Nostromo - A Tale of the Seaboard.pdf - Planet eBook

Nostromo - A Tale of the Seaboard.pdf - Planet eBook

Nostromo - A Tale of the Seaboard.pdf - Planet eBook

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Mrs. Gould sat up, opening her eyes very wide.‘What do you mean, Dr. Monygham? Do you mean to saythat you suspect <strong>the</strong> younger sister?’‘Quien sabe! Who can tell?’ said <strong>the</strong> doctor, shrugginghis shoulders like a born Costaguanero. ‘Ramirez came upto me on <strong>the</strong> wharf. He reeled—he looked insane. He tookhis head into his hands. He had to talk to someone—simplyhad to. Of course for all his mad state he recognized me.People know me well here. I have lived too long amongst<strong>the</strong>m to be anything else but <strong>the</strong> evil-eyed doctor, who cancure all <strong>the</strong> ills <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> flesh, and bring bad luck by a glance.He came up to me. He tried to be calm. He tried to make itout that he wanted merely to warn me against <strong>Nostromo</strong>. Itseems that Captain Fidanza at some secret meeting or o<strong>the</strong>rhad mentioned me as <strong>the</strong> worst despiser <strong>of</strong> all <strong>the</strong> poor—<strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> people. It’s very possible. He honours me with his undyingdislike. And a word from <strong>the</strong> great Fidanza may be quiteenough to send some fool’s knife into my back. The SanitaryCommission I preside over is not in favour with <strong>the</strong>populace. ‘Beware <strong>of</strong> him, senor doctor. Destroy him, senordoctor,’ Ramirez hissed right into my face. And <strong>the</strong>n hebroke out. ‘That man,’ he spluttered, ‘has cast a spell uponboth <strong>the</strong>se girls.’ As to himself, he had said too much. Hemust run away now—run away and hide somewhere. Hemoaned tenderly about Giselle, and <strong>the</strong>n called her namesthat cannot be repeated. If he thought she could be madeto love him by any means, he would carry her <strong>of</strong>f from <strong>the</strong>island. Off into <strong>the</strong> woods. But it was no good…. He strodeaway, flourishing his arms above his head. Then I noticed

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