Jan. 15 - The Austin Chronicle

Jan. 15 - The Austin Chronicle Jan. 15 - The Austin Chronicle

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66 | THE AUSTIN CHRONICLE | JANUARY 7, 2005calendar COMMUNITY ARTS FILM MUSICVIKKI LOVING, author of Wildly Austin, a book ofphotographs documenting our wonderfully uniquecity, joins in the New Writers Celebration. Sat., Jan.8, noon. Barnes & Noble, 701 Capital of TX Hwy. S.,328-3652.CROFT BARKER presents his firsthand account ofthe Vietnam War, Queen’s Rook. Another New WritersCelebration event. Sat., Jan. 8, 1:30pm. Barnes &Noble, 701 Capital of TX Hwy. S., 328-3652.ANDY ANDERSON presents his novel of a quest forsunken treasure, The Golden Countess. Yep: NewWriters. Sat., Jan. 8, 3pm. Barnes & Noble, 701Capital of TX Hwy. S., 328-3652.PEGGY AND GEORGE YONGE discuss their accountof their 6,000 mile journey on the waterways ofNorth America, The Great Circle Waterway. NWCevent. Sat., Jan. 8, 4:30pm. Barnes & Noble, 701Capital of TX Hwy. S., 328-3652.CITY-WIDE UNDER-21 POETRY SLAM hostsanother event as they move to select their team forthis year’s final. Slam is a performance poetry competitionopen to anyone. Poets interested in competingin the Slam should bring three poems to theevent. The top three poets from each City-Wide Slamwill move on to the final Slam-Off next March, competingfor one of four spots on a team that will travelto San Francisco for the Brave New Voices NationalYouth Poetry Festival and Slam in April. Sat., Jan. 8,5-7pm. Ruta Maya, 3601 S. Congress Ste. D-200,707-9637. Free. www.rutamaya.net.SPIKE GILLESPIE presents her second annual KickAss Awards. As if we need say more. Writing awardsthat matter, by a woman unafraid of daring choices.Dare you. Mon., Jan. 10, 7pm. BookPeople, 603 N.Lamar, 472-5050. www.bookpeople.com.LITFIT is a workshop for “Building Vocabularies andMuscles One Hour at a Time.” Yep, it’s a special literaryaerobics workshop led by Shirley Paperback.This is part of the Hardbacks for Hardbodies series.My brilliant friend Linda from Mississippi would lovethis. Tue., Jan. 11, 7pm. BookPeople, 603 N.Lamar, 472-5050. $5 (free, with purchase of abook). www.bookpeople.com.KIRSTEN DODGE presents her novel Let Me See, athriller set in Texas, involving the possibility of afuture police state. This is fiction? Wed., Jan. 12,7pm. BookPeople, 603 N. Lamar, 472-5050.www.bookpeople.com.TEXAS NAFAS ON TV Bryce Milligan of Wings Pressand Roberto Bonazzi of Latitudes Press, who as publishers,critics, and editors have so generously supportedthe work of countless writers, finally take centerstage in a rare reading of their own poetry at LaRevolucion in San Antonio. Saturdays, 11am &10pm, Channel 16.WRITING/BOOK GROUPSAUSTIN ZINE LIBRARY LOOKING FOR VOLUN-TEERS Come down to the Austin Zine Library on theEastside and help look after 2,000 zines. Volunteerswill help organize zines, facilitate check-ins, and generallywatch over the place. They also need helppassing out fliers and pamphlets around town. E-mailJosh for more. austinzinelibrary@yahoo.com.SISTERS IN CRIME The Heart of Texas chaptermeets on the second Sunday of each month. Thistime out they’ll discuss “The Crime Next Door,” aspresented by APD Senior Officer Bruce Medlicott.Sun., Jan. 9, 2-4pm. Barnes & Noble, 701 Capitalof TX Hwy. S., 328-3652. Free. www.hotsinc.org.NOVEL CROSSROADS BOOK GROUP tumbleswith Falling Angels by Tracy Chevalier. Sat., Jan. 8,10:30am. Barnes & Noble, 701 Capital of TX Hwy.S., 328-3652.SOCIETY OF CHILDREN’S BOOK WRITERS ANDILLUSTRATORS welcomes Lila Guzman, author ofLorenzo’s Secret Mission and Lorenzo’sRevolutionary Quest, who’ll speak on “WritingHistorical Novels for Young Readers.” Sat., Jan. 8,11am. Barnes & Noble, 701 Capital of TX Hwy. S.,328-3652. Free.SEMINARSAND WORKSHOPSWRITERS’ LEAGUE WINTER CLASSES Registertoday for the following classes and more. E-mailclass: From Memory to Memoir with Paula StallingsYost; six weeks, beginning Mon., Jan. 10; $180($135, members). Workshop: So You Want to GetPublished with Russ Hall; Sat., Jan. 22, 9am-noon;$90 ($45, members). Class: Novel in Progress withKaren Stolz; eight weeks, beginning Wed., Jan. 26,10am-noon; $240 ($195, members). Workshop: TheNuts, Bolts, and Designer Shoes of Chick Lit with NinaFoxx; Sat., Feb. 12, 9am-noon; $90 ($45, members).Writers’ League of Texas, 1501 W. Fifth Ste. E-2.499-8914. www.writersleague.org/classes.htm.AUSTIN WRITERS WORKSHOP This group ofscreenwriters is open to new members to read, discuss,and critique one another’s work. The groupmeets twice monthly. Mon., Jan. 10, 6:30pm. Barnes& Noble, 701 Capital of TX Hwy. S., 328-3652.CENTRAL TEXAS STORYTELLERS GUILD The artof storytelling is alive and well in Austin. The public isinvited to listen to tales spun by professional storytellers,or to tell a story to a friendly audience. Thefirst half hour of the meeting will be a miniworkshopon storytelling. Tue., Jan. 11, 7pm. Barnes & Noble,701 Capital of TX Hwy. S., 328-3652.CALL FOR ENTRIESTHE BALCONES POETRY PRIZE This award of$1,000 recognizes an outstanding book of poetrypublished during a given year. Books of poetry inEnglish of 42 pages or more may be submitted byauthor or publisher; send three copies; books mustbear a publication date between Jan. 1, 2004, andDec. 31, 2004. Reading fee: $20, checks payable toAustin Community College. Address: John Herndon,Balcones Center for Creative Writing, AustinCommunity College, 1212 Rio Grande, Austin,78701. Deadline: Jan. 31, 2005. 223-3376.www.austincc.edu/crw/balcones_prize.htm.OPEN MICSTHE AUSTIN POETRY SLAM Mike Henry captainsthe crew that has all the best of stand-up, performanceart, theatre, rock & roll, and phone sex rolledinto one electrifying evening. Wednesdays, 8pm.Ego’s, 510 S. Congress, 474-7091.www.austinslam.com.HIDEOUT MIC Mondays, 7-10pm. The HideoutCoffeehouse, 617 Congress, 476-0473. $2 orcanned food for Poets’ Pantry. www.thehideout.org.LA TAZZA FRESCA presents poet Ivan Miller withguitarist Dusty (Dirty) Deering in the Candlelight andBlue tour. Fri., Jan. 7, 7pm. La Tazza Fresca, 519 W.37th, 453-0403.FIRST FRIDAY’S AT MOJO’S features Ron Horne,Reggie Goodwin, Brian and Francis, RoshandaJohnson, and their usual open mic hosted by FrancesBadgett and Jim O’Hair. Fri., Jan. 7, 7pm. Mojo’sDaily Grind, 2714 Guadalupe, 477-6656.www.mojosdailygrind.com.POETRY KARAOKE The Poetry Karaoke Orchestrabacks your poetry on the porch, hosted by Ivanho.Bring canned foods for the Poets’ Pantry. Tuesdays,8-10pm. Ruta Maya, 3601 S. Congress Ste. D-200,707-9637. www.rutamaya.net.RUTA MAYA OPEN MIC POETRY is the longestrunning weekly open mic in Austin. Every Tuesdayfrom 6-8pm. Round robin, 6-7pm; sign-up list, 7-8pm. Ruta Maya, 3601 S. Congress Ste. D-200,707-9637. www.rutamaya.net.NEO-SOUL LOUNGE is hosted by Love Robinson.Doors open at 7:30pm with the hottest sounds ofNeo-Soul. Wednesdays, 9pm. Sahara Nightclub, 900E. Braker #170, 228-1940.Abs, glutes, lobes, and cortices: Getthem all in shape with Shirley Paperback atBookPeople’s LitFit on Tuesday.STARS POETRY The next featured reader is Paula-Mendoza Hanna. Hosted by George Leake. Sat., Jan.8, 7pm. Stars Coffee, 6539 N. Lamar, 377-3334.WORLD BEAT CAFE Poetry round table hosted nowby Kathleen Romana, in an African restaurant whereEden is always waiting in your heart. Wednesdays, 7-9pm. WorldBeat Cafe, 600 W. MLK, 236-0197.MISCELLANEOUSMORE POETRY! the curling curls springing flowingclutching at a fear of winter no different than at joy;the flowing like a vein of river … how a woman grievinggrieves for us all, succumbs to breath after breathafter breath as if a rose were the ghost of all grievingpressed into the hands of all who lean into the winter’swind & suffer for the blossoms which mustalways begin in thorn … Namaste. Vaya con dios.POEM OF THE ISSUEThere is no warningIt comes in silenceand soothes the sensesbut numbs the mindand melts the heartlove has arrivedand staysor goesand life is never the sameagainor ever– Ray Moncivai, “Love”Visual ArtsBY JACQUELINE MAYOPENINGD BERMAN GALLERY begins its sixth year with atrio of Austin artists who share the use of abstractimagery and vivid coloration: Brad Ellis, JosephJanson, and Janet Kastner. Reception: Thu., Jan. 6,6-8pm. Gallery Talk: Sat., Feb. 5, 1pm. Exhibit:Through Feb. 12. 1701 Guadalupe, 477-8877.www.dbermangallery.com.F8 GALLERY “The Group Show” features BruceTinch, Joyce Combs, Joel Salcido, Richard Griffin,Ray Donley, and many more. Reception: Thu., Jan.6, 6-8pm. Exhibit: Through Jan. 29. 1137 W. Sixth,480-0242. www.f8fineart.com.G2 GALLERY presents a new show of photography:underwater, fashion, vintage, and erotic photography.Reception: Sat., Jan. 8, 7pm. 606 ⁄ Mary,431-7443. www.beautyrampage.com/G2show/about.html.WOMEN & THEIR WORK is presenting “Open House,”a solo show by Michelle Mayer. The artist transforms thegallery into a suburban home, using video installation,photography, and painting. Reception: Sat., Jan. 8,6-8pm. Exhibit: Through Feb. 12. 1710 Lavaca,477-1064. www.womenandtheirwork.org.HARRY RANSOM CENTER has two shows up:“Shooting Stars: The Golden Age of HollywoodPortraiture, 1925-1950,” and “Fashioning Celebrity:Photographs of George Platt Lynes,” both Jan. 11-March 27. 300 W. 21st, 471-8944.www.lib.utexas.edu/Libs/HRC/HRHRC.OSWALD GALLERY Documentary photographerHiroshi Watanabe will have his new series of dramaticblack-and-white portraits of Japanese Kabuki play-

calendar COMMUNITY ARTS FILM MUSICQuite a striking photo of Lew Christensen, yes? There are many more such images from legendaryphotographer George Platt Lynes in the Ransom Center’s “Fashioning Celebrity” show.ers on display in his Austin debut. Reception: Sat.,Jan. 29, 6-9pm. Exhibit: Jan. 14-March 10. 714Congress #200, 494-9440.CLOSINGBOLM STUDIOS In his series “The Generosity ofWomen,” Robert Szot explores the enigmatic natureof the feminine. Through Jan. 8. 5305 Bolm #10,385-1670.BOB BULLOCK TEXAS STATE HISTORY MUSE-UM The history museum is now collaborating withthe Blanton to present “Go West: Selections Fromthe Jack S. Blanton Museum of Art, C.R. SmithCollection,” a display of more than 50 artworksshowing how the events, landscapes, and people ofthe new frontier captured the imagination of suchartists as Albert Bierstadt, Thomas Moran, CharlesRussell, Henry Farny, and Maynard Dixon. ThroughJan. 9. 1800 Congress, 936-8746.www.storyoftexas.com.ONGOINGDECOLA & EUSEBI GALLERY is a working studioand gallery of stained & leaded glass and mosaicsartwork. 701 Tillery Ste. A-11, 389-2266.www.decola-eusebi.com.AMOA “Andy Goldsworthy: Mountain and Coast,Autumn Into Winter,” a series from a pivotal period inthe artist’s career, will be shown alongside “WebDrawings: Austin, Texas,” a group of new photos createdin Austin this past September. The artist uses primalelements from the landscape to capture theessence of nature. Through Feb. 20. 823 Congress,495-9224.ART ON 5TH Their “New Year’s Group Show” featuresTexas artists Carole Orr, Cathy Suffel, and JohnHopkins. Through Jan 31. 1501 W. Fifth, 481-1111.www.arton5th.com.ARTAMICI FINE ART GALLERY is featuring work byartists from Argentina, Mexico, Chile, and Peru:paintings by Augustina Rodriguez, Oscar Riquelme,and Pablo Taboada; drawings by Gilberto Ramirez;and metal sculpture by Augusto Brocca. 78 SanMarcos, 457-0171.ARTHOUSE presents “Lounge!” This show features atemporary, multipurpose lounge designed by N.Y.-based artist Matthew Geller. Through Jan. 16. 700Congress, 453-5312. www.arthousetexas.org.AUSTIN ART GLASS This glassblowing studio andgallery offers functional and decorative glass art, aswell as glassblowing classes and free demonstrations.1608 S. Congress, 916-4527. www.austinartglass.com.BETH MCELHANEY GALLERY New works of originalhandmade beaded jewelry by Beth McElhaney, createdfrom freshwater pearls, contemporary glass, semipreciousstones, vintage glass, and sterling beads.1705 Guadalupe, 477-5355.BLUE MOON GLASSWORKS Featuring uniquehandmade glass art and jewelry made by the staffand friends of the studio. 5241 N. Lamar, 380-0770.www.austinbluemoon.com.BUTRIDGE GALLERY “Premeditated: Meditations onCapital Punishment” features prints, paintings, andtext by Malaquias Montoya dealing with the deathpenalty and penal institutions. Reception & lecture:Fri., Jan. 14, 6-8pm. Exhibit: Through Jan. 30. 1110Barton Springs Rd., 397-1468.CALZADILLA STUDIO GALLERY is now open forviewing by appointment, featuring the colorful worksof, yes, Rick Calzadilla. 801 W. 17th, 567-3361.CORONADO STUDIOS The Serie Project, a nonprofitLatino arts organization hosted by CoronadoStudios, produces, promotes, and exhibits serigraphprints created by diverse artists. 6601 Felix Ave.,385-3591. www.serieproject.org.CREATIVE RESEARCH LABORATORY At this university-orientedvenue, “Return to the Mothership”has alumni artists returning from all over the galaxy,including Albert Bosquez (in memorium), AndyCoolquitt, Christine Catsifas, Jonathan Faber, MarthaGannon, David Schafer, Jason Singleton, KalSpelletich, Kyle Reidel, Jill Thrasher, and others.Through Jan. 15. 2832 E. MLK, 322-2099.DESIGNERS’ FINE ART SHOWCASE “New Year’sGroup Show” features new work by German watercoloristClaudia Hennig, and landscapes byRussian artist Simon Dinkevich and Louisiananative Robert Cook. Through Jan. 31. 1501 W.Fifth, 481-1111.DIAZ GALLERY presents “Autumn Expressions,”sculptures by A. Ebbesen Davis and paintings byChristopher Fitzgerald. Closing reception: Fri., Jan.28, 7-10pm. Exhibit: Through Jan. 31. 3507 S.First, 444-0013. www.diazgallery.com.DIBONA STUDIO Here’s a studio/gallery devotedexclusively to the work of Joyce DiBona, including hernewest oil paintings and a recently completed sculpturaltattoo series. 404 W. Milton, 851-2646.FIRE ISLAND HOT GLASS STUDIO Specializing infunctional and decorative works in glass for home andgarden. Glassblowing demos: Saturdays, 9am-noon.3401 E. Fourth, 389-1100. www.fireislandglass.com.FRANÇOIS PHOTOGRAPHY GALLERY presents thephotographic work of Kim François. 309-B Bowie,320-0072.GALLERY 106 showcases seven works from“Portable Worlds,” the newest series by acclaimedCuban photographer Eduardo Muñoz Ordoqui, andsome never-before-seen works from the series “LowTide.” Through February. 2832 E. MLK, 472-1219.www.medaid.org/art.KATHY WOMACK GALLERY features original worksby native Texan Kathy Womack. 411 Brazos #100.www.kwomack.com.LBJ LIBRARY AND MUSEUM “Signs of the Times:Life in the Swingin’ Sixties” is a history exhibit capturingthe excitement of the Sixties in American popularculture. 2313 Red River, 721-0216.MITCHIE’S FINE BLACK ART has an eclectic selectionof African and African-American artwork andcraft items on display. 6406 N. I-35 #2800,323-6901. www.mitchie.com.MUSEUM OF NATURAL AND ARTIFICIALEPHEMERATA is astounding us yet again, with furtherdisplays of odd artifacts, including – but not limitedto – cat X-rays, a double-bodied duckling,removed tonsils, a Victorian pygmy kangaroo, andseveral sets of wisdom teeth. Welcome to the “Skinand Bones” show. Tours by appt. 3405-A Cedar,533-9906. www.mnae.org.NORTH HILLS GALLERY “Capturing the Light,” photographyby Diane Linder and Sandra Reiff. ThroughJan. 30. 7050 Village Center Dr., 345-1743.PHOTOGECKO STUDIOS presents an array offilm/digital artist John Campbell’s black-and-whitephotographs. Monthly First Thursday events debutnew images along with live music. 1413 S. First,797-9375. www.photogecko.com.ROADHOUSE RELICS This is a vintage-neon galleryand studio located in the heart of Austin’s art district.Artist Todd Sanders creates vintage-style neon signs,eye-popping carnival banners, and other tributes toU.S. popular culture. 1720 S. First, 442-6366.www.roadhouserelics.com.ROBERT ELLIS PATTERSON ART GALLERYPatterson, former owner of Austin Modern ArtGallery, has created a space to exhibit his work andthe work of other spirited Austin artists. 3520 S.Lamar, 731-0945.ROSEMINN GALLERY This gallery’s “Winter Show”is featuring paintings, charcoals, and prints by Elginartists Bill Montgomery, David Brock, and MargieCrisp, and intricately stitched and beaded fiberpieces by Arlene Wagenhalter. 116 Depot, Elgin,512/285-3478. www.roseminn.com.WALLY WORKMAN Will Klemm’s annual show ofnuminous pastel landscapes is here. Through Jan.31. 1202-B W. Sixth, 472-7428.SPACESNaked Singularity New works by Trent Tate are nowfeatured in a residential salon called the Looking Room.Through Feb. 7. www.thelookingroom.50megs.com.Art in the Spa The sculptures of Kelly Borsheimwill be at Steven Todd’s Spa at the Ranch Jan. 13-15. 4500 Steiner Ranch Blvd.Austin Java celebrates the grand opening of itsnew location with an opening reception of the workof photographer/fine artist Rama Tiru. Through Feb.5. 1206 Parkway, 476-1829; 1608 Barton SpringsRd., 482-9450. www.ramatiru.com.Halcyon presents works by Oscar Riquelme, a veryfine local painter worthy of more attention than hehas received to date. Through Jan. 16. 218 W.Fourth, 472-9637. www.halcyonaustin.com.1705 Guadalupe473-3775www.guadalupearts.comThinking about a new studio for2005?We are looking for great people to fill our waitinglist.Come by, see the space and get on the waitinglist for a 2005 studio.The energy is creative, the people areinteresting andthe atmosphere stimulating.JANUARY 7, 2005 | THE AUSTIN CHRONICLE | 67

calendar COMMUNITY ARTS FILM MUSICQuite a striking photo of Lew Christensen, yes? <strong>The</strong>re are many more such images from legendaryphotographer George Platt Lynes in the Ransom Center’s “Fashioning Celebrity” show.ers on display in his <strong>Austin</strong> debut. Reception: Sat.,<strong>Jan</strong>. 29, 6-9pm. Exhibit: <strong>Jan</strong>. 14-March 10. 714Congress #200, 494-9440.CLOSINGBOLM STUDIOS In his series “<strong>The</strong> Generosity ofWomen,” Robert Szot explores the enigmatic natureof the feminine. Through <strong>Jan</strong>. 8. 5305 Bolm #10,385-1670.BOB BULLOCK TEXAS STATE HISTORY MUSE-UM <strong>The</strong> history museum is now collaborating withthe Blanton to present “Go West: Selections Fromthe Jack S. Blanton Museum of Art, C.R. SmithCollection,” a display of more than 50 artworksshowing how the events, landscapes, and people ofthe new frontier captured the imagination of suchartists as Albert Bierstadt, Thomas Moran, CharlesRussell, Henry Farny, and Maynard Dixon. Through<strong>Jan</strong>. 9. 1800 Congress, 936-8746.www.storyoftexas.com.ONGOINGDECOLA & EUSEBI GALLERY is a working studioand gallery of stained & leaded glass and mosaicsartwork. 701 Tillery Ste. A-11, 389-2266.www.decola-eusebi.com.AMOA “Andy Goldsworthy: Mountain and Coast,Autumn Into Winter,” a series from a pivotal period inthe artist’s career, will be shown alongside “WebDrawings: <strong>Austin</strong>, Texas,” a group of new photos createdin <strong>Austin</strong> this past September. <strong>The</strong> artist uses primalelements from the landscape to capture theessence of nature. Through Feb. 20. 823 Congress,495-9224.ART ON 5TH <strong>The</strong>ir “New Year’s Group Show” featuresTexas artists Carole Orr, Cathy Suffel, and JohnHopkins. Through <strong>Jan</strong> 31. <strong>15</strong>01 W. Fifth, 481-1111.www.arton5th.com.ARTAMICI FINE ART GALLERY is featuring work byartists from Argentina, Mexico, Chile, and Peru:paintings by Augustina Rodriguez, Oscar Riquelme,and Pablo Taboada; drawings by Gilberto Ramirez;and metal sculpture by Augusto Brocca. 78 SanMarcos, 457-0171.ARTHOUSE presents “Lounge!” This show features atemporary, multipurpose lounge designed by N.Y.-based artist Matthew Geller. Through <strong>Jan</strong>. 16. 700Congress, 453-5312. www.arthousetexas.org.AUSTIN ART GLASS This glassblowing studio andgallery offers functional and decorative glass art, aswell as glassblowing classes and free demonstrations.1608 S. Congress, 916-4527. www.austinartglass.com.BETH MCELHANEY GALLERY New works of originalhandmade beaded jewelry by Beth McElhaney, createdfrom freshwater pearls, contemporary glass, semipreciousstones, vintage glass, and sterling beads.1705 Guadalupe, 477-5355.BLUE MOON GLASSWORKS Featuring uniquehandmade glass art and jewelry made by the staffand friends of the studio. 5241 N. Lamar, 380-0770.www.austinbluemoon.com.BUTRIDGE GALLERY “Premeditated: Meditations onCapital Punishment” features prints, paintings, andtext by Malaquias Montoya dealing with the deathpenalty and penal institutions. Reception & lecture:Fri., <strong>Jan</strong>. 14, 6-8pm. Exhibit: Through <strong>Jan</strong>. 30. 1110Barton Springs Rd., 397-1468.CALZADILLA STUDIO GALLERY is now open forviewing by appointment, featuring the colorful worksof, yes, Rick Calzadilla. 801 W. 17th, 567-3361.CORONADO STUDIOS <strong>The</strong> Serie Project, a nonprofitLatino arts organization hosted by CoronadoStudios, produces, promotes, and exhibits serigraphprints created by diverse artists. 6601 Felix Ave.,385-3591. www.serieproject.org.CREATIVE RESEARCH LABORATORY At this university-orientedvenue, “Return to the Mothership”has alumni artists returning from all over the galaxy,including Albert Bosquez (in memorium), AndyCoolquitt, Christine Catsifas, Jonathan Faber, MarthaGannon, David Schafer, Jason Singleton, KalSpelletich, Kyle Reidel, Jill Thrasher, and others.Through <strong>Jan</strong>. <strong>15</strong>. 2832 E. MLK, 322-2099.DESIGNERS’ FINE ART SHOWCASE “New Year’sGroup Show” features new work by German watercoloristClaudia Hennig, and landscapes byRussian artist Simon Dinkevich and Louisiananative Robert Cook. Through <strong>Jan</strong>. 31. <strong>15</strong>01 W.Fifth, 481-1111.DIAZ GALLERY presents “Autumn Expressions,”sculptures by A. Ebbesen Davis and paintings byChristopher Fitzgerald. Closing reception: Fri., <strong>Jan</strong>.28, 7-10pm. Exhibit: Through <strong>Jan</strong>. 31. 3507 S.First, 444-0013. www.diazgallery.com.DIBONA STUDIO Here’s a studio/gallery devotedexclusively to the work of Joyce DiBona, including hernewest oil paintings and a recently completed sculpturaltattoo series. 404 W. Milton, 851-2646.FIRE ISLAND HOT GLASS STUDIO Specializing infunctional and decorative works in glass for home andgarden. Glassblowing demos: Saturdays, 9am-noon.3401 E. Fourth, 389-1100. www.fireislandglass.com.FRANÇOIS PHOTOGRAPHY GALLERY presents thephotographic work of Kim François. 309-B Bowie,320-0072.GALLERY 106 showcases seven works from“Portable Worlds,” the newest series by acclaimedCuban photographer Eduardo Muñoz Ordoqui, andsome never-before-seen works from the series “LowTide.” Through February. 2832 E. MLK, 472-1219.www.medaid.org/art.KATHY WOMACK GALLERY features original worksby native Texan Kathy Womack. 411 Brazos #100.www.kwomack.com.LBJ LIBRARY AND MUSEUM “Signs of the Times:Life in the Swingin’ Sixties” is a history exhibit capturingthe excitement of the Sixties in American popularculture. 2313 Red River, 721-0216.MITCHIE’S FINE BLACK ART has an eclectic selectionof African and African-American artwork andcraft items on display. 6406 N. I-35 #2800,323-6901. www.mitchie.com.MUSEUM OF NATURAL AND ARTIFICIALEPHEMERATA is astounding us yet again, with furtherdisplays of odd artifacts, including – but not limitedto – cat X-rays, a double-bodied duckling,removed tonsils, a Victorian pygmy kangaroo, andseveral sets of wisdom teeth. Welcome to the “Skinand Bones” show. Tours by appt. 3405-A Cedar,533-9906. www.mnae.org.NORTH HILLS GALLERY “Capturing the Light,” photographyby Diane Linder and Sandra Reiff. Through<strong>Jan</strong>. 30. 7050 Village Center Dr., 345-1743.PHOTOGECKO STUDIOS presents an array offilm/digital artist John Campbell’s black-and-whitephotographs. Monthly First Thursday events debutnew images along with live music. 1413 S. First,797-9375. www.photogecko.com.ROADHOUSE RELICS This is a vintage-neon galleryand studio located in the heart of <strong>Austin</strong>’s art district.Artist Todd Sanders creates vintage-style neon signs,eye-popping carnival banners, and other tributes toU.S. popular culture. 1720 S. First, 442-6366.www.roadhouserelics.com.ROBERT ELLIS PATTERSON ART GALLERYPatterson, former owner of <strong>Austin</strong> Modern ArtGallery, has created a space to exhibit his work andthe work of other spirited <strong>Austin</strong> artists. 3520 S.Lamar, 731-0945.ROSEMINN GALLERY This gallery’s “Winter Show”is featuring paintings, charcoals, and prints by Elginartists Bill Montgomery, David Brock, and MargieCrisp, and intricately stitched and beaded fiberpieces by Arlene Wagenhalter. 116 Depot, Elgin,512/285-3478. www.roseminn.com.WALLY WORKMAN Will Klemm’s annual show ofnuminous pastel landscapes is here. Through <strong>Jan</strong>.31. 1202-B W. Sixth, 472-7428.SPACESNaked Singularity New works by Trent Tate are nowfeatured in a residential salon called the Looking Room.Through Feb. 7. www.thelookingroom.50megs.com.Art in the Spa <strong>The</strong> sculptures of Kelly Borsheimwill be at Steven Todd’s Spa at the Ranch <strong>Jan</strong>. 13-<strong>15</strong>. 4500 Steiner Ranch Blvd.<strong>Austin</strong> Java celebrates the grand opening of itsnew location with an opening reception of the workof photographer/fine artist Rama Tiru. Through Feb.5. 1206 Parkway, 476-1829; 1608 Barton SpringsRd., 482-9450. www.ramatiru.com.Halcyon presents works by Oscar Riquelme, a veryfine local painter worthy of more attention than hehas received to date. Through <strong>Jan</strong>. 16. 218 W.Fourth, 472-9637. www.halcyonaustin.com.1705 Guadalupe473-3775www.guadalupearts.comThinking about a new studio for2005?We are looking for great people to fill our waitinglist.Come by, see the space and get on the waitinglist for a 2005 studio.<strong>The</strong> energy is creative, the people areinteresting andthe atmosphere stimulating.JANUARY 7, 2005 | THE AUSTIN CHRONICLE | 67

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