Nostromo - A Tale of the Seaboard.pdf - Planet eBook

Nostromo - A Tale of the Seaboard.pdf - Planet eBook

Nostromo - A Tale of the Seaboard.pdf - Planet eBook

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were his divinities; but he tolerated ‘superstition’ in women,preserving in <strong>the</strong>se matters a l<strong>of</strong>ty and silent attitude.His two girls, <strong>the</strong> eldest fourteen, and <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r two yearsyounger, crouched on <strong>the</strong> sanded floor, on each side <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>Signora Teresa, with <strong>the</strong>ir heads on <strong>the</strong>ir mo<strong>the</strong>r’s lap, bothscared, but each in her own way, <strong>the</strong> dark-haired Linda indignantand angry, <strong>the</strong> fair Giselle, <strong>the</strong> younger, bewilderedand resigned. The Patrona removed her arms, which embracedher daughters, for a moment to cross herself andwring her hands hurriedly. She moaned a little louder.‘Oh! Gian’ Battista, why art thou not here? Oh! why artthou not here?’She was not <strong>the</strong>n invoking <strong>the</strong> saint himself, but callingupon <strong>Nostromo</strong>, whose patron he was. And Giorgio,motionless on <strong>the</strong> chair by her side, would be provoked by<strong>the</strong>se reproachful and distracted appeals.‘Peace, woman! Where’s <strong>the</strong> sense <strong>of</strong> it? There’s his duty,’he murmured in <strong>the</strong> dark; and she would retort, panting—‘Eh! I have no patience. Duty! What <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> woman whohas been like a mo<strong>the</strong>r to him? I bent my knee to him thismorning; don’t you go out, Gian’ Battista—stop in <strong>the</strong> house,Battistino—look at those two little innocent children!’Mrs. Viola was an Italian, too, a native <strong>of</strong> Spezzia, andthough considerably younger than her husband, alreadymiddle-aged. She had a handsome face, whose complexionhad turned yellow because <strong>the</strong> climate <strong>of</strong> Sulaco did notsuit her at all. Her voice was a rich contralto. When, withher arms folded tight under her ample bosom, she scolded<strong>the</strong> squat, thick-legged China girls handling linen, pluck-

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