Jan. 15 - The Austin Chronicle

Jan. 15 - The Austin Chronicle Jan. 15 - The Austin Chronicle

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116 | THE AUSTIN CHRONICLE | JANUARY 7, 2005LEGAL NOTICESCONTINUEDday of December, 2004, in acertain cause numbered GV-204526, wherein Lake TravisIndependent School District,Travis County and TravisCounty Emergency ServicesDistrict No. 6 are plaintiffs,Leslie L. Henderson, Jr.aredefendant(s), in favor of saidplaintiffs, for the followingsums: Tract Number One:Billing Number 37451 =$2,045.76Tract Number Two: BillingNumber 37453 = $1,732.06Tract Number Three: BillingNumber 41864 = $1,336.59Tract Number Four: BillingNumber 41865 = $1,815.29Dollars, together with allcosts of suit, that being theamount of judgment recoveredby the said plaintiffs, inthe 345th District Court ofTravis County, Texas, on November4, 2003.I, on the 30th day of December,2004, at 2:00 o’clockP.M., have levied upon, andwill, on the 1st day of February,2005, at 10:00 o’clockA.M. at 1000 Guadalupe inthe City of Austin, within legalhours, proceed to sell forcash to the highest bidder,all the rights, title and interestof defendants in and to thefollowing described property,levied upon as the propertyof defendants, to-wit:TRACT 1: Billing No 37451Lot 1072, Apache Shores,Section 2, Plat No. 48/58 asdesc. in Doc. 2000148428 ofthe Deed Records of TravisCounty, Texas.TRACT 2: Billing No 37453Lot 1074, Apache Shores,Section 2, Plat No. 48/58 asdesc. in Doc. 2000148428 ofthe Deed Records of TravisCounty, Texas.TRACT 3: Billing No 41864Lot 471, Apache Shores,First Installment, Plat No.43/29 as desc. in Doc.2000050666 of the DeedRecords of Travis County,Texas.TRACT 4: Billing No 41865Lot 472, Apache Shores,First Installment, Plat No.43/29 as desc. in Doc.2000050666 of the DeedRecords of Travis County,Texas.THE ABOVE SALE to bemade by me to satisfy theabove described judgmentfor the following sums:Tract Number One: BillingNumber 37451 = $2,045.76Tract Number Two: BillingNumber 37453 = $1,732.06Tract Number Three: BillingNumber 41864 =$1,336.59Tract Number Four: BillingNumber 41865 = $1,815.29Dollars in favor of plaintiffs, together with the costs ofsaid suit, and the proceedsapplied to the satisfactionthereof.Witness my hand this 3rdday of January, 2005.BRUCE ELFANT,CONSTABLE PRECINCT 5TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXASBY: /s/ Alan ReddDEPUTYON THE PROPERTY SOLD,THERE ARE NO WARRAN-TIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIM-ITED TO, THE IMPLIED WAR-RANTIES OF MERCHANT-ABILITY AND FITNESS FORA PARTICULAR PURPOSE.YOU BUY THE PROPERTY“AS IS”. BIDDERS ARE FUR-THER ADVISED THAT PUR-CHASE OF THE PROPERTYAT THIS EXECUTION SALEMAY NOT EXTINGUISH ANYLIENS OR SECURITY INTER-ESTS ON THE PROPERTY.YOU ARE SIMPLY PUR-CHASING WHATEVERINTEREST THE DEBTOR HASIN THE PROPERTY. IF YOUHAVE ANY QUESTIONS, YOUNEED TO CONSULT COUN-SEL OF YOUR CHOICE.GV-204635CONSTABLE’SNOTICE OF SALEREAL PROPERTYDELINQUENT TAXESBY VIRTUE of a certain OrderOf Sale issued by the clerk ofthe 201st District Court ofTravis County, on the 22ndday of December, 2004, in acertain cause numbered GV-204635, wherein Austin CommunityCollege, Austin IndependentSchool District, Cityof Austin and Travis Countyare plaintiffs, and Dora GreenEberhardt, if alive and if deceased,the unknown owners,heirs, assigns and successorsof the Estate of DoraGreen Eberhardt aredefendant(s), in favor of saidplaintiffs, for the sum of$5,472.94 Dollars, togetherwith all costs of suit, that beingthe amount of judgmentrecovered by the said plaintiffs,in the 201st DistrictCourt of Travis County, Texas,on August 18, 2004.I, on the 30th day of December,2004, at 2:00 o’clockP.M., have levied upon, andwill, on the 1st day of February,2005, at 10:00 o’clockA.M. at 1000 Guadalupe inthe City of Austin, within legalhours, proceed to sell forcash to the highest bidder,all the rights, title and interestof defendants in and to thefollowing described property,levied upon as the propertyof defendants, to-wit:Lot 16, Johnston Terrace,Section 7, Plat No. 55/77 asdescribed in Volume 4532,Page 1472 and Volume6405, Page 989 of the deedrecords of Travis County,Texas.THE ABOVE SALE to bemade by me to satisfy theabove described judgmentfor $5,472.94 Dollars in favorof plaintiffs, together with thecosts of said suit, and theproceeds applied to the satisfactionthereof.Witness my hand this 3rdday of January, 2005.BRUCE ELFANT,CONSTABLE PRECINCT 5TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXASBY: /s/ Alan ReddDEPUTYON THE PROPERTY SOLD,THERE ARE NO WARRAN-TIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIM-ITED TO, THE IMPLIED WAR-RANTIES OF MERCHANT-ABILITY AND FITNESS FORA PARTICULAR PURPOSE.YOU BUY THE PROPERTY“AS IS”. BIDDERS ARE FUR-THER ADVISED THAT PUR-CHASE OF THE PROPERTYAT THIS EXECUTION SALEMAY NOT EXTINGUISH ANYLIENS OR SECURITY INTER-ESTS ON THE PROPERTY.YOU ARE SIMPLY PUR-CHASING WHATEVERINTEREST THE DEBTOR HASIN THE PROPERTY. IF YOUHAVE ANY QUESTIONS, YOUNEED TO CONSULT COUN-SEL OF YOUR CHOICE.GV-300108CONSTABLE’SNOTICE OF SALEREAL PROPERTYDELINQUENT TAXESBY VIRTUE of a certain OrderOf Sale issued by the clerk ofthe 200th District Court ofTravis County, on the 20thday of December, 2004, in acertain cause numbered GV-300108, wherein Del Valle IndependentSchool District,Travis County and TravisCounty Emergency ServicesDistrict No. 11 are plaintiffs,and Kelli Renee Krauser,Huey Paul Krauser, Jr., MaryAlice Ybarra (In Rem Only)and United States of America,Internal Revenue Service(In Rem Only) aredefendant(s), in favor of saidplaintiffs, for the sum of$2,724.58 Dollars, togetherwith all costs of suit, that beingthe amount of judgmentrecovered by the said plaintiffs,in the 200th DistrictCourt of Travis County, Texas,on July 9, 2004.I, on the 30th day of December,2004, at 2:00 o’clockP.M., have levied upon, andwill, on the 1st day of February,2005, at 10:00 o’clockA.M. at 1000 Guadalupe inthe City of Austin, within legalhours, proceed to sell forcash to the highest bidder,all the rights, title and interestof defendants in and to thefollowing described property,levied upon as the propertyof defendants, to-wit:Lot 30, River Timber, PlatNo. 60/4, Travis County,Texas and being more particularlydescribed in documentnumber 2000193622 ofthe deed records of TravisCounty, Texas.THE ABOVE SALE to bemade by me to satisfy theabove described judgmentfor $2,724.58 Dollars in favorof plaintiffs, together with thecosts of said suit, and theproceeds applied to the satisfactionthereof.Witness my hand this 3rdday of January, 2005.BRUCE ELFANT,CONSTABLE PRECINCT 5TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXASBY: /s/ Alan ReddDEPUTYON THE PROPERTY SOLD,THERE ARE NO WARRAN-TIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIM-ITED TO, THE IMPLIED WAR-RANTIES OF MERCHANT-ABILITY AND FITNESS FORA PARTICULAR PURPOSE.YOU BUY THE PROPERTY“AS IS”. BIDDERS ARE FUR-THER ADVISED THAT PUR-CHASE OF THE PROPERTYAT THIS EXECUTION SALEMAY NOT EXTINGUISH ANYLIENS OR SECURITY INTER-ESTS ON THE PROPERTY.YOU ARE SIMPLY PUR-CHASING WHATEVERINTEREST THE DEBTOR HASIN THE PROPERTY. IF YOUHAVE ANY QUESTIONS, YOUNEED TO CONSULT COUN-SEL OF YOUR CHOICE.GV-300644CONSTABLE’SNOTICE OF SALEREAL PROPERTYDELINQUENT TAXESBY VIRTUE of a certain OrderOf Sale issued by the clerk ofthe 201st District Court ofTravis County, on the 22ndday of December, 2004, in acertain cause numbered GV-300644, wherein Austin CommunityCollege, Manor IndependentSchool District, TravisCounty and Travis CountyEmergency Services DistrictNo. 4 are plaintiffs, and HarryJ. Williams, Marilyn J. Williams,Lancorp Mortgage Services(In Rem Only) , The CITGroup/Consumer Finance,Inc. (In Rem Only) and NewCentury Mortgage Corporation(In Rem Only) aredefendant(s), in favor of saidplaintiffs, for the sum of$5,780.46 Dollars, togetherwith all costs of suit, that beingthe amount of judgmentrecovered by the said plaintiffs,in the 201st DistrictCourt of Travis County, Texas,on April 2, 2004.I, on the 30th day of December,2004, at 2:00 o’clockP.M., have levied upon, andwill, on the 1st day of February,2005, at 10:00 o’clockA.M. at 1000 Guadalupe inthe City of Austin, within legalhours, proceed to sell forcash to the highest bidder,all the rights, title and interestof defendants in and to thefollowing described property,levied upon as the propertyof defendants, to-wit:Lot 13, Block C, Cherrylawn,Section 5, Plat No.19/44, Travis County, Texasand being more particularlydescribed in Volume 11141,Page 299 of the deedrecords of Travis County,Texas.THE ABOVE SALE to bemade by me to satisfy theabove described judgmentfor $5,780.46 Dollars in favorof plaintiffs, together with thecosts of said suit, and theproceeds applied to the satisfactionthereof.Witness my hand this 3rdday of January, 2005.BRUCE ELFANT,CONSTABLE PRECINCT 5TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXASBY: /s/ Alan ReddDEPUTYON THE PROPERTY SOLD,THERE ARE NO WARRAN-TIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIM-ITED TO, THE IMPLIED WAR-RANTIES OF MERCHANT-ABILITY AND FITNESS FORA PARTICULAR PURPOSE.YOU BUY THE PROPERTY“AS IS”. BIDDERS ARE FUR-THER ADVISED THAT PUR-CHASE OF THE PROPERTYAT THIS EXECUTION SALEMAY NOT EXTINGUISH ANYLIENS OR SECURITY INTER-ESTS ON THE PROPERTY.YOU ARE SIMPLY PUR-CHASING WHATEVERINTEREST THE DEBTOR HASIN THE PROPERTY. IF YOUHAVE ANY QUESTIONS, YOUNEED TO CONSULT COUN-SEL OF YOUR CHOICE.GV-300959CONSTABLE’SNOTICE OF SALEREAL PROPERTYDELINQUENT TAXESBY VIRTUE of a certain OrderOf Sale issued by the clerk ofthe 353rd District Court ofTravis County, on the 15thday of December, 2004, in acertain cause numbered GV-300959, wherein Lake TravisIndependent School District,Travis County and TravisCounty Emergency ServicesDistrict No. 6 are plaintiffs,and Michael J. Hake, JeanieHake, NationsBank nka Bankof America (In Rem Only) aredefendant(s), in favor of saidplaintiffs, for the sum of$3,163.80 Dollars, togetherwith all costs of suit, that beingthe amount of judgmentrecovered by the said plaintiffs,in the 353rd DistrictCourt of Travis County, Texas,on July 9, 2004.I, on the 30th day of December,2004, at 2:00 o’clockP.M., have levied upon, andwill, on the 1st day of February,2005, at 10:00 o’clockA.M. at 1000 Guadalupe inthe City of Austin, within legalhours, proceed to sell forcash to the highest bidder,all the rights, title and interestof defendants in and to thefollowing described property,levied upon as the propertyof defendants, to-wit:Lot 12, Block U, ApacheShores, Section 6, Plat No.61/6, Travis County, Texasand being more particularlydescribed in Volume 9015,Page 561 of the deedrecords of Travis County,Texas.THE ABOVE SALE to bemade by me to satisfy theabove described judgmentfor $3,163.80 Dollars in favorof plaintiffs, together with thecosts of said suit, and theproceeds applied to the satisfactionthereof.Witness my hand this 3rdday of January, 2005.BRUCE ELFANT,CONSTABLE PRECINCT 5TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXASBY: /s/ Alan ReddDEPUTYON THE PROPERTY SOLD,THERE ARE NO WARRAN-TIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIM-ITED TO, THE IMPLIED WAR-RANTIES OF MERCHANT-ABILITY AND FITNESS FORA PARTICULAR PURPOSE.YOU BUY THE PROPERTY“AS IS”. BIDDERS ARE FUR-THER ADVISED THAT PUR-CHASE OF THE PROPERTYAT THIS EXECUTION SALEMAY NOT EXTINGUISH ANYLIENS OR SECURITY INTER-ESTS ON THE PROPERTY.YOU ARE SIMPLY PUR-CHASING WHATEVERINTEREST THE DEBTOR HASIN THE PROPERTY. IF YOUHAVE ANY QUESTIONS, YOUNEED TO CONSULT COUN-SEL OF YOUR CHOICE.GV-301008CONSTABLE’SNOTICE OF SALEREAL PROPERTYDELINQUENT TAXESBY VIRTUE of a certain OrderOf Sale issued by the clerk ofthe 200th District Court ofTravis County, on the 20thday of December, 2004, in acertain cause numbered GV-301008, wherein City of MustangRidge, Del Valle IndependentSchool District, TravisCounty and Travis CountyEmergency Services DistrictNo. 11 are plaintiffs, and StellaJ. Briones aredefendant(s), in favor of saidplaintiffs, for the sum of$5,753.60 Dollars, togetherwith all costs of suit, that beingthe amount of judgmentrecovered by the said plaintiffs,in the 200th DistrictCourt of Travis County, Texas,on November 19, 2003.I, on the 30th day of December,2004, at 2:00 o’clockP.M., have levied upon, andwill, on the 1st day of February,2005, at 10:00 o’clockA.M. at 1000 Guadalupe inthe City of Austin, within legalhours, proceed to sell forcash to the highest bidder,all the rights, title and interestof defendants in and to thefollowing described property,levied upon as the propertyof defendants, to-wit:1.42 acres out of Lot 23,Austin Skyline Subdivision,Section 4, Plat NO. 40/41 asdescribed in Volume 12920,Page 5 of the deed recordsof Travis County, Texas.THE ABOVE SALE to bemade by me to satisfy theabove described judgmentfor $5,753.60 Dollars in favorof plaintiffs, together with thecosts of said suit, and theproceeds applied to the satisfactionthereof.Witness my hand this 3rdday of January, 2005.BRUCE ELFANT,CONSTABLE PRECINCT 5TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXASBY: /s/ Alan ReddDEPUTYON THE PROPERTY SOLD,THERE ARE NO WARRAN-TIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIM-ITED TO, THE IMPLIED WAR-RANTIES OF MERCHANT-ABILITY AND FITNESS FORA PARTICULAR PURPOSE.YOU BUY THE PROPERTY“AS IS”. BIDDERS ARE FUR-THER ADVISED THAT PUR-CHASE OF THE PROPERTYAT THIS EXECUTION SALEMAY NOT EXTINGUISH ANYLIENS OR SECURITY INTER-ESTS ON THE PROPERTY.YOU ARE SIMPLY PUR-CHASING WHATEVERINTEREST THE DEBTOR HASIN THE PROPERTY. IF YOUHAVE ANY QUESTIONS, YOUNEED TO CONSULT COUN-SEL OF YOUR CHOICE.GV-301393CONSTABLE’SNOTICE OF SALEREAL PROPERTYDELINQUENT TAXESBY VIRTUE of a certain OrderOf Sale issued by the clerk ofthe 201st District Court ofTravis County, on the 16thday of December, 2004, in acertain cause numbered GV-301393, wherein Lago VistaIndependent School District,Travis County and TravisCounty Emergency ServicesDistrict No. 1 are plaintiffs,and Steven E. McBee, Jr.,Katherine E. Clarke andLitchfield Financial Corporation(In Rem Only) aredefendant(s), in favor of saidplaintiffs, for the sum of$4,724.17 Dollars, togetherwith all costs of suit, that beingthe amount of judgmentrecovered by the said plaintiffs,in the 201st DistrictCourt of Travis County, Texas,on October 1, 2004.I, on the 30th day of December,2004, at 2:00 o’clockP.M., have levied upon, andwill, on the 1st day of February,2005, at 10:00 o’clockA.M. at 1000 Guadalupe inthe City of Austin, within legalhours, proceed to sell forcash to the highest bidder,all the rights, title and interestof defendants in and to thefollowing described property,levied upon as the propertyof defendants, to-wit:Lot 105, Lago Ranchos,Section 1, Plat No. 49/27,Travis County, Texas andbeing more particularly describedin document number1999056296 of the deedrecords of Travis County,Texas.THE ABOVE SALE to bemade by me to satisfy theabove described judgmentfor $4,724.17 Dollars in favorof plaintiffs, together with thecosts of said suit, and theproceeds applied to the satisfactionthereof.Witness my hand this 3rdday of January, 2005.BRUCE ELFANT,CONSTABLE PRECINCT 5TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXASBY: /s/ Alan ReddDEPUTYON THE PROPERTY SOLD,THERE ARE NO WARRAN-TIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIM-ITED TO, THE IMPLIED WAR-RANTIES OF MERCHANT-ABILITY AND FITNESS FORA PARTICULAR PURPOSE.YOU BUY THE PROPERTY“AS IS”. BIDDERS ARE FUR-THER ADVISED THAT PUR-CHASE OF THE PROPERTYAT THIS EXECUTION SALEMAY NOT EXTINGUISH ANYLIENS OR SECURITY INTER-ESTS ON THE PROPERTY.YOU ARE SIMPLY PUR-CHASING WHATEVERINTEREST THE DEBTOR HASIN THE PROPERTY. IF YOUHAVE ANY QUESTIONS, YOUNEED TO CONSULT COUN-SEL OF YOUR CHOICE.GV-302010CONSTABLE’SNOTICE OF SALEREAL PROPERTYDELINQUENT TAXESBY VIRTUE of a certain OrderOf Sale issued by the clerk ofthe 126th District Court ofTravis County, on the 16thday of December, 2004, in acertain cause numbered GV-302010, wherein Plaintiffs areAustin Community College,City of Jonestown, TravisCounty and Travis CountyEmergency Services DistrictNo. 7 and Intervenors areLeander Independent SchoolDistrict, and Clinton Lee Henderson,Jr., Janet P. Hendersonand City of Austin (InRem Only) are defendant(s),in favor of said plaintiffs andintervenors, for the sum of$5,418.08 Dollars, togetherwith all costs of suit, that beingthe amount of judgmentrecovered by the said plaintiffsand intervenor, in the126th District Court of TravisCounty, Texas, on April 2, 2004.I, on the 30th day of December,2004, at 2:00 o’clockP.M., have levied upon, andwill, on the 1st day of February,2005, at 10:00 o’clockA.M. at 1000 Guadalupe inthe City of Austin, within legalhours, proceed to sell forcash to the highest bidder,all the rights, title and interestof defendants in and to thefollowing described property,levied upon as the propertyof defendants, to-wit:Lot 91, Jonestown Hills,Unit 7, Plat No. 30/3, TravisCounty, Texas and beingmore particularly describedin document numbers1999096734 and2000066070 and Cause No.GN001283 of the deedrecords of Travis County,Texas.THE ABOVE SALE to bemade by me to satisfy theabove described judgmentfor $5,418.08 Dollars in favorof plaintiffs and intervenor,together with the costs ofsaid suit, and the proceedsapplied to the satisfactionthereof.Witness my hand this 3rdday of January, 2005.BRUCE ELFANT,CONSTABLE PRECINCT 5TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXASBY: /s/ Alan ReddDEPUTYON THE PROPERTY SOLD,THERE ARE NO WARRAN-TIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIM-ITED TO, THE IMPLIED WAR-RANTIES OF MERCHANT-ABILITY AND FITNESS FORA PARTICULAR PURPOSE.YOU BUY THE PROPERTY“AS IS”. BIDDERS ARE FUR-THER ADVISED THAT PUR-CHASE OF THE PROPERTYAT THIS EXECUTION SALEMAY NOT EXTINGUISH ANYLIENS OR SECURITY INTER-ESTS ON THE PROPERTY.YOU ARE SIMPLY PUR-CHASING WHATEVERINTEREST THE DEBTOR HASIN THE PROPERTY. IF YOUHAVE ANY QUESTIONS, YOUNEED TO CONSULT COUN-SEL OF YOUR CHOICE.GV-302221CONSTABLE’SNOTICE OF SALEREAL PROPERTYDELINQUENT TAXESBY VIRTUE of a certain OrderOf Sale issued by the clerk ofthe 250th District Court ofTravis County, on the 20thday of December, 2004, in acertain cause numbered GV-302221, wherein Austin CommunityCollege, Austin IndependentSchool District, Cityof Austin and Travis Countyare plaintiffs, and Gayla M.Kendell, Guaranty FederalBank, FSB (In Rem Only) andCredigy Receivables, Inc. (InRem Only) are defendant(s),in favor of said plaintiffs, forthe sum of $11,549.63 Dollars,together with all costs ofsuit, that being the amount ofjudgment recovered by thesaid plaintiffs, in the 250thDistrict Court of TravisCounty, Texas, on October 1,2004.I, on the 30th day of December,2004, at 2:00 o’clockP.M., have levied upon, andwill, on the 1st day of February,2005, at 10:00 o’clockA.M. at 1000 Guadalupe inthe City of Austin, within legalhours, proceed to sell forcash to the highest bidder,all the rights, title and interestof defendants in and to thefollowing described property,levied upon as the propertyof defendants, to-wit:Lot 18, Block I, Mesa Park,Section 3, Plat No. 55/87,Travis County, Texas andbeing more particularly describedin Volume 10951,Page 601 of the deedrecords of Travis County,Texas.THE ABOVE SALE to bemade by me to satisfy theabove described judgmentfor $11,549.63 Dollars in favorof plaintiffs, together withthe costs of said suit, and theproceeds applied to the satisfactionthereof.Witness my hand this 3rdday of January, 2005.BRUCE ELFANT,CONSTABLE PRECINCT 5TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXAS

BY: /s/ Alan ReddDEPUTYON THE PROPERTY SOLD,THERE ARE NO WARRAN-TIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIM-ITED TO, THE IMPLIED WAR-RANTIES OF MERCHANT-ABILITY AND FITNESS FORA PARTICULAR PURPOSE.YOU BUY THE PROPERTY“AS IS”. BIDDERS ARE FUR-THER ADVISED THAT PUR-CHASE OF THE PROPERTYAT THIS EXECUTION SALEMAY NOT EXTINGUISH ANYLIENS OR SECURITY INTER-ESTS ON THE PROPERTY.YOU ARE SIMPLY PUR-CHASING WHATEVERINTEREST THE DEBTOR HASIN THE PROPERTY. IF YOUHAVE ANY QUESTIONS, YOUNEED TO CONSULT COUN-SEL OF YOUR CHOICE.GV-303271CONSTABLE’SNOTICE OF SALEREAL PROPERTYDELINQUENT TAXESBY VIRTUE of a certain OrderOf Sale issued by the clerk ofthe 201st District Court ofTravis County, on the 15thday of December, 2004, in acertain cause numbered GV-303271, wherein Lake TravisIndependent School District,Travis County and TravisCounty Emergency ServicesDistrict No. 8 are plaintiffs,and Canyon ContractingCompany, Inc., Texas EmploymentCommission nkaTexas Workforce Commission(In Rem Only), Texas WorkersCompensation InsuranceFund nka Texas Mutual InsuranceCompany (In RemOnly), and Todd Pucthaber(In Rem Only) aredefendant(s), in favor of saidplaintiffs, for the sum of$4,789.70 Dollars, togetherwith all costs of suit, that beingthe amount of judgmentrecovered by the said plaintiffs,in the 201st DistrictCourt of Travis County, Texas,on October 1, 2004.I, on the 30th day of December,2004, at 2:00 o’clockP.M., have levied upon, andwill, on the 1st day of February,2005, at 10:00 o’clockA.M. at 1000 Guadalupe inthe City of Austin, within legalhours, proceed to sell forcash to the highest bidder,all the rights, title and interestof defendants in and to thefollowing described property,levied upon as the propertyof defendants, to-wit:Lot 6, Block A, Hazy HillsRanchettes, Plat No. 53/74,Travis County, Texas andbeing more particularly describedin Volume 13220,Page 1569 of the deedrecords of Travis County,Texas.THE ABOVE SALE to bemade by me to satisfy theabove described judgmentfor $4,789.70 Dollars in favorof plaintiffs, together with thecosts of said suit, and theproceeds applied to the satisfactionthereof.Witness my hand this 3rdday of January, 2005.BRUCE ELFANT,CONSTABLE PRECINCT 5TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXASBY: /s/ Alan ReddDEPUTYON THE PROPERTY SOLD,THERE ARE NO WARRAN-TIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIM-ITED TO, THE IMPLIED WAR-RANTIES OF MERCHANT-ABILITY AND FITNESS FORA PARTICULAR PURPOSE.YOU BUY THE PROPERTY“AS IS”. BIDDERS ARE FUR-THER ADVISED THAT PUR-CHASE OF THE PROPERTYAT THIS EXECUTION SALEMAY NOT EXTINGUISH ANYLIENS OR SECURITY INTER-ESTS ON THE PROPERTY.YOU ARE SIMPLY PUR-CHASING WHATEVERINTEREST THE DEBTOR HASIN THE PROPERTY. IF YOUHAVE ANY QUESTIONS, YOUNEED TO CONSULT COUN-SEL OF YOUR CHOICE.GV-400778CONSTABLE’SNOTICE OF SALEREAL PROPERTYDELINQUENT TAXESBY VIRTUE of a certain OrderOf Sale issued by the clerk ofthe 98th District Court of TravisCounty, on the 20th dayof December, 2004, in a certaincause numbered GV-400778, wherein Austin CommunityCollege, Austin IndependentSchool District, Cityof Austin and Travis Countyare plaintiffs, and Julie Gomoilare defendant(s), in favorof said plaintiffs, for thesum of $4,888.16 Dollars, togetherwith all costs of suit,that being the amount ofjudgment recovered by thesaid plaintiffs, in the 98thDistrict Court of TravisCounty, Texas, on October29, 2004.I, on the 30th day of December,2004, at 2:00 o’clockP.M., have levied upon, andwill, on the 1st day of February,2005, at 10:00 o’clockA.M. at 1000 Guadalupe inthe City of Austin, within legalhours, proceed to sell forcash to the highest bidder,all the rights, title and interestof defendants in and to thefollowing described property,levied upon as the propertyof defendants, to-wit:Lot 3, Kenneth E. KnightResubdivision of part of Lot7, Beau Site, Plat No. 77/360, Travis County, Texasand being more particularlydescribed in documentnumber 1999096183 of thedeed records of TravisCounty, Texas.THE ABOVE SALE to bemade by me to satisfy theabove described judgmentfor $4,888.16 Dollars in favorof plaintiffs, together with thecosts of said suit, and theproceeds applied to the satisfactionthereof.Witness my hand this 3rdday of January, 2005.BRUCE ELFANT,CONSTABLE PRECINCT 5TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXASBY: /s/ Alan ReddDEPUTYON THE PROPERTY SOLD,THERE ARE NO WARRAN-TIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIM-ITED TO, THE IMPLIED WAR-RANTIES OF MERCHANT-ABILITY AND FITNESS FORA PARTICULAR PURPOSE.YOU BUY THE PROPERTY“AS IS”. BIDDERS ARE FUR-THER ADVISED THAT PUR-CHASE OF THE PROPERTYAT THIS EXECUTION SALEMAY NOT EXTINGUISH ANYLIENS OR SECURITY INTER-ESTS ON THE PROPERTY.YOU ARE SIMPLY PUR-CHASING WHATEVERINTEREST THE DEBTOR HASIN THE PROPERTY. IF YOUHAVE ANY QUESTIONS, YOUNEED TO CONSULT COUN-SEL OF YOUR CHOICE.GV-400799CONSTABLE’SNOTICE OF SALEREAL PROPERTYDELINQUENT TAXESBY VIRTUE of a certain OrderOf Sale issued by the clerk ofthe 201st District Court ofTravis County, on the 20thday of December, 2004, in acertain cause numbered GV-400799, wherein Austin CommunityCollege, Austin IndependentSchool District, Cityof Austin and Travis Countyare plaintiffs, and Austin Pancho’sII, LLC dba Pancho’sMexican Buffet, ComericaBank (In Rem Only), Comptrollerof Public Accounts (InRem Only) and Texas EmploymentCommission nkaTexas Workforce Commission(In Rem Only) aredefendant(s), in favor of saidplaintiffs, for the sum of$60,489.48 Dollars, togetherwith all costs of suit, that beingthe amount of judgmentrecovered by the said plaintiffs,in the 201st DistrictCourt of Travis County, Texas,on October 29, 2004.I, on the 30th day of December,2004, at 2:00 o’clockP.M., have levied upon, andwill, on the 1st day of February,2005, at 10:00 o’clockA.M. at 1000 Guadalupe inthe City of Austin, within legalhours, proceed to sell forcash to the highest bidder,all the rights, title and interestof defendants in and to thefollowing described property,levied upon as the propertyof defendants, to-wit:Lot 1, Block A, Resubdivisionof Lot 1, WestcreekSubdivision, Plat No.102/285, Travis County,Texas and being more particularlydescribed in documentnumber 2003238568 ofthe deed records of TravisCounty, Texas.THE ABOVE SALE to bemade by me to satisfy theabove described judgmentfor $60,489.48 Dollars in favorof plaintiffs, together withthe costs of said suit, and theproceeds applied to the satisfactionthereof.Witness my hand this 3rdday of January, 2005.BRUCE ELFANT,CONSTABLE PRECINCT 5TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXASBY: /s/ Alan ReddDEPUTYON THE PROPERTY SOLD,THERE ARE NO WARRAN-TIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIM-ITED TO, THE IMPLIED WAR-RANTIES OF MERCHANT-ABILITY AND FITNESS FORA PARTICULAR PURPOSE.YOU BUY THE PROPERTY“AS IS”. BIDDERS ARE FUR-THER ADVISED THAT PUR-CHASE OF THE PROPERTYAT THIS EXECUTION SALEMAY NOT EXTINGUISH ANYLIENS OR SECURITY INTER-ESTS ON THE PROPERTY.YOU ARE SIMPLY PUR-CHASING WHATEVERINTEREST THE DEBTOR HASIN THE PROPERTY. IF YOUHAVE ANY QUESTIONS, YOUNEED TO CONSULT COUN-SEL OF YOUR CHOICE.NOTICEOFFICIAL PUBLIC NOTICETO BIDDERSTRAVIS COUNTY, TEXASNotice is hereby given thatsealed bids will be acceptedby Travis County for the followingitems:1. Doors and Insulations, IFBB050040-DROpens: January 18, 2005 @11:00 a.m.Bids should be submitted to:Cyd Grimes, Travis CountyPurchasing Agent, NedGranger Building, 314 West11th, Room 400, P.O. Box1748, Austin, Texas 78767.Specifications can be obtainedfrom or viewed at theTravis County Purchasing Officeat no charge. Biddersshould use unit pricing orlump sum pricing, if appropriate.Payments may bemade by check. The successfulbidder shall be requiredto furnish a PerformanceBond in the amount ofOne Hundred percent (100%)of the contract amountawarded, if applicable.NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALEPS TX HOLDINGS, serves noticethat the property generallydescribed below is beingsold to satisfy a landlord’slien pursuant to Chapter59 of the Texas PropertyCode, at the times and placesindicated below, and onthe following terms: All propertygenerally described belowwill be sold at public saleto the highest bidder forCASH, with payment to bemade at the time of sale.Seller re-serves the right torefuse any bid and to withdrawany items or item fromthe sale. The property will besold on Tuesday, January18, 2005, at each self-storagefacility at which it is located,as described below:NO CHILDREN PLEASE.January 18, 2005PUBLIC STORAGE @ 7200S. 1st, Austin, TX. 7874510:00 AMB042 - John Frias - Misc.Household goodsC068 - Shannon Velva -Washer, dryer, E. CenterK298 - Albert Lucio - Fridge,Washer, v. cleanerO453 - Sharon Crocker - TV,boxes, totesO463 - Shirley Behlen - W.chair, table, clothsU637 - Eugene Vrana -Cloths, boxesU690 - Jennifer Canchola -Leather couch, washer, dryerV703 - Andrew Ortiz - Misc.Household goodsV754 - Melissa Sheridan - Microwave,table, boxesJanuary 18, 2005PUBLIC STORAGE @ 7112S. Congress, Austin Tx.7874511:00 AMG23 - Joseph Landreneau -Fridge, washer, dryerG29 - Pauline Henderson -Luggage, clothes, boxesJ73 - Peter Cummins - Misc.household goodsK15 - Rebecca Hembree -Washer, dryer, smokerL3 - Juana Sotelo - Misc.household goodsJanuary 18, 2005PUBLIC STORAGE @ 4202Santiago, Austin, Tx. 7874512:00 p.m.215 - Amy Cranfill - Misc.household goods348 - Clifford Hatch - Boxes,cloths723 - Amy Cranfill - Misc.household goodsJanuary 18, 2005PUBLIC STORAGE @ 5016Ben White, Austin, Tx.787451:00 p.m.B025 - Celestina Anwuta -Misc. Household GoodsC185 - Ignacio Trevino -Bike, Couch, Love seatC246 - Diana Garza - Widescreen tv, couch, dresserC249 - Charles Alba - Couch,boxes, kids toyC291 - Shirley Garcia - CokeMemorabilia, boxes, furnitureC341 - Guadalupe Molina -Microwave, Dresser, V.cleanerC348 - Lisa Davis - TV, E.Center, furnitureD002 - Eleanor Thompson -Hutch, D. Table, DeskJanuary 18, 2005PUBLIC STORAGE @ 1213W. 6th St. & Lamar2:00 p.m.4136 - William Dyson - Paintings,chairs, boxes5124 - Kristen Kirks - D. roomtable, desk, love seatNOTICE OF PUBLIC SALESHURGARD STORAGECENTERSShurgard Storage Centerswishing to avail themselvesto the provisions of Chapter59 of the Texas PropertyCode, hereby gives notice ofpublic sale under said Act toWit; this sale will be held onJanuary 21, 2005 beginningat 10:00 am at the ShurgardStorage Center located at9814 Westgate Blvd, Austin,Texas. This sale will continueto each designated addresslisted below after the completionof each location sale.The property in the storageunits at each location in thetenants’ name is being soldto satisfy a Landlord’s lien.The property contents of allstorage units sold at this saleare purchased “AS IS”,“WHERE IS” for CASH to thehighest bidder. ShurgardStorage Centers reserves theright to refuse any bid or tocancel any public sale advertised.Announcementsmade the day of the saletake precedence over anyprinted materials. All spacescontain household furnitureunless otherwise noted.SHURGARD STORAGE CEN-TERS, 9814 Westgate Blvd,Austin, TX 78748 (512)282-9990; Ernest Qadimasil, BillyPurcell, Denise Moreno, VictoriaFulmer, Jaime Medina,Mike Vocke.SHURGARD STORAGE CEN-TERS, 2121 IH 35 South,Austin, TX 78741 (512)693-9733; Jeff Fisher, DebraFrost-Ryerson, Allen Sterling,Bea Tran, Arthur Redmon,LMR Telecommunications,Nicole Johnston, WilliamMcCarten, Chris Carter, ElizabethPurxell, Michael Gilly,Lynnette Louden.SHURGARD STORAGE CEN-TERS, 5220 US 290 West,Austin, TX 78735 (512)892-3037; Shandra Rabe.SHURGARD STORAGE CEN-TERS, 6726 Bee CavesRoad, Austin, TX 78746(512)327-9113; Trent Hanna.SHURGARD STORAGE CEN-TERS, 13675 N. Hwy. 183,Austin, TX 78750 (512)249-0085; David Alexander, RodneyCrouther, Brooke Flynt,Linda Jackson, Shannon andBruce Emery.SHURGARD STORAGE CEN-TERS, 1517 Round RockAve, Round Rock, TX 78681(512)255-7050; Lupe Salinas,Mark Aro, Virginia Blair, RaulMartinez, Tony Aguilar Jr.,Evelyn Raines, Debra Taylor.NOTICE OF INTENTION TOINCORPORATE Notice ishereby given that Michael S.Olson and Teresa L. Olson d/b/a OLSON WOOD DESIGN,whose principal business officeis 2901 Capital of TexasHighway, Suite C04, Austin,Travis County, Texas 78746,has become incorporated effectiveJanuary 1, 2005,under the name of OLSONWOOD DESIGN, INC.DATED: Effective January 1,2005/s/ Michael S. Olson/s/ Teresa L. OlsonNOTICE OF PUBLIC SALEACCESS SELF STORAGE locatedat 4341 South CongressAvenue, Travis County,Texas wishing to avail themselvesof the provisions andpursuant to Chapter 59, TexasProperty Code, will hold apublic auction of the propertybeing sold to satisfy a landlordslien. Sale will be held at10:00 a.m. on WednesdayJanuary 19th, 2005 at 4341South Congress Avenue, TravisCounty, Texas. Propertywill be sold to the highestbidder for cash. Clean upand removal deposit may berequired. Seller reserves theright to withdraw property atany time from the sale. Propertyincludes the contents ofspaces of the following tenants:Brian C. Williams, Unit 067:Mountain bicycle, varioustools, clothing, dresser, fishingpoles, work table.Jose Iwabuchi, Unit 118:Paint, various tools, tool boxes,coolers, dressers, ladder,spray rig, stilts, file cabinet,end table, tire, weight bench,car seats, lumber, electricalcords, various boxed items.Hope Deavers, Unit 132: Arts& Crafts magazines andbooks, home speakers,standing lamp post, file cabinet.Hoffman Kelly LLP, Unit 145:Business files (Archive)Chris L. Wilson, Unit 164:Mountain bicycle, washer &dryer, golf bag w/ variousclubs, standing work lights,weed eaters and fish tank.Quincy Jackson, Unit 173: 2fans, books, stereo w/ speakers.Pablo C. Taboado, Unit 213:Many original paintings.Encore Telecommunications,Unit 239: Office furniture,desks, executive charis, foldingchairs, hutches/bookshelves,folding chairs,brooms, mop, floor buffer,router, misc. computer cords,power supply, boxed files.NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALEPS Texas Holdings, LTD.,hereby gives notice that theproperty generally describedbelow is being sold to satisfya landlord’s lien pursuant tochapter 59 of the Texas propertycode, at the time andplace indicated below, andon the following terms: Allproperty generally describedbelow will be sold at publicsale to the highest bidder forcash, or credit cards, NOCHECKS, with payment to bemade at the time of the sale.Seller reserves the right to refuseany bid and to withdrawany item or items from thesale. The property will besold on the 25th of JANU-ARY, 2005 at each self-storagefacility at which it is describedbelow: NO CHIL-DREN PLEASE.9:30 a.m. 25 JANUARY,2005 Public Storage @ 1033E. 41st St., Austin, TX787513142 RAY CHAVEZ, STEREO,SPEAKERS, COOLER3168 CONNIE PRESCOTT,FUTON, BOXES, CONTAIN-ERS4079 JAMES RIVERS, COF-FEE TABLE, CHAIR, LOVESEAT4152 CLEMETINE CLARK,ALL ITEMS IN UNIT.10:00 a.m. 25 JANUARY,2005 Public Storage @10100 Nth IH-35, Austin, TX78753A025 HOWARD SLATTER,WASHER, DRYER, LAMPA039 JOHN SAENZ, WASH-ER, DRESSER, MIRRORB041 HECTOR SALINAS,SOFA, TOYS, BOXESB053 MARK RODRIQUEZ,BED, LAMP, PILLOWSB125 DAVID COLEMAN,DESK, QUILTS, BOXC004 RICHARD GOOD-NIGHT, DESK, WATERCOOLER, BOXESC009 KIM CLARK, ALLITEMS IN UNITC041 SABRINA JONES, COF-FEE TABLE, CHAIRS, FANC096 DIANNE BROWN,LAMPS, CHAIRS, COOLERC110 TASHON SCOTT, ALLITEMS IN UNITD018 GEORGE DAVIS,WOOD, BOXES, TRUNKD035 TANYA ROBINSON,DRESSER, PLANT, LAMPSD108 JESSE GARCEZ,DRESSER, CLOCK, BOXESE065 PHILLIP STEWART,WASHER, DRYER, SROLLER11:00 a.m. 25 JANUARY,2005 Public Storage @ 937Reinli, Austin, TX., 78751228 BILLY SPIVEY, JR. SUIT-CASE, CHAIR, RUG381 ELISEN SANCHEZ, RE-CLINER, VCR TAPES, BOXES11:30 a.m. 25 JANUARY,2005 Public Storage @ 8101Nth Lamar Blvd., Austin, TX78753109 WILBUR ROBINSON,ALL ITEMS IN UNIT169 CANTRELL BROWN,BAGS, COOLER, SHOES512 ROSA FLORES, POOLTABLE, BIKES, MOWER516 TRISH POULTER, WASH-ER, CRIB, SOFA520 RITA JORDAN, DRYER,DRESSER, NIGHT STANDS1417 R.C. CATHEY, FOLD-ING TABLE, CHAIR, TV2149 ILA PERDUE, SOFA,MATTRESS, END TABLE3224 ESMERALDA PEREZ,ALL ITEMS IN UNIT12:30 p.m. 25 JANUARY,2005 Public Storage @ 8525Nth Lamar Blvd., Austin, TX78753A094 ROMAN TORRES,CHAIR, FILE CABINET, VANSEATB023 GILBERT MARTINEZ,TV, MATTRESS, BOXSPRINGSB029 MELINDA MURPHY,BAR STOOLS, TV, BOXESE042 KRYSTAL MEDEARIS,TV, END TABLE, CRIBH008 SABRINA DECKERD,AMOIRE, TABLE, CHAIRH014 MILTON TODD, TIRES,CLOTHES, LAMP1:30 p.m. 25 JANUARY,2005 Public Storage @ 8128Nth Lamar Blvd., Austin, TX78753C021 JANESSA MILLS, MO-TORCYCLE, TIRE, STEREOE044 A. BREWER, TOOLBOX, BIKE, BOXESE067 AMANCIO ANDERSON,STEREO, BOOKCASE,SPEAKERSE109 CLEVELAND HARRIS,MATTRESS, BOX SPRINGS,MIRRORE123 MILTON TODD, ALLITEMS IN UNITF013 HEATHER JOHNSON,DESK, LAMP, MIRRORF046 ROBERT GREENWAY,TYPEWRITTER, VCR, TABLEF055 KEVIN LEGROW, PIN-BALL MACHINE, BB GUN,ROCKERG027 EARNEST EATON, VCRTAPES, CLOTHES, BACKPACKG051 ADAM MORGAN,BAGS, BOXES, COOLER2:30 p.m. 25 JANUARY,2005 Public Storage @ 9205Research Blvd., Austin, TX78758A240 FLOYD AARON, PAINT-INGS, BOXES, ROLLERBLADESC028 DAVID SHEETS, CON-SOLE TV, CHAIR, SOFAD115 NICOLE ROBINSON,CAROSEL HORSE, WASHER,TVE012 JOSEPH RICHARD-SON, TABLE, CHAIRS, LAMP3:30 p.m. 25 JANUARY,2005 Public Storage @12318 N. Mopac Expwy,Austin, TX 78758D501 SHESTA NEUGENT,CLOTHES, LAMP, SOFA4:00 p.m. 25 JANUARY,2005 Public Storage @10931 Research Blvd., Austin,TX 78759C043 JOHN FRANKS, RE-CLINER, TABLE, LAMPF014 JEANNE RUSSELL, BIGFAN, CHAIR, SOFAG015 JOHN HENDERSON,TRAIN TRACK, DRESSER,SOFA2267 JOHN HENDERSON,ALL ITEMS IN UNIT4:30 p.m. 25 JANUARY,2005 Public Storage @12915 Research Blvd., Austin,TX 78750D028 TODD WILSON, SOFA,TV, CHAIRNOTICE TO ALL PERSONSHAVING CLAIMS AGAINSTTHE ESTATE OF TOWNIESQUYRES, DECEASEDNotice is hereby given that inCause No. 82,031, styled Estateof Townie Squyres, Deceased,pending in ProbateCourt No. 1 of Travis County,Texas, original letters testamentarywere issued on December7, 2004, to KathleenSquyres.Claims may be presentedand addressed to the personalrepresentative of theEstate in care of her attorneysat the following address:c/o Graves, Dougherty,Hearon & MoodyA Professional CorporationAttn: Julie FreyP. O. Box 98401 Congress, Suite 2200Austin, Texas 78767-0098All persons having claimsagainst this estate are requiredto present them withinthe time and in the mannerprescribed by law.DATED the 29th day of December,2004.GRAVES, DOUGHERTY,HEARON & MOODYA Professional CorporationP.O. Box 98401 Congress, Suite 2200Austin, Texas 78767-0098(512) 480-5600 Telephone(512) 478-1976 TelecopierBy: /s/ Julie FreySBN: 00792283ATTORNEYS FOR INDE-PENDENT EXECUTORNOTICE TO CREDITORSOn December 29, 2004,Richard Gene Dahlberg wasissued original letters testamentaryfor the Estate ofLena Gertrude Lind, Deceased,in Cause No. 82,205pending in the Probate CourtNo. 1 of Travis County, Texas.The address of the executoris c/o Donald F. Carnes,400 W. 15th, Suite 808, Austin,Texas 78701, and all personshaving claims againstthis estate are required topresent them to such addressin the manner and timerequired by law.Richard Gene DahlbergIndependent Executor of theEstate of Lena Gertrude LindNOTICE TO ALL PERSONSHAVING CLAIMS AGAINSTTHE ESTATE OF HAROLDARTHUR WOLF, DE-CEASED Notice is herebygiven that in Cause No.82147, styled Estate of HaroldArthur Wolf aka Harold A.Wolf, Deceased, pending inProbate Court No. 1 of TravisCounty, Texas, original letterstestamentary were issued onDecember 8, 2004, to JeanetteE. Wolf.Claims may be presentedand addressed to the personalrepresentative of theEstate in care of her attorneysat the following address:c/o Graves, Dougherty,Hearon & MoodyA Professional CorporationAttn: Theodora M. AnastaploP. O. Box 98401 Congress, Suite 2200Austin, Texas 78767-0098All persons having claimsagainst this estate are requiredto present them withinthe time and in the mannerprescribed by law.DATED the 30th day of December,2004.GRAVES, DOUGHERTY,HEARON & MOODYA Professional CorporationP.O. Box 98401 Congress, Suite 2200Austin, Texas 78767-0098(512) 480-5600 Telephone(512) 478-1976 TelecopierBy: /s/Theodora M. AnastaploState Bar ID No.: 24031695ATTORNEYS FOR INDE-PENDENT EXECUTORNOTICE TO CREDITORSNotice is hereby given thatoriginal Letters Testamentaryfor the Estate of Frederick C.Blumberg, III, Deceased,were issued on January 4,2005, in Docket No. 82246,pending in the Probate CourtNo. 1 of Travis County, Texas,to: Nena Ray Blumberg.All persons having claimsagainst this Estate which iscurrently being administeredare required to present themwithin the time and in themanner prescribed by law.Claims shall be addressedto: “Representative, Estate ofFrederick C. Blumberg, IIIc/o John W. BrodnaxJohn W. Brodnax, P.C.1204 Lakeway Dr., Suite 5Lakeway, Texas 78734”(512) 261-0101DATED the 4th day of January,2005./s/ John W. BrodnaxATTORNEY FOR INDEPEND-ENT EXECUTORNOTICE TO ALL PERSONSHAVING CLAIMS AGAINSTTHE ESTATE OF JEANSOUTHERLAND, DE-CEASED Notice is herebygiven that in Cause No.82,200, styled Estate of JeanSoutherland, aka TeresaJean Reed Southerland, Deceased,(the “Estate”) pendingin County Court of TravisCounty, Texas, original letterstestamentary were issued onDecember 21, 2004, to WilliamJ. Psencik.Claims may be presentedand addressed to the independentexecutor of the Estatein care of his attorneysat the following address:c/o Graves, Dougherty,Hearon & MoodyA Professional CorporationAttn: Patricia A. CampbellPost Office Box 98Austin, Texas 78767All persons having claimsagainst this estate are requiredto present them withinthe time and in the mannerprescribed by law.DATED this the 3rd day ofJanuary, 2005.Respectfully submitted,GRAVES, DOUGHERTY,HEARON & MOODYA Professional CorporationBy: /s/ Patricia A. CampbellState Bar No. 03714100(512) 480-5600(512) 478-1976 (fax)ATTORNEYS FOR INDE-PENDENT EXECUTORLEGAL NOTICESTHE AUSTIN CHRONICLEaccepts LEGAL NOTICES atthe low rate of $21 percolumn inch.Notarized affidavits ofpublication and auditedcirculation statements areprovided upon request.Call Jessica @ 512-454-5765ext. 168 for more info.PURSUANT TO PROVI-SIONS of State PropertyCode 7001 notice is herebygiven to the owner and lienholderof the following vehicleto reclaim the vehiclewithin 30 days and pay allfees or your failure to do soshall be a waiver of all yourrights, title, and interest andyour consent to sell the vehicleat public sale:93 Ford 2D VINKNJPT05H5P6109434Garagekeeper:DeWitt Lewis99 Dustin’s DrUhland, TXSTATE OF CONNECTICUTSUPERIOR COURTJUVENILE MATTERSNOTICE TO: Michael Dudleyof parts unknown. A petition/motion has been filed seeking:Committment of minorchild(ren) of the abovenamed or vesting of custodyand care of said child(ren) ofthe above named in a lawful,private or public agency or asuitable and worthy person.The petition, whereby thecourt’s decision can effectyour parental rights, if any,regarding minor child(ren)will be heard on January 27,2005 at 9:45 A.M. at 230Main Street Extension, Middletown,CT 06457Therefore, ORDERED, thatnotice of the hearing of thispetition/motion be given bypublishing this Order of Noticeonce, immediately uponreceipt, in the Austin Chroniclea newspaper having acirculation in the town/city ofAustin, Texas.Philip A. Scarpellino, JudgeSIGNED Kristin L. NicholsAsst ClerkDATE SIGNED 12/28/04Right to Counsel: Upon proofof inability to pay for a lawyer,the court will provide onefor you at court expense. Anysuch request should bemade immediately at thecourt office where your hearingis to be heard.TRAVIS COUNTYPUBLIC AUCTION:SURPLUS PROPERTYWEDNESDAY, JANUARY12, 2005; 1:00 P.M.TRAVIS COUNTYWAREHOUSE7811 BURLESON-MANORROAD, MANOR, TEXAS*ASSORTED TYPEWRITERS**ASSORTED BOOKCASES**ASSORTED CASH REGIS-TERS, TEC 79* *ASSORTEDTELEVISION SETS**BAYNETWORK, REMOTEOFFICE SUITES* *ASSORTEDPALLET OF MISCELLANE-OUS WINDOWS* *5575FBAYNET HOST MODULES**5575F BAYNET DUALCLUSTER* *JUKEBOXES, PI-ONEER 6 DISC* *ASSORTEDFAX MACHINES* *APC,SMART UPS* *HANGINGSTORAGE RACK* *VACUUMCLEANERS - EUREKA#7745* *FILING CABINETS**PALLETS OF OLD LIGHTS**PALLETS OF SHOES ANDBOOTS* *PALLETS OF MIS-CELLANEOUS TRAYS ANDVENTS* *PALLETS OFPANTS, COATS AND SHOES**PALLETS OF OLD OFFICETRAYS AND SUPPLIES**PALLETS OF MISCELLANE-OUS SHELVING* *PALLETSOF MISCELLANEOUS BELTSAND HOLSTERS* *PALLETSJANUARY 7, 2005 | THE AUSTIN CHRONICLE | 117

BY: /s/ Alan ReddDEPUTYON THE PROPERTY SOLD,THERE ARE NO WARRAN-TIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIM-ITED TO, THE IMPLIED WAR-RANTIES OF MERCHANT-ABILITY AND FITNESS FORA PARTICULAR PURPOSE.YOU BUY THE PROPERTY“AS IS”. BIDDERS ARE FUR-THER ADVISED THAT PUR-CHASE OF THE PROPERTYAT THIS EXECUTION SALEMAY NOT EXTINGUISH ANYLIENS OR SECURITY INTER-ESTS ON THE PROPERTY.YOU ARE SIMPLY PUR-CHASING WHATEVERINTEREST THE DEBTOR HASIN THE PROPERTY. IF YOUHAVE ANY QUESTIONS, YOUNEED TO CONSULT COUN-SEL OF YOUR CHOICE.GV-303271CONSTABLE’SNOTICE OF SALEREAL PROPERTYDELINQUENT TAXESBY VIRTUE of a certain OrderOf Sale issued by the clerk ofthe 201st District Court ofTravis County, on the <strong>15</strong>thday of December, 2004, in acertain cause numbered GV-303271, wherein Lake TravisIndependent School District,Travis County and TravisCounty Emergency ServicesDistrict No. 8 are plaintiffs,and Canyon ContractingCompany, Inc., Texas EmploymentCommission nkaTexas Workforce Commission(In Rem Only), Texas WorkersCompensation InsuranceFund nka Texas Mutual InsuranceCompany (In RemOnly), and Todd Pucthaber(In Rem Only) aredefendant(s), in favor of saidplaintiffs, for the sum of$4,789.70 Dollars, togetherwith all costs of suit, that beingthe amount of judgmentrecovered by the said plaintiffs,in the 201st DistrictCourt of Travis County, Texas,on October 1, 2004.I, on the 30th day of December,2004, at 2:00 o’clockP.M., have levied upon, andwill, on the 1st day of February,2005, at 10:00 o’clockA.M. at 1000 Guadalupe inthe City of <strong>Austin</strong>, within legalhours, proceed to sell forcash to the highest bidder,all the rights, title and interestof defendants in and to thefollowing described property,levied upon as the propertyof defendants, to-wit:Lot 6, Block A, Hazy HillsRanchettes, Plat No. 53/74,Travis County, Texas andbeing more particularly describedin Volume 13220,Page <strong>15</strong>69 of the deedrecords of Travis County,Texas.THE ABOVE SALE to bemade by me to satisfy theabove described judgmentfor $4,789.70 Dollars in favorof plaintiffs, together with thecosts of said suit, and theproceeds applied to the satisfactionthereof.Witness my hand this 3rdday of <strong>Jan</strong>uary, 2005.BRUCE ELFANT,CONSTABLE PRECINCT 5TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXASBY: /s/ Alan ReddDEPUTYON THE PROPERTY SOLD,THERE ARE NO WARRAN-TIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIM-ITED TO, THE IMPLIED WAR-RANTIES OF MERCHANT-ABILITY AND FITNESS FORA PARTICULAR PURPOSE.YOU BUY THE PROPERTY“AS IS”. BIDDERS ARE FUR-THER ADVISED THAT PUR-CHASE OF THE PROPERTYAT THIS EXECUTION SALEMAY NOT EXTINGUISH ANYLIENS OR SECURITY INTER-ESTS ON THE PROPERTY.YOU ARE SIMPLY PUR-CHASING WHATEVERINTEREST THE DEBTOR HASIN THE PROPERTY. IF YOUHAVE ANY QUESTIONS, YOUNEED TO CONSULT COUN-SEL OF YOUR CHOICE.GV-400778CONSTABLE’SNOTICE OF SALEREAL PROPERTYDELINQUENT TAXESBY VIRTUE of a certain OrderOf Sale issued by the clerk ofthe 98th District Court of TravisCounty, on the 20th dayof December, 2004, in a certaincause numbered GV-400778, wherein <strong>Austin</strong> CommunityCollege, <strong>Austin</strong> IndependentSchool District, Cityof <strong>Austin</strong> and Travis Countyare plaintiffs, and Julie Gomoilare defendant(s), in favorof said plaintiffs, for thesum of $4,888.16 Dollars, togetherwith all costs of suit,that being the amount ofjudgment recovered by thesaid plaintiffs, in the 98thDistrict Court of TravisCounty, Texas, on October29, 2004.I, on the 30th day of December,2004, at 2:00 o’clockP.M., have levied upon, andwill, on the 1st day of February,2005, at 10:00 o’clockA.M. at 1000 Guadalupe inthe City of <strong>Austin</strong>, within legalhours, proceed to sell forcash to the highest bidder,all the rights, title and interestof defendants in and to thefollowing described property,levied upon as the propertyof defendants, to-wit:Lot 3, Kenneth E. KnightResubdivision of part of Lot7, Beau Site, Plat No. 77/360, Travis County, Texasand being more particularlydescribed in documentnumber 1999096183 of thedeed records of TravisCounty, Texas.THE ABOVE SALE to bemade by me to satisfy theabove described judgmentfor $4,888.16 Dollars in favorof plaintiffs, together with thecosts of said suit, and theproceeds applied to the satisfactionthereof.Witness my hand this 3rdday of <strong>Jan</strong>uary, 2005.BRUCE ELFANT,CONSTABLE PRECINCT 5TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXASBY: /s/ Alan ReddDEPUTYON THE PROPERTY SOLD,THERE ARE NO WARRAN-TIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIM-ITED TO, THE IMPLIED WAR-RANTIES OF MERCHANT-ABILITY AND FITNESS FORA PARTICULAR PURPOSE.YOU BUY THE PROPERTY“AS IS”. BIDDERS ARE FUR-THER ADVISED THAT PUR-CHASE OF THE PROPERTYAT THIS EXECUTION SALEMAY NOT EXTINGUISH ANYLIENS OR SECURITY INTER-ESTS ON THE PROPERTY.YOU ARE SIMPLY PUR-CHASING WHATEVERINTEREST THE DEBTOR HASIN THE PROPERTY. IF YOUHAVE ANY QUESTIONS, YOUNEED TO CONSULT COUN-SEL OF YOUR CHOICE.GV-400799CONSTABLE’SNOTICE OF SALEREAL PROPERTYDELINQUENT TAXESBY VIRTUE of a certain OrderOf Sale issued by the clerk ofthe 201st District Court ofTravis County, on the 20thday of December, 2004, in acertain cause numbered GV-400799, wherein <strong>Austin</strong> CommunityCollege, <strong>Austin</strong> IndependentSchool District, Cityof <strong>Austin</strong> and Travis Countyare plaintiffs, and <strong>Austin</strong> Pancho’sII, LLC dba Pancho’sMexican Buffet, ComericaBank (In Rem Only), Comptrollerof Public Accounts (InRem Only) and Texas EmploymentCommission nkaTexas Workforce Commission(In Rem Only) aredefendant(s), in favor of saidplaintiffs, for the sum of$60,489.48 Dollars, togetherwith all costs of suit, that beingthe amount of judgmentrecovered by the said plaintiffs,in the 201st DistrictCourt of Travis County, Texas,on October 29, 2004.I, on the 30th day of December,2004, at 2:00 o’clockP.M., have levied upon, andwill, on the 1st day of February,2005, at 10:00 o’clockA.M. at 1000 Guadalupe inthe City of <strong>Austin</strong>, within legalhours, proceed to sell forcash to the highest bidder,all the rights, title and interestof defendants in and to thefollowing described property,levied upon as the propertyof defendants, to-wit:Lot 1, Block A, Resubdivisionof Lot 1, WestcreekSubdivision, Plat No.102/285, Travis County,Texas and being more particularlydescribed in documentnumber 2003238568 ofthe deed records of TravisCounty, Texas.THE ABOVE SALE to bemade by me to satisfy theabove described judgmentfor $60,489.48 Dollars in favorof plaintiffs, together withthe costs of said suit, and theproceeds applied to the satisfactionthereof.Witness my hand this 3rdday of <strong>Jan</strong>uary, 2005.BRUCE ELFANT,CONSTABLE PRECINCT 5TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXASBY: /s/ Alan ReddDEPUTYON THE PROPERTY SOLD,THERE ARE NO WARRAN-TIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIM-ITED TO, THE IMPLIED WAR-RANTIES OF MERCHANT-ABILITY AND FITNESS FORA PARTICULAR PURPOSE.YOU BUY THE PROPERTY“AS IS”. BIDDERS ARE FUR-THER ADVISED THAT PUR-CHASE OF THE PROPERTYAT THIS EXECUTION SALEMAY NOT EXTINGUISH ANYLIENS OR SECURITY INTER-ESTS ON THE PROPERTY.YOU ARE SIMPLY PUR-CHASING WHATEVERINTEREST THE DEBTOR HASIN THE PROPERTY. IF YOUHAVE ANY QUESTIONS, YOUNEED TO CONSULT COUN-SEL OF YOUR CHOICE.NOTICEOFFICIAL PUBLIC NOTICETO BIDDERSTRAVIS COUNTY, TEXASNotice is hereby given thatsealed bids will be acceptedby Travis County for the followingitems:1. Doors and Insulations, IFBB050040-DROpens: <strong>Jan</strong>uary 18, 2005 @11:00 a.m.Bids should be submitted to:Cyd Grimes, Travis CountyPurchasing Agent, NedGranger Building, 314 West11th, Room 400, P.O. Box1748, <strong>Austin</strong>, Texas 78767.Specifications can be obtainedfrom or viewed at theTravis County Purchasing Officeat no charge. Biddersshould use unit pricing orlump sum pricing, if appropriate.Payments may bemade by check. <strong>The</strong> successfulbidder shall be requiredto furnish a PerformanceBond in the amount ofOne Hundred percent (100%)of the contract amountawarded, if applicable.NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALEPS TX HOLDINGS, serves noticethat the property generallydescribed below is beingsold to satisfy a landlord’slien pursuant to Chapter59 of the Texas PropertyCode, at the times and placesindicated below, and onthe following terms: All propertygenerally described belowwill be sold at public saleto the highest bidder forCASH, with payment to bemade at the time of sale.Seller re-serves the right torefuse any bid and to withdrawany items or item fromthe sale. <strong>The</strong> property will besold on Tuesday, <strong>Jan</strong>uary18, 2005, at each self-storagefacility at which it is located,as described below:NO CHILDREN PLEASE.<strong>Jan</strong>uary 18, 2005PUBLIC STORAGE @ 7200S. 1st, <strong>Austin</strong>, TX. 7874510:00 AMB042 - John Frias - Misc.Household goodsC068 - Shannon Velva -Washer, dryer, E. CenterK298 - Albert Lucio - Fridge,Washer, v. cleanerO453 - Sharon Crocker - TV,boxes, totesO463 - Shirley Behlen - W.chair, table, clothsU637 - Eugene Vrana -Cloths, boxesU690 - Jennifer Canchola -Leather couch, washer, dryerV703 - Andrew Ortiz - Misc.Household goodsV754 - Melissa Sheridan - Microwave,table, boxes<strong>Jan</strong>uary 18, 2005PUBLIC STORAGE @ 7112S. Congress, <strong>Austin</strong> Tx.7874511:00 AMG23 - Joseph Landreneau -Fridge, washer, dryerG29 - Pauline Henderson -Luggage, clothes, boxesJ73 - Peter Cummins - Misc.household goodsK<strong>15</strong> - Rebecca Hembree -Washer, dryer, smokerL3 - Juana Sotelo - Misc.household goods<strong>Jan</strong>uary 18, 2005PUBLIC STORAGE @ 4202Santiago, <strong>Austin</strong>, Tx. 7874512:00 p.m.2<strong>15</strong> - Amy Cranfill - Misc.household goods348 - Clifford Hatch - Boxes,cloths723 - Amy Cranfill - Misc.household goods<strong>Jan</strong>uary 18, 2005PUBLIC STORAGE @ 5016Ben White, <strong>Austin</strong>, Tx.787451:00 p.m.B025 - Celestina Anwuta -Misc. Household GoodsC185 - Ignacio Trevino -Bike, Couch, Love seatC246 - Diana Garza - Widescreen tv, couch, dresserC249 - Charles Alba - Couch,boxes, kids toyC291 - Shirley Garcia - CokeMemorabilia, boxes, furnitureC341 - Guadalupe Molina -Microwave, Dresser, V.cleanerC348 - Lisa Davis - TV, E.Center, furnitureD002 - Eleanor Thompson -Hutch, D. Table, Desk<strong>Jan</strong>uary 18, 2005PUBLIC STORAGE @ 1213W. 6th St. & Lamar2:00 p.m.4136 - William Dyson - Paintings,chairs, boxes5124 - Kristen Kirks - D. roomtable, desk, love seatNOTICE OF PUBLIC SALESHURGARD STORAGECENTERSShurgard Storage Centerswishing to avail themselvesto the provisions of Chapter59 of the Texas PropertyCode, hereby gives notice ofpublic sale under said Act toWit; this sale will be held on<strong>Jan</strong>uary 21, 2005 beginningat 10:00 am at the ShurgardStorage Center located at9814 Westgate Blvd, <strong>Austin</strong>,Texas. This sale will continueto each designated addresslisted below after the completionof each location sale.<strong>The</strong> property in the storageunits at each location in thetenants’ name is being soldto satisfy a Landlord’s lien.<strong>The</strong> property contents of allstorage units sold at this saleare purchased “AS IS”,“WHERE IS” for CASH to thehighest bidder. ShurgardStorage Centers reserves theright to refuse any bid or tocancel any public sale advertised.Announcementsmade the day of the saletake precedence over anyprinted materials. All spacescontain household furnitureunless otherwise noted.SHURGARD STORAGE CEN-TERS, 9814 Westgate Blvd,<strong>Austin</strong>, TX 78748 (512)282-9990; Ernest Qadimasil, BillyPurcell, Denise Moreno, VictoriaFulmer, Jaime Medina,Mike Vocke.SHURGARD STORAGE CEN-TERS, 2121 IH 35 South,<strong>Austin</strong>, TX 78741 (512)693-9733; Jeff Fisher, DebraFrost-Ryerson, Allen Sterling,Bea Tran, Arthur Redmon,LMR Telecommunications,Nicole Johnston, WilliamMcCarten, Chris Carter, ElizabethPurxell, Michael Gilly,Lynnette Louden.SHURGARD STORAGE CEN-TERS, 5220 US 290 West,<strong>Austin</strong>, TX 78735 (512)892-3037; Shandra Rabe.SHURGARD STORAGE CEN-TERS, 6726 Bee CavesRoad, <strong>Austin</strong>, TX 78746(512)327-9113; Trent Hanna.SHURGARD STORAGE CEN-TERS, 13675 N. Hwy. 183,<strong>Austin</strong>, TX 78750 (512)249-0085; David Alexander, RodneyCrouther, Brooke Flynt,Linda Jackson, Shannon andBruce Emery.SHURGARD STORAGE CEN-TERS, <strong>15</strong>17 Round RockAve, Round Rock, TX 78681(512)255-7050; Lupe Salinas,Mark Aro, Virginia Blair, RaulMartinez, Tony Aguilar Jr.,Evelyn Raines, Debra Taylor.NOTICE OF INTENTION TOINCORPORATE Notice ishereby given that Michael S.Olson and Teresa L. Olson d/b/a OLSON WOOD DESIGN,whose principal business officeis 2901 Capital of TexasHighway, Suite C04, <strong>Austin</strong>,Travis County, Texas 78746,has become incorporated effective<strong>Jan</strong>uary 1, 2005,under the name of OLSONWOOD DESIGN, INC.DATED: Effective <strong>Jan</strong>uary 1,2005/s/ Michael S. Olson/s/ Teresa L. OlsonNOTICE OF PUBLIC SALEACCESS SELF STORAGE locatedat 4341 South CongressAvenue, Travis County,Texas wishing to avail themselvesof the provisions andpursuant to Chapter 59, TexasProperty Code, will hold apublic auction of the propertybeing sold to satisfy a landlordslien. Sale will be held at10:00 a.m. on Wednesday<strong>Jan</strong>uary 19th, 2005 at 4341South Congress Avenue, TravisCounty, Texas. Propertywill be sold to the highestbidder for cash. Clean upand removal deposit may berequired. Seller reserves theright to withdraw property atany time from the sale. Propertyincludes the contents ofspaces of the following tenants:Brian C. Williams, Unit 067:Mountain bicycle, varioustools, clothing, dresser, fishingpoles, work table.Jose Iwabuchi, Unit 118:Paint, various tools, tool boxes,coolers, dressers, ladder,spray rig, stilts, file cabinet,end table, tire, weight bench,car seats, lumber, electricalcords, various boxed items.Hope Deavers, Unit 132: Arts& Crafts magazines andbooks, home speakers,standing lamp post, file cabinet.Hoffman Kelly LLP, Unit 145:Business files (Archive)Chris L. Wilson, Unit 164:Mountain bicycle, washer &dryer, golf bag w/ variousclubs, standing work lights,weed eaters and fish tank.Quincy Jackson, Unit 173: 2fans, books, stereo w/ speakers.Pablo C. Taboado, Unit 213:Many original paintings.Encore Telecommunications,Unit 239: Office furniture,desks, executive charis, foldingchairs, hutches/bookshelves,folding chairs,brooms, mop, floor buffer,router, misc. computer cords,power supply, boxed files.NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALEPS Texas Holdings, LTD.,hereby gives notice that theproperty generally describedbelow is being sold to satisfya landlord’s lien pursuant tochapter 59 of the Texas propertycode, at the time andplace indicated below, andon the following terms: Allproperty generally describedbelow will be sold at publicsale to the highest bidder forcash, or credit cards, NOCHECKS, with payment to bemade at the time of the sale.Seller reserves the right to refuseany bid and to withdrawany item or items from thesale. <strong>The</strong> property will besold on the 25th of JANU-ARY, 2005 at each self-storagefacility at which it is describedbelow: NO CHIL-DREN PLEASE.9:30 a.m. 25 JANUARY,2005 Public Storage @ 1033E. 41st St., <strong>Austin</strong>, TX787513142 RAY CHAVEZ, STEREO,SPEAKERS, COOLER3168 CONNIE PRESCOTT,FUTON, BOXES, CONTAIN-ERS4079 JAMES RIVERS, COF-FEE TABLE, CHAIR, LOVESEAT4<strong>15</strong>2 CLEMETINE CLARK,ALL ITEMS IN UNIT.10:00 a.m. 25 JANUARY,2005 Public Storage @10100 Nth IH-35, <strong>Austin</strong>, TX78753A025 HOWARD SLATTER,WASHER, DRYER, LAMPA039 JOHN SAENZ, WASH-ER, DRESSER, MIRRORB041 HECTOR SALINAS,SOFA, TOYS, BOXESB053 MARK RODRIQUEZ,BED, LAMP, PILLOWSB125 DAVID COLEMAN,DESK, QUILTS, BOXC004 RICHARD GOOD-NIGHT, DESK, WATERCOOLER, BOXESC009 KIM CLARK, ALLITEMS IN UNITC041 SABRINA JONES, COF-FEE TABLE, CHAIRS, FANC096 DIANNE BROWN,LAMPS, CHAIRS, COOLERC110 TASHON SCOTT, ALLITEMS IN UNITD018 GEORGE DAVIS,WOOD, BOXES, TRUNKD035 TANYA ROBINSON,DRESSER, PLANT, LAMPSD108 JESSE GARCEZ,DRESSER, CLOCK, BOXESE065 PHILLIP STEWART,WASHER, DRYER, SROLLER11:00 a.m. 25 JANUARY,2005 Public Storage @ 937Reinli, <strong>Austin</strong>, TX., 78751228 BILLY SPIVEY, JR. SUIT-CASE, CHAIR, RUG381 ELISEN SANCHEZ, RE-CLINER, VCR TAPES, BOXES11:30 a.m. 25 JANUARY,2005 Public Storage @ 8101Nth Lamar Blvd., <strong>Austin</strong>, TX78753109 WILBUR ROBINSON,ALL ITEMS IN UNIT169 CANTRELL BROWN,BAGS, COOLER, SHOES512 ROSA FLORES, POOLTABLE, BIKES, MOWER516 TRISH POULTER, WASH-ER, CRIB, SOFA520 RITA JORDAN, DRYER,DRESSER, NIGHT STANDS1417 R.C. CATHEY, FOLD-ING TABLE, CHAIR, TV2149 ILA PERDUE, SOFA,MATTRESS, END TABLE3224 ESMERALDA PEREZ,ALL ITEMS IN UNIT12:30 p.m. 25 JANUARY,2005 Public Storage @ 8525Nth Lamar Blvd., <strong>Austin</strong>, TX78753A094 ROMAN TORRES,CHAIR, FILE CABINET, VANSEATB023 GILBERT MARTINEZ,TV, MATTRESS, BOXSPRINGSB029 MELINDA MURPHY,BAR STOOLS, TV, BOXESE042 KRYSTAL MEDEARIS,TV, END TABLE, CRIBH008 SABRINA DECKERD,AMOIRE, TABLE, CHAIRH014 MILTON TODD, TIRES,CLOTHES, LAMP1:30 p.m. 25 JANUARY,2005 Public Storage @ 8128Nth Lamar Blvd., <strong>Austin</strong>, TX78753C021 JANESSA MILLS, MO-TORCYCLE, TIRE, STEREOE044 A. BREWER, TOOLBOX, BIKE, BOXESE067 AMANCIO ANDERSON,STEREO, BOOKCASE,SPEAKERSE109 CLEVELAND HARRIS,MATTRESS, BOX SPRINGS,MIRRORE123 MILTON TODD, ALLITEMS IN UNITF013 HEATHER JOHNSON,DESK, LAMP, MIRRORF046 ROBERT GREENWAY,TYPEWRITTER, VCR, TABLEF055 KEVIN LEGROW, PIN-BALL MACHINE, BB GUN,ROCKERG027 EARNEST EATON, VCRTAPES, CLOTHES, BACKPACKG051 ADAM MORGAN,BAGS, BOXES, COOLER2:30 p.m. 25 JANUARY,2005 Public Storage @ 9205Research Blvd., <strong>Austin</strong>, TX78758A240 FLOYD AARON, PAINT-INGS, BOXES, ROLLERBLADESC028 DAVID SHEETS, CON-SOLE TV, CHAIR, SOFAD1<strong>15</strong> NICOLE ROBINSON,CAROSEL HORSE, WASHER,TVE012 JOSEPH RICHARD-SON, TABLE, CHAIRS, LAMP3:30 p.m. 25 JANUARY,2005 Public Storage @12318 N. Mopac Expwy,<strong>Austin</strong>, TX 78758D501 SHESTA NEUGENT,CLOTHES, LAMP, SOFA4:00 p.m. 25 JANUARY,2005 Public Storage @10931 Research Blvd., <strong>Austin</strong>,TX 78759C043 JOHN FRANKS, RE-CLINER, TABLE, LAMPF014 JEANNE RUSSELL, BIGFAN, CHAIR, SOFAG0<strong>15</strong> JOHN HENDERSON,TRAIN TRACK, DRESSER,SOFA2267 JOHN HENDERSON,ALL ITEMS IN UNIT4:30 p.m. 25 JANUARY,2005 Public Storage @129<strong>15</strong> Research Blvd., <strong>Austin</strong>,TX 78750D028 TODD WILSON, SOFA,TV, CHAIRNOTICE TO ALL PERSONSHAVING CLAIMS AGAINSTTHE ESTATE OF TOWNIESQUYRES, DECEASEDNotice is hereby given that inCause No. 82,031, styled Estateof Townie Squyres, Deceased,pending in ProbateCourt No. 1 of Travis County,Texas, original letters testamentarywere issued on December7, 2004, to KathleenSquyres.Claims may be presentedand addressed to the personalrepresentative of theEstate in care of her attorneysat the following address:c/o Graves, Dougherty,Hearon & MoodyA Professional CorporationAttn: Julie FreyP. O. Box 98401 Congress, Suite 2200<strong>Austin</strong>, Texas 78767-0098All persons having claimsagainst this estate are requiredto present them withinthe time and in the mannerprescribed by law.DATED the 29th day of December,2004.GRAVES, DOUGHERTY,HEARON & MOODYA Professional CorporationP.O. Box 98401 Congress, Suite 2200<strong>Austin</strong>, Texas 78767-0098(512) 480-5600 Telephone(512) 478-1976 TelecopierBy: /s/ Julie FreySBN: 00792283ATTORNEYS FOR INDE-PENDENT EXECUTORNOTICE TO CREDITORSOn December 29, 2004,Richard Gene Dahlberg wasissued original letters testamentaryfor the Estate ofLena Gertrude Lind, Deceased,in Cause No. 82,205pending in the Probate CourtNo. 1 of Travis County, Texas.<strong>The</strong> address of the executoris c/o Donald F. Carnes,400 W. <strong>15</strong>th, Suite 808, <strong>Austin</strong>,Texas 78701, and all personshaving claims againstthis estate are required topresent them to such addressin the manner and timerequired by law.Richard Gene DahlbergIndependent Executor of theEstate of Lena Gertrude LindNOTICE TO ALL PERSONSHAVING CLAIMS AGAINSTTHE ESTATE OF HAROLDARTHUR WOLF, DE-CEASED Notice is herebygiven that in Cause No.82147, styled Estate of HaroldArthur Wolf aka Harold A.Wolf, Deceased, pending inProbate Court No. 1 of TravisCounty, Texas, original letterstestamentary were issued onDecember 8, 2004, to JeanetteE. Wolf.Claims may be presentedand addressed to the personalrepresentative of theEstate in care of her attorneysat the following address:c/o Graves, Dougherty,Hearon & MoodyA Professional CorporationAttn: <strong>The</strong>odora M. AnastaploP. O. Box 98401 Congress, Suite 2200<strong>Austin</strong>, Texas 78767-0098All persons having claimsagainst this estate are requiredto present them withinthe time and in the mannerprescribed by law.DATED the 30th day of December,2004.GRAVES, DOUGHERTY,HEARON & MOODYA Professional CorporationP.O. Box 98401 Congress, Suite 2200<strong>Austin</strong>, Texas 78767-0098(512) 480-5600 Telephone(512) 478-1976 TelecopierBy: /s/<strong>The</strong>odora M. AnastaploState Bar ID No.: 24031695ATTORNEYS FOR INDE-PENDENT EXECUTORNOTICE TO CREDITORSNotice is hereby given thatoriginal Letters Testamentaryfor the Estate of Frederick C.Blumberg, III, Deceased,were issued on <strong>Jan</strong>uary 4,2005, in Docket No. 82246,pending in the Probate CourtNo. 1 of Travis County, Texas,to: Nena Ray Blumberg.All persons having claimsagainst this Estate which iscurrently being administeredare required to present themwithin the time and in themanner prescribed by law.Claims shall be addressedto: “Representative, Estate ofFrederick C. Blumberg, IIIc/o John W. BrodnaxJohn W. Brodnax, P.C.1204 Lakeway Dr., Suite 5Lakeway, Texas 78734”(512) 261-0101DATED the 4th day of <strong>Jan</strong>uary,2005./s/ John W. BrodnaxATTORNEY FOR INDEPEND-ENT EXECUTORNOTICE TO ALL PERSONSHAVING CLAIMS AGAINSTTHE ESTATE OF JEANSOUTHERLAND, DE-CEASED Notice is herebygiven that in Cause No.82,200, styled Estate of JeanSoutherland, aka TeresaJean Reed Southerland, Deceased,(the “Estate”) pendingin County Court of TravisCounty, Texas, original letterstestamentary were issued onDecember 21, 2004, to WilliamJ. Psencik.Claims may be presentedand addressed to the independentexecutor of the Estatein care of his attorneysat the following address:c/o Graves, Dougherty,Hearon & MoodyA Professional CorporationAttn: Patricia A. CampbellPost Office Box 98<strong>Austin</strong>, Texas 78767All persons having claimsagainst this estate are requiredto present them withinthe time and in the mannerprescribed by law.DATED this the 3rd day of<strong>Jan</strong>uary, 2005.Respectfully submitted,GRAVES, DOUGHERTY,HEARON & MOODYA Professional CorporationBy: /s/ Patricia A. CampbellState Bar No. 03714100(512) 480-5600(512) 478-1976 (fax)ATTORNEYS FOR INDE-PENDENT EXECUTORLEGAL NOTICESTHE AUSTIN CHRONICLEaccepts LEGAL NOTICES atthe low rate of $21 percolumn inch.Notarized affidavits ofpublication and auditedcirculation statements areprovided upon request.Call Jessica @ 512-454-5765ext. 168 for more info.PURSUANT TO PROVI-SIONS of State PropertyCode 7001 notice is herebygiven to the owner and lienholderof the following vehicleto reclaim the vehiclewithin 30 days and pay allfees or your failure to do soshall be a waiver of all yourrights, title, and interest andyour consent to sell the vehicleat public sale:93 Ford 2D VINKNJPT05H5P6109434Garagekeeper:DeWitt Lewis99 Dustin’s DrUhland, TXSTATE OF CONNECTICUTSUPERIOR COURTJUVENILE MATTERSNOTICE TO: Michael Dudleyof parts unknown. A petition/motion has been filed seeking:Committment of minorchild(ren) of the abovenamed or vesting of custodyand care of said child(ren) ofthe above named in a lawful,private or public agency or asuitable and worthy person.<strong>The</strong> petition, whereby thecourt’s decision can effectyour parental rights, if any,regarding minor child(ren)will be heard on <strong>Jan</strong>uary 27,2005 at 9:45 A.M. at 230Main Street Extension, Middletown,CT 06457<strong>The</strong>refore, ORDERED, thatnotice of the hearing of thispetition/motion be given bypublishing this Order of Noticeonce, immediately uponreceipt, in the <strong>Austin</strong> <strong>Chronicle</strong>a newspaper having acirculation in the town/city of<strong>Austin</strong>, Texas.Philip A. Scarpellino, JudgeSIGNED Kristin L. NicholsAsst ClerkDATE SIGNED 12/28/04Right to Counsel: Upon proofof inability to pay for a lawyer,the court will provide onefor you at court expense. Anysuch request should bemade immediately at thecourt office where your hearingis to be heard.TRAVIS COUNTYPUBLIC AUCTION:SURPLUS PROPERTYWEDNESDAY, JANUARY12, 2005; 1:00 P.M.TRAVIS COUNTYWAREHOUSE7811 BURLESON-MANORROAD, MANOR, TEXAS*ASSORTED TYPEWRITERS**ASSORTED BOOKCASES**ASSORTED CASH REGIS-TERS, TEC 79* *ASSORTEDTELEVISION SETS**BAYNETWORK, REMOTEOFFICE SUITES* *ASSORTEDPALLET OF MISCELLANE-OUS WINDOWS* *5575FBAYNET HOST MODULES**5575F BAYNET DUALCLUSTER* *JUKEBOXES, PI-ONEER 6 DISC* *ASSORTEDFAX MACHINES* *APC,SMART UPS* *HANGINGSTORAGE RACK* *VACUUMCLEANERS - EUREKA#7745* *FILING CABINETS**PALLETS OF OLD LIGHTS**PALLETS OF SHOES ANDBOOTS* *PALLETS OF MIS-CELLANEOUS TRAYS ANDVENTS* *PALLETS OFPANTS, COATS AND SHOES**PALLETS OF OLD OFFICETRAYS AND SUPPLIES**PALLETS OF MISCELLANE-OUS SHELVING* *PALLETSOF MISCELLANEOUS BELTSAND HOLSTERS* *PALLETSJANUARY 7, 2005 | THE AUSTIN CHRONICLE | 117

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