7?T6pa Kal avrbs vlbs &v rrjs &vta'lfov(raX^fM, Kale'/coAArj(?T/ Tj7 evravOa Karaireaovar) ywaiKi avrov, Kal fyey6va

CHAPTERIX.THE SECOND MAN VERIFIEDIN HISTORY." Magnum principium, et regni ejus non erit finis. Deus fortis, doini-nator, princeps pacis."IN order to complete the view taken in the pre-ceding chapter of the work of Christ as the secondAdam over against the work of the first Adam,is necessary to dwell at greater length upona point of which only cursory mention was madetherein. It was our object there to bring outthe relation of Christ to the Church, but thiscannot be done without fully exhibiting the relationto the same Church of the Holy Spirit. Tothe Incarnation the Fathers in general give thetitle of the Dispensation of the Son, and as theequivalent, the result, the complement and crownof this Dispensation, they put the Giving of theSpirit.1 This Giving of the Spirit occupies the1 As S. Irenaeus, v. 20. " Omnibus unuin mmdeni aisnositionemm donationemp. 307 f. " Ecce iterum humanis divina miscentur, id est, Vicarius Ee-demtoris: ut beneficia qua* Salvator Dominus inchoavit peculiari SpiritusSancti virtute consummet, et quod ille redemit, iste sanctificet, quod illeacquisivit, iste custodiat." This striking sermon is quoted by Petaviusines m

CHAPTERIX.THE SECOND MAN VERIFIEDIN HISTORY." Magnum principium, et regni ejus non erit finis. Deus fortis, doini-nator, princeps pacis."IN order to complete the view taken in the pre-ceding chapter <strong>of</strong> the work <strong>of</strong> Christ as the secondAdam over against the work <strong>of</strong> the first Adam,is necessary to dwell at greater length upona point <strong>of</strong> which only cursory mention was madetherein. It was our object there to bring outthe relation <strong>of</strong> Christ to the Church, but thiscannot be done without fully exhibiting the relationto the same Church <strong>of</strong> the Holy Spirit. Tothe Incarnation the Fathers in general give thetitle <strong>of</strong> the Dispensation <strong>of</strong> the Son, and as theequivalent, the result, the complement and crown<strong>of</strong> this Dispensation, they put the Giving <strong>of</strong> theSpirit.1 This Giving <strong>of</strong> the Spirit occupies the1 As S. Irenaeus, v. 20. " Omnibus unuin mmdeni aisnositionemm donationemp. 307 f. " Ecce iterum humanis divina miscentur, id est, Vicarius Ee-demtoris: ut beneficia qua* Salvator Dominus inchoavit peculiari SpiritusSancti virtute consummet, et quod ille redemit, iste sanctificet, quod illeacquisivit, iste custodiat." This striking sermon is quoted by Petaviusines m

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