The Comfort Of God - Bible Witness

The Comfort Of God - Bible Witness

The Comfort Of God - Bible Witness

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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Comfort</strong> of <strong>God</strong>would put the blame of the loss of her belovedson on me. I was even very worried that shewould not agree to a Christian funeral formy husband, as we are the first generationChristians in both of our families. But allpraise and thanks to the Lord who caused a‘miracle’. Upon the death of my husband, Ihad the full support from both of our familymembers to request a Christian funeral for myhusband. Our Almighty <strong>God</strong> also transformedmy mother-in-law to a caring mother to me.Praise the Lord. I am praying to the Lord for hersalvation as well as other family members asthey occasionally come with me to the churchto hear the Word of <strong>God</strong>.Our Lord Jesus is aHusband to the WidowOur <strong>God</strong> is a comforter as well as a patient andcareful husband to me. <strong>The</strong> <strong>Bible</strong> tells us thatour Lord Jesus will look after the widow like ahusband, and the fatherless like a father. “<strong>The</strong>LORD preserveth the strangers; he relieveth thefatherless and widow” (Psalm 146:9). He givesprotection to me (cf. Psalms 23 and 25).He cared for me and helped me in the handlingof my emotions during my most difficult timesas I went through the pain of the loss of myhusband. <strong>The</strong> loss of my husband makes mefeel very handicapped, with a broken heart andwithout the right arm. Emotionally, I was totallydepressed. <strong>The</strong> feeling of insecurity made meextremely frightened. I told my sons not to letanyone know that they had lost their father.I was so afraid that people would harm us,disturb us or bully us. I was so nervous whenthe quietness of night came. I became verysensitive over any sound, even the sound ofneighbours walking past my home.I also struggled with the operation of thebusiness that my late husband left behind.Again, the Lord grants me the help I neededand therefore I was able to run it smoothly andthus providing for my family’s financial needs.Frankly, I am not familiar with this business.But the Lord has helped me hitherto.<strong>The</strong> hymn, “No One Ever Cared for Me LikeJesus” is truly my testimony. This hymn hascomforted me for the past two and a half years.Our patient, caring and careful <strong>God</strong> comfortsme through the messages and many wonderfulhymns.He walks with me at my pace, one step at a time,day by day, twenty-four hours a day. He makesme know that I have a most powerful Husband;so no one can ever harm me. Everyday, He givesme new assurance. My faith grows by His graceand assurances to me.Our Lord Jesus is a Counsellor,a Father to the FatherlessNurturing three sons is not an easy task. I feltlost because I did not know whether I shouldbe in the role of a father or a mother. I amused to being a mother. <strong>The</strong> role of a fatheris totally new to me. As I was wondering howto provide fatherly love to my children, Psalm68:5 became a great comfort and assurance- “A father of the fatherless, and a judge of thewidows, is <strong>God</strong> in his holy habitation.”<strong>The</strong>refore, I prayed day and night, even whenI talked and shared my difficulties with mythree sons. When I counselled and disciplinedthem, I prayed to our merciful Father. He ismy <strong>God</strong> who never failed me. He softened thechildren’s hearts and made it easier for me totalk to them.While I prayed, He sent his servant, our pastor,to enlighten me on my duty as the parent tomy children. Praise the Lord! I go through many<strong>Bible</strong> <strong>Witness</strong> 19

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