2012 Cross Country Yearbook - Indiana State University Athletics

2012 Cross Country Yearbook - Indiana State University Athletics

2012 Cross Country Yearbook - Indiana State University Athletics

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<strong>Indiana</strong> <strong>State</strong> Women’s <strong>Cross</strong> <strong>Country</strong>Before ISU – Competed in track & Field all four years atBloomington High School … also competed in diving two years andcheerleading three years … named 2009 All-<strong>State</strong> in triple jump,high jump, 100 hurdles, and 300 hurdles … named 2010 All-<strong>State</strong>in triple jump, long jump, high jump, and 100 hurdles … team wasrunner-up at 2010 2A IHSA state championships ... named teamMost Valuable Player in 2009 and 2010 … set school records inhigh jump, triple jump, and 100 hurdles.Personal – Kelly Ann Steffen was born on March 13, 1992, inBloomington, Ill., the daughter of Mitch and Annmarie Steffen …majoring in Math Educaon at <strong>Indiana</strong> <strong>State</strong> with plans to becomea math teacher and coach … member ISU Honors Program …interests include sports, friends, pool, family, and vacaon … sister,Paige, is a member of the track & field team at Drake <strong>University</strong>.KYLEE THACKER5’-2”JuniorDistanceBrazil, Ind.Northview High School<strong>Cross</strong> <strong>Country</strong> –2011 – Ran season best 5K me of19:06 at the Notre Dame Invitaonal,placing 60th … ran 19:20 at <strong>Indiana</strong>Intercollegiates, placing 40th.2010 – Placed 38th at MVCChampionships (19:01) and 38th at <strong>Indiana</strong> Intercollegiates (19:07)… finished 49 h at Notre Dame Invitaonal (18:56) … placed 134that Great Lakes Regional (23:11).2009 – Finished 20th at Bradley Open (19:55) … placed 86th at<strong>Indiana</strong> Intercollegiates (20:39.1), 61st at MVC Championships(21:09), and 168th at Great Lakes Region (24:22.72).Indoor Track & Field –<strong>2012</strong> – Did not compete.2011 – Competed in 3,000 and 5,000 meters … ran personal best18:15.79 in 5,000 meters at Grand Valley Big Meet.2010 – Competed in mile, 3,000 meters, and 5,000 meters … hadpersonal best mes of 5:23.86 in mile (EIU Friday Night Special),10:30.93 in 3,000 meters (Meyo Invitaonal), and 18:16.99 in5,000 meters (Iowa <strong>State</strong> Classic).Outdoor Track & Field –<strong>2012</strong> – Did not compete.2011 - Ran a personal best 4:56.53 in 1,500 meters, 18:20.00 in5,000 meters, and 38:26.02 in 10,000 meters … placed 13th in10,000 meters at MVC Championships2010 – Competed in 1,500, 3,000, and 5,000 meters … ran personalbest 5:02.97 in 1,500 meters at Tom Bos Invitaonal, 10:51.44 in3,000 meters at Sea Ray Relays, and 18:45.13 in 5,000 meters atEIU Quadrangular.Before ISU – Leered in cross country three years, track four yearsand cheerleading four years … was MVP in both cross countrySycamore <strong>Cross</strong> <strong>Country</strong> <strong>2012</strong> <strong>Yearbook</strong>and track … set school records in the 4K (15:48) and 3200 meters(11:20) … was All-Conference in cross country three years and intrack two years.Personal – Kylee Mae Thacker was born on June 15, 1990 in TerreHaute, Ind., the daughter of Tim and Della Thacker … majoringin English at <strong>Indiana</strong> <strong>State</strong> with a minor in French … plans topursue Doctorate and become college professor … interestsinclude reading, running and hanging out with family and friends… member mulple honor sociees at <strong>Indiana</strong> <strong>State</strong> … SAACrepresentave and secretary … student-athlete mentor … PfennigScholar.JESSICA WALDREN5’-5”FreshmanMiddle Distance<strong>Indiana</strong>polis, Ind.Ben Davis High SchoolBefore ISU – Transferred to <strong>Indiana</strong><strong>State</strong> from Rose-Hulman Instute ofTechnology where she competed onthe <strong>2012</strong> conference champion indoorand outdoor teams … competed intrack & field and cheerleading all fouryears at Ben Davis High School … was member of 4x800 meterrelay team that placed ninth at the 2011 state finals with one ofthe top five mes in school history.Personal – Jessica (Jess) Marie Waldren was born on Oct. 28, 1992,in <strong>Indiana</strong>polis, Ind., the daughter of Rob and Donna Waldren …majoring in Mathemacs/Math Educaon at <strong>Indiana</strong> <strong>State</strong> withplans to aend graduate school … interests include running,shopping, craing, and cheering … member Chi Omega … brother,Rob, played soccer at Hanover College.HOLLI WALKER5’-3”FreshmanDistancePeru, Ind.Maconaquah High SchoolBefore ISU –Leered four years in cross country,four years in swimming, and fouryears in track & field at MaconaquahHigh School … named most improvedrunner … received Sean Alred MentalAtude Award … set indoor pole vault record.NoPictureAvailablePersonal –Holli Noel Walker was born on Dec. 14, 1993, in Peru, Ind., thedaughter of Patricia and Daniel Hawkins … majoring in Criminologyat <strong>Indiana</strong> <strong>State</strong> … interests include listening to music, swimming,singing, and dancing.Page C21

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