Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries

Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries
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92 THE FIRST AND THE SECOND MAN.Bridegroom as originating it, and then on thepart of the Bride as responding to it. But noless does the unity of person in the Bride, givenby S. John as well as by S. Paul, indicate in theChurch something quite distinct from the individualswho compose her. For she is the patternof the faithful wife in that she is subject toChrist ; and in these words a fact is stated,24 afact without limit of place or time, which thereforemarks that she who is so described can never»at any time be separated from the fidelity andlove due from her to her Head and Husband.And this is not true of the individual souls belongingto her, for they, having been once faithfulmembers of the body, may fall away and be finallylost. The Bride alone is subject to Christ witha never-failing subjection. And He on His partloves her as His own flesh, a union of the twoloves of the Head for the Body, and of the Bridegroomfor the Bride, which is true with regardto Him of the Church alone, since individualswithin her He may cast off, but her alone Hecherishes and fosters for ever. It is indefectibleunion and unbroken charity with Him which herquality of Bride conveys.5. And out of this wedded union by that greatsacrament concerning Christ and the Church, ofwhich in the same passage S. Paul speaks, thatthey two shall be one flesh, springs the whole race ,24 Passaglia de Ecclesia.

THE FIRST AND THE SECOND MAN.93in the generation of whom is most completely verifiedhis title of the Second Adam. From the wombof the Church, become from a Bride the Mother ofall living, the Father of the age to come bears thatchosen race, and royal priesthood, and holy nation,and purchased people. And here we see expressedwith great force the truth that all who belong tothe Father's supernatural race must come by theMother. Her office of parent is here set forth ; asher fidelity and intense affection shine in the titleof the Bride, as her union, submission, and unfailingreception of life in her title of Body, so in thetitle of Mother all the saved are borne to Christby her, as S. Cyprian25 drew the conclusion, " hecannot have God for his father who has not theChurchfor his mother."n all this we see the five26 great loves firstshown by God to man, then returned by man toGod; the love of the Saviour, redeeming captives,and out of these forming O His kingdom; o" the loveof the friend, who is God, sanctifying those whomHe redeems into one temple ; the love which Heanted in man for self-preservation, sincethat which He so redeems and sanctifies He hasmade His own body; the love which He has givento the bridegroom for the bride, since it is theBride of the Lamb who is so adorned; and the love25 S. Cyprian de Unitate, 5.26 All these five relations between Christ and the Church are mentionedin one passage of S. Paul, Ephes. v. 22-33.

92 THE FIRST AND THE SECOND MAN.Bridegroom as originating it, and then on thepart <strong>of</strong> the Bride as responding to it. But noless does the unity <strong>of</strong> person in the Bride, givenby S. John as well as by S. Paul, indicate in theChurch something quite distinct from the individualswho compose her. For she is the pattern<strong>of</strong> the faithful wife in that she is subject toChrist ; and in these words a fact is stated,24 afact without limit <strong>of</strong> place or time, which thereforemarks that she who is so described can never»at any time be separated from the fidelity andlove due from her to her Head and Husband.And this is not true <strong>of</strong> the individual souls belongingto her, for they, having been once faithfulmembers <strong>of</strong> the body, may fall away and be finallylost. <strong>The</strong> Bride alone is subject to Christ witha never-failing subjection. And He on His partloves her as His own flesh, a union <strong>of</strong> the twoloves <strong>of</strong> the Head for the Body, and <strong>of</strong> the Bridegroomfor the Bride, which is true with regardto Him <strong>of</strong> the Church alone, since individualswithin her He may cast <strong>of</strong>f, but her alone Hecherishes and fosters for ever. It is indefectibleunion and unbroken charity with Him which herquality <strong>of</strong> Bride conveys.5. And out <strong>of</strong> this wedded union by that greatsacrament concerning Christ and the Church, <strong>of</strong>which in the same passage S. Paul speaks, thatthey two shall be one flesh, springs the whole race ,24 Passaglia de Ecclesia.

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