1756-RM001B-EN-P, Using ControlLogix in SIL2 ... - Tuv-fs.com

1756-RM001B-EN-P, Using ControlLogix in SIL2 ... - Tuv-fs.com 1756-RM001B-EN-P, Using ControlLogix in SIL2 ... - Tuv-fs.com


6-10 ControlLogix I/O ModulesWiring ControlLogix DigitalOutput ModulesDiagnostic Digital Output ModulesDiagnostic output modules have advanced circuitry that is notincluded in standard output modules. Because of the advanceddesign, users are not required to use an input module to monitoroutput status, as is required with standard output modules.Diagnostic Output modules can be used as-is in a SIL2 application (inother words, no special wiring considerations need be employedother than the wiring of the external relay to remove line power fromthe module in the event of a fault to make sure outputs willde-energize if shorted).In addition to following the General Considerations when using AnyControlLogix Digital Output Module on page 6-8, the user mustperform a Pulse Test on each output periodically to make sure that theoutput is capable of changing state. Automatic diagnostic testing ofoutput modules should be made at intervals that are an order ofmagnitude less than the demand rate. For example, pulse testingshould be scheduled at least once a month for a low demandsystem and at least once hour for a high demand system.For more information on performing the pulse test, see theControlLogix Digital I/O Modules User Manual, publication1756-UM058.Users should also make sure they always use a direct connection withdiagnostic output modules located in remote chassis.Figure 6.7 ControlLogix Diagnostic Output Module WiringV-/L2V+/L2V+/L1This relay is controlled bythe rest of the ControlLogixsystem. If a short circuit orfault occurs on the module,the relay can disconnectpower to the module.OutputActuatorAlso, this relay can be wiredto disconnect power tomultiple modules.43365Publication 1756-RM001B-EN-P - October 2003

ControlLogix I/O Modules 6-11Standard Digital Output ModulesWhen using standard (also known as non-diagnostic) output modules,users must wire an output to an actuator and then back to an input tomonitor the output’s performance. The user can write the appropriatelogic to test the output’s ability to turn ON and OFF at power-up, or,at the proof test interval (see page 1-5), the user can force the outputON and OFF and use a voltmeter to verify output performance.Automatic testing of output modules (i.e. the user turns the outputsON and OFF to verify proper operation) should be made at intervalsthat are an order of magnitude less than the demand rate. Forexample, output testing should be scheduled at least once a monthfor a low demand system and at least once an hour for a highdemand system.In addition to following the General Considerations when using AnyControlLogix Digital Output Module on page 6-8, the user must wireeach standard output to a corresponding input to validate that theoutput is following its commanded state.Figure 6.8 ControlLogix Standard Output Module WiringStandard IsolatedOutput ModuleStandard IsolatedInput ModuleV-/L2V+/L1V+/L1Wire output pointto input point toverify the correctstate of the outputInputThis relay is controlled by anotheroutput in the ControlLogix system. If ashort circuit or fault occurs on outputmodules, the relay can disconnectpower to the modules.OutputActuatorV-/L2Also, this relay can be wired todisconnect power to multiple modules.43363Publication 1756-RM001B-EN-P - October 2003

6-10 <strong>ControlLogix</strong> I/O ModulesWir<strong>in</strong>g <strong>ControlLogix</strong> DigitalOutput ModulesDiagnostic Digital Output ModulesDiagnostic output modules have advanced circuitry that is not<strong>in</strong>cluded <strong>in</strong> standard output modules. Because of the advanceddesign, users are not required to use an <strong>in</strong>put module to monitoroutput status, as is required with standard output modules.Diagnostic Output modules can be used as-is <strong>in</strong> a <strong>SIL2</strong> application (<strong>in</strong>other words, no special wir<strong>in</strong>g considerations need be employedother than the wir<strong>in</strong>g of the external relay to remove l<strong>in</strong>e power fromthe module <strong>in</strong> the event of a fault to make sure outputs willde-energize if shorted).In addition to follow<strong>in</strong>g the General Considerations when us<strong>in</strong>g Any<strong>ControlLogix</strong> Digital Output Module on page 6-8, the user mustperform a Pulse Test on each output periodically to make sure that theoutput is capable of chang<strong>in</strong>g state. Automatic diagnostic test<strong>in</strong>g ofoutput modules should be made at <strong>in</strong>tervals that are an order ofmagnitude less than the demand rate. For example, pulse test<strong>in</strong>gshould be scheduled at least once a month for a low demandsystem and at least once hour for a high demand system.For more <strong>in</strong>formation on perform<strong>in</strong>g the pulse test, see the<strong>ControlLogix</strong> Digital I/O Modules User Manual, publication<strong>1756</strong>-UM058.Users should also make sure they always use a direct connection withdiagnostic output modules located <strong>in</strong> remote chassis.Figure 6.7 <strong>ControlLogix</strong> Diagnostic Output Module Wir<strong>in</strong>gV-/L2V+/L2V+/L1This relay is controlled bythe rest of the <strong>ControlLogix</strong>system. If a short circuit orfault occurs on the module,the relay can disconnectpower to the module.OutputActuatorAlso, this relay can be wiredto disconnect power tomultiple modules.43365Publication <strong>1756</strong>-<strong>RM001B</strong>-<strong>EN</strong>-P - October 2003

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