1756-RM001B-EN-P, Using ControlLogix in SIL2 ... - Tuv-fs.com

1756-RM001B-EN-P, Using ControlLogix in SIL2 ... - Tuv-fs.com 1756-RM001B-EN-P, Using ControlLogix in SIL2 ... - Tuv-fs.com


6-8 ControlLogix I/O ModulesGeneral Considerations when using Any ControlLogix DigitalOutput ModuleWiring the two types of digital output modules differs, depending onyour application requirements (these wiring methods are explained indetail in later sections). However, regardless of the type ofControlLogix output module used, there are a number of generalapplication considerations that you must follow when applying thesemodules in a SIL2 application:• Proof Tests - Periodically (for example, once every severalyears) a System Validation test must be performed. Manually, orautomatically, test outputs to make sure that all outputs areoperational and not stuck in the ON or OFF state. Outputs mustbe cycled from ON to OFF or OFF to ON. For additionalinformation on Proof Tests, see page 1-5 and Figure 9.1 onpage 9-5.• Examination of Output Data Echo signal in Applicationlogic: The application logic must examine the Data Echo valueassociated with each output point to make sure that therequested On/Off command from the controller was received bythe module.In the rungs below, a timer begins to increment for anymiscompare between the actual output bit and its associatedData Echo bit. The timer must be preset to accommodate thedelay between setting the output bit in controller memory andreceipt of the Data Echo from the module. If a miscompareexists for longer than that time, a fault is reported.Figure 6.6Application LogicActuatorOutput BitData EchoTimerOutput BitData EchoTimer doneFaultFaultAlarm to OperatorPublication 1756-RM001B-EN-P - October 2003

ControlLogix I/O Modules 6-9The control, diagnostics and alarming functions must beperformed in sequence. For more information on faults, seeChapter 7, Faults in the ControlLogix System.• Use of external Relays to disconnect Module Power ifOutput De-energization is Critical: To make sure outputs willde-energize, users must wire an external relay that can removepower from the output module if a short or other fault isdetected. See Figure 6.7 on page 6-10 for an example method ofwiring an external relay.• Test outputs at specific times to make sure they areoperating properly. The method and frequency of testing isdetermined by the type of module–diagnostic or standard. Formore information on testing diagnostic module outputs, seepage 6-10. For more information on testing standard moduleoutputs, see page 6-11.• For typical emergency shutdown (ESD) applicationsoutputs must be configured to De-energize: Whenconfiguring any ControlLogix output module, each output mustbe configured to de-energize in the event of a fault and in theevent of the controller going into program mode. For exceptionsto the typical ESD applications, see Chapter 1, SIL Policy.• When wiring two digital output modules in series so that onemay break source voltage (as shown in Figure 6.10 onpage 6-12), make sure:– Both modules use identical configuration.– The same controller owns both modules.Publication 1756-RM001B-EN-P - October 2003

6-8 <strong>ControlLogix</strong> I/O ModulesGeneral Considerations when us<strong>in</strong>g Any <strong>ControlLogix</strong> DigitalOutput ModuleWir<strong>in</strong>g the two types of digital output modules differs, depend<strong>in</strong>g onyour application requirements (these wir<strong>in</strong>g methods are expla<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong>detail <strong>in</strong> later sections). However, regardless of the type of<strong>ControlLogix</strong> output module used, there are a number of generalapplication considerations that you must follow when apply<strong>in</strong>g thesemodules <strong>in</strong> a <strong>SIL2</strong> application:• Proof Tests - Periodically (for example, once every severalyears) a System Validation test must be performed. Manually, orautomatically, test outputs to make sure that all outputs areoperational and not stuck <strong>in</strong> the ON or OFF state. Outputs mustbe cycled from ON to OFF or OFF to ON. For additional<strong>in</strong>formation on Proof Tests, see page 1-5 and Figure 9.1 onpage 9-5.• Exam<strong>in</strong>ation of Output Data Echo signal <strong>in</strong> Applicationlogic: The application logic must exam<strong>in</strong>e the Data Echo valueassociated with each output po<strong>in</strong>t to make sure that therequested On/Off <strong>com</strong>mand from the controller was received bythe module.In the rungs below, a timer beg<strong>in</strong>s to <strong>in</strong>crement for anymis<strong>com</strong>pare between the actual output bit and its associatedData Echo bit. The timer must be preset to ac<strong>com</strong>modate thedelay between sett<strong>in</strong>g the output bit <strong>in</strong> controller memory andreceipt of the Data Echo from the module. If a mis<strong>com</strong>pareexists for longer than that time, a fault is reported.Figure 6.6Application LogicActuatorOutput BitData EchoTimerOutput BitData EchoTimer doneFaultFaultAlarm to OperatorPublication <strong>1756</strong>-<strong>RM001B</strong>-<strong>EN</strong>-P - October 2003

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