March | April 2007 - Boston Photography Focus

March | April 2007 - Boston Photography Focus

March | April 2007 - Boston Photography Focus

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entries & opportuniesAbsolutearts.com Premiere PortfolioApplications accepted until <strong>March</strong> 15.Absolutearts.com is accepting applicationsfor the Premiere Portfolio, an onlinesales/marketing tool for artists around theworld. The Premiere Portfolio aids an elitegroup of artists in promoting their work viathe Internet. For a $25 jury fee and anaffordable yearly membership of $100,you, the serious artist, can now effectivelypromote your art online. Interested artistscan apply at http://absolutearts.com/portfolio.html. Both artists that have anonline presence and those who are juststarting out on the web are encouraged toapply. Requirements are 4 images, a bioand artist statement. Artists who are notselected receive a Regular Portfolio for 6months ($18 at regular price).Griffin Museum of <strong>Photography</strong> 67 ShoreRoad Winchester, MA 01890. 781-729-1158. Call for entries for juried exhibition.Arthur Griffin Legacy Awards. Juror BrianClamp of ClampArt. All entries must bereceived between Feb 1, <strong>2007</strong> and<strong>March</strong> 18, <strong>2007</strong>. For guidelines: www.griffinmuseum.org or SASE.The Photo Review, a highly acclaimedcriticaljournal of photography, issponsoring its 23rd annual photographycompetition with a difference. Instead ofonly installing an exhibit that would be seenby a limited number of people, The PhotoReview will reproduce accepted entriesin its <strong>2007</strong> competition issue. Thus, theaccepted photographs will be seen bythousands of people all across the countryand entrants will have a tangible benefitfrom the competition. Toby Jurovics, Curatorof <strong>Photography</strong>, Smithsonian AmericanArt Museum, Washington, DC, will be thejuror for the <strong>2007</strong> competition. Also, theprize-winning photographers will be chosenfor an exhibition at the photography galleryof The University of the Arts, Philadelphia,and will be exhibited on The Photo Review’swebsite. An entry fee of $30 for up to threeprints, slides, or images on CD and $5each for up to two additional images entitlesall entrants to a copy of the catalogue.In addition, all entrants will be ableto subscribe to The Photo Review for $34, a20% discount. All entries must be receivedby mail between May 1 and May 15,<strong>2007</strong>. For a prospectus and details, send aself-addressed, stamped business-size (#10)envelope to: The Photo Review, 140 EastRichardson Avenue, Suite 301, Langhorne,PA 19047. The prospectus may also bedownloaded from www.photoreview.org.PhotoEspaña Portfolio Reviews. This is thetenth edition of Spain’s biggest InternationalFestival of <strong>Photography</strong> and Visual Arts.Between May and July <strong>2007</strong> in Madridthere will be some fifty exhibitions inthe official section (museums, exhibitionvenues and public spaces) and the FestivalOff (art galleries). Our portfolio review"Descubrimientos PHE" is your chanceto participate in PHE. Between the 1stto the 3rd of June <strong>2007</strong> we invite youto show your work to a committee ofinternational experts. DescubrimientosPHE is also an opportunity to promoteyour work and receive advice from theparticipating specialists from diverse fieldsof photography, including curators, museum,gallery and art centre directors, editors oftrade publications, directors of prestigiousphotography festivals and representativesof institutions linked to the medium. Thewinner of the Festival's portfolio review willreceive the Descubrimientos Best PortfolioPrize: an exhibition in PHotoEspaña 2008.Images from all finalists will be shown at acollective exhibition during the Festival, andfor one year, www.phedigital.com will hosta microsite showing each finalist's curriculumand images. Check out www.phedigital.com/descubrimientos to find out more aboutthe event.Photographica 67 Show and Sale presentedby the Photographic Historical Society ofNew England will take place over <strong>April</strong> 28 thand 29 th at the Americal Civic Center, 376Main Street, Wakefield, MA. Find moreinformation about this program atwww.phsne.orgPhotographs of Migratory Birds. New YorkCity Audubon, The Nature Conservancy,and Eco-Artspace.org will be presenting'Silent Migration' an exhibit by Eco-ArtistBrandon Ballengée this spring in CentralPark's Armory Space! The exhibition willexplore migratory birds in NYC and showmany birds are affected by building lights,'bird bad' architecture, and collisions. As apart of the show Brandon will be creating alarge mural of the Americas demonstratingmigratory routes and exhibiting hundredsof photographs from the public! You canparticipate by sending your favorite birdpics to obsoletestudios@gmail.com. Pleaseinclude your name, date and location ofwhere the photograph was taken!Brandonwill also be helping to organize birdcollision rescues in NYC during theexhibition, to volunteer please let him knowwhen you are available.<strong>Photography</strong> in Bhutan with PeterVanderwarker. From <strong>March</strong> 29 through<strong>April</strong> 14, <strong>2007</strong>, Peter Vanderwarker willteach an extended photographic workshop.In conjunction with Quo Vadis, the tripincludes the geographic discovery andvisual interpretation of this most stunningHimalayan kingdom. Space is limited. Toreserve, pleas call Quo Vadis at 617-421-9494 or Peter Vanderwarker at 617-964-2728.Karin Rosenthal is currently running aPrint Critique Workshop in her studio inWatertown. She will be holding a secondworkshop titled Figure and Landscape,Miami, FL which will be from <strong>March</strong> 10to <strong>March</strong> 15, <strong>2007</strong>. It will be a five-dayintensive shooting workshop in conjunctionwith the Miami Center for Photographic Arts(timed to coordinate with the National SPEConference in Miami, <strong>March</strong> 15-18).Visual Arts Sea Grant. Up to $2,000 forwork of New England artists related tomarine environment. Deadline: May 30,<strong>2007</strong>. For prospectus send self-addressedstamped envelope to: Visual Arts Sea Grant,c/o Art Dept, University of Rhode Island,105 Upper College Rd, Ste 1, Kingston, RI02881.www.prcboston.org | entries & opportunieis17

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