ATP equipment for historic rolling stock - irse.nl

ATP equipment for historic rolling stock - irse.nl

ATP equipment for historic rolling stock - irse.nl

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ATBe in <strong>historic</strong> trainsVisit IRSE members 11 june 2011

Contents• Welcome• Introduction to ATB• Introduction to ATBe• Implementation of ATBe in trains VSM• Visit to workshop11 june 2011 ATBe in steam locomotive’s

ATB - AutomatischeTreinBeïnvloeding - 1• Current Dutch signalling system gives allowed speed at acertain location• Until introduction of ATB: no protection of obeying thisspeed limit by the driver• Several (severe) incidents occured. Harmelen incident(1962, 92 casualties)) speed up the already ongoingdevelopment and introduction• Currently, all main line’s in the Netherlands are coveredwith ATB.11 june 2011 ATBe in steam locomotive’s

ATB - AutomatischeTreinBeïnvloeding - 211 june 2011 ATBe in steam locomotive’s

ATB - AutomatischeTreinBeïnvloeding - 3• ATB compares allowed speed and actual speed• ATB warns as soon as actual speed exceeds allowed speed• ATB guards reaction by driver• ATB initiates emergency brake when driver fails to react• Implemented in two versions:a. ATB EG: via track current, static speed profileb. ATB NG: via balise, brake curve11 june 2011 ATBe in steam locomotive’s

ATBEGworking principle - 111 june 2011 ATBe in steam locomotive’s

ATBEGworking principle - 211 june 2011 ATBe in steam locomotive’s

ATB <strong>equipment</strong>3/411 june 2011 ATBe in steam locomotive’s

ATB-VvSpeed• No guarding below 40 km/u• Several incidents passing a Red signal• Introduction ATB Vv• Introducing brake curve <strong>for</strong> a set of signals with aspect Red• Beacons indicating ‘stop’ or ‘no stop’ at fixed position infront of signal and optionally a release loop.Distance11 june 2011 ATBe in steam locomotive’s

Towards ATB eenvoudig:ATBe• After introduction of ATB, some classes of <strong>rolling</strong> <strong>stock</strong> werenot equiped (maintenance <strong>stock</strong> and <strong>historic</strong> collections)• Development of “low cost” FPGA/DSP-based hardware andappropriate software• Simplification of a ‘standard’ ATB system (i.e. mai<strong>nl</strong>y: nocab display) lower safety level lower system cost• Introduction of 2-stage intervention:a. siren (oportunity <strong>for</strong> driver to initiate brake to standstill)b. in case of no or insufficient reaction: emergency brake(opening brake pipe)11 june 2011 ATBe in steam locomotive’s

ATBe system overview+”JRU”11 june 2011 ATBe in steam locomotive’s

ATBe installationspecialities• Speed indication• Siren to indicate emergency brake• Traction cut off on steam loco’s• Detection of & switching from and to non-leading• Instable power supply addition of UPS11 june 2011 ATBe in steam locomotive’s

Process ATBe installation• Engineering, in parallel building in<strong>for</strong>mation file• Installation, in parallel building in<strong>for</strong>mation file• Commissioning• Assessment by Designated Body• Documentation (manual, defects guide)• Instruction drivers• Admission by National Body11 june 2011 ATBe in steam locomotive’s

Experiences ATBe - 1• Some teething problems in installation• Some operation problems due to unfamiliarity• Some “Geelvallers” (short disruptions in code), leading tonon-revokable brake command given design of ATBe• But futher … no real problems.• Actually …11 june 2011 ATBe in steam locomotive’s

Experiences ATBe - 2• On 30 may 2010 driver reported an unexpectedspontanious emergency brake• He insisted to be certain to have had a signal not showingRed• Investigating JRU …Standstill Signal notredEmergencybrake11 june 2011 ATBe in steam locomotive’s

Experiences ATBe - 245Snelheid versus tijd (discontinu)Baken 1 StartingreepRemdetectie10409358307625520415105000:05:0100:05:0100:05:0100:05:0100:05:0100:05:0100:05:0100:05:0100:05:0100:05:0100:05:0100:05:0100:05:0100:05:0100:05:0100:05:01Snelheid [km/3210Tijd [s]11 june 2011 ATBe in steam locomotive’sRem Snelheid [km/h] ATB-code

Experiences ATBe - 3• … revealed:• after evaluating where the brake curve started• an ATB Vv beacon where it should not be11 june 2011 ATBe in steam locomotive’s

Veluwsche Stoomtrein Mij.Dorpstraat 1407361 AZ Beekbergen+31 55 506 1989www.stoomtrein.org

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