March - April - United Mine Workers of America

March - April - United Mine Workers of America

March - April - United Mine Workers of America

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to slave wages. In Pennsylvania, there’sright-to-work legislation being debated.The governor has slashed publiceducation and higher education,all the things that keep the middleclass alive, while giving tax cuts tobig business.“This won’t end with the publicsector; it will move to the privatesector,” Mullooly warned. “Thanks tothe Citizens <strong>United</strong> case, unlimitedfunds are now going into elections.They know we can’t match themdollar for dollar; all we can do is putmore boots on the ground.“In this fight, the union has tobe the head <strong>of</strong> the spear,” Mulloolysaid. “We have to fight for what othersfought and died for, and last one daylonger than they do. And not just forus. If we don’t stand up for the teachers,who’s going to stand up for us?”a danger facing all <strong>of</strong> usA recent New York Times-CBS pollshows that <strong>America</strong>ns oppose effortsto weaken the collective bargainingrights <strong>of</strong> public employee unions bya nearly 2–1 margin. And more andmore, they are willing to stand upand say so.“People are looking at what’s goingon and saying, ‘This is a struggleI want to be a part <strong>of</strong>,’”said PresidentRoberts. “Every week, thousandsmore are on the march, fighting topreserve their rights.”With this kind <strong>of</strong> public support,it’s easy to see how the labor movementhas been newly energized totake back our country.“Budget deficits are just anexcuse,” said Craig Thompson, a l.U.8923 member who works in the ElkCounty, Pa., prison. “They really wantto get rid <strong>of</strong> the unions. We shoulddo as much as we can to support theunions in all these states, because if itworks there, it will help all <strong>of</strong> us.”For coalminers, the attackon publicworkers hasimmediate implications.Withthe NationalBituminousCoal WageCraig Thompson,L.U. 8923Agreement due to expire at the end<strong>of</strong> this year, we can be sure that coalemployers are looking closely atthe national debate over pensions,and may shape their bargainingstance accordingly.“these busInessesDon’t want usweakeneD—theywant us elImInateD.”“I’m going to do all I can toreach a fair agreement with the companies,”President Roberts said. “Butwe may not be able to get that donebefore the contract expires. And thenwhat? If anyone thinks that the argumentsand tactics that are being usedagainst the public employees won’tbe used against us in some form,they need to think again. Count onit: We’re next.“This ‘balancing the budget’argument is bogus,” Roberts said.“The politicians who are screamingfor spending cuts are the same guyswho give their wealthy donors everytax cut they can find.“You know, if the rich paid taxesat the same rate as they did duringthe Eisenhower administration,our national debt would be gone,”Roberts said. “And that was the time<strong>of</strong> the greatest long-term period <strong>of</strong>economic prosperity in <strong>United</strong> Stateshistory. And there were still plenty<strong>of</strong> millionaires and billionaires then,DAVID KAMERASthey were just more willing to paytheir fair share to help their countrythan they are now.”this is everyone’s fightSo what should union members do?“All public employees, and all privateemployees, are going to be affectedwithout the intervention <strong>of</strong> unions,”said Alan Bertram, a l.U. 616 corrections<strong>of</strong>ficer in Cambria County, Pa.“Over the years, union rights havecontinued to dwindle in this country.If Wisconsin sets a precedent, theattacks are going to travel all overthe country, and I don’t thinkthat’s good forworking people.”“Workingpeople have tostick together,”added Secretary-Treasurer Kane. “Itis my firm opinionthat we have to goAlan Bertram,L.U. 616back on the attack. We belong tothe most militant labor organizationin the world, and I am determinedthat we’re going to stay that way.In solidarity with our fellowunionists, we are one, and weare everywhere.”“At lattimer, ludlow, Matewan,Blair Mountain and elsewhere,members <strong>of</strong> the UMWA and ourfamilies have been the victims <strong>of</strong> theexcesses <strong>of</strong> powerful elitists like theKoch brothers and their politicalallies,” said President Roberts.“We fought back, we perseveredand we won.“Today, we stand ready to assistour brothers and sisters in sin, Indiana, Ohio and anywhereWisconelsein our country in any way wecan as they embark on their ownfight to win back their rightsas <strong>America</strong>ns,” Roberts said.“Their fight is our fight.” DAVID KAMERAS8 <strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> 2011 • <strong>United</strong> <strong>Mine</strong> <strong>Workers</strong> Journal

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