March | April 2007 - Boston Photography Focus

March | April 2007 - Boston Photography Focus

March | April 2007 - Boston Photography Focus

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announcementseducationParticipants from an informal portfolio sharing. Photographby Michael ChristianoANNUAL PORTFOLIOREVIEW DAYSunday, <strong>April</strong> 29 1–4 p.m.<strong>Boston</strong> University’s George ShermanUnion, GSU Backcourt, 1st Floor behindthe Food Court, 775 CommonwealthAvenue, <strong>Boston</strong>, MAPlease arrive at least 5 minutes prior toyour review.$35 member/$45 non-member for a singlereview, $95 member/$125 non-membersfor 3 reviews, $165 members/$220non-members for 6 reviewsSee below for registration information.The PRC is pleased to present the AnnualPortfolio Review Day. In order to accommodatethe increased demand for the programthe PRC has added even more reviewersto this year’s program as well as space forinformal portfolio sharing. So, don’t missthis opportunity to have your work reviewedby some of the most influential photographyprofessionals from the region. Learn how toimprove your work, refine your portfolio, andtake your photography to the next level.617.975.0600. When you call youmay select your sessions and request yourreviewers. However, reservations are on afirst–call, first–served basis so you may notreceive your first choice of reviewers. And ifthe phone is busy, keep calling!Reviewers include: Ci bla faciliquisi blanhenis enismod miniam illut iureetue molenitvel ulluptat. Ibh exerillandit la autat, quisliurem zzrit luptatue dolut venim dolorer aesequismodolobore et lorperosto estin voloremexerostrud tat iriusci blaor acin ex ex eumet, veniam, veraesequam, sustrud dolorperatlandre dit dolum ver am, consequat ero duntin henissi. Ed tatummo lortis nostie euissi tecon velit wis nonse ero duismol orercid uissenisat, consequat laorem delisi bla feuissitprat ad euismolore diatie euipit eum ent admod exeriusto commy num dolobor sumsandipsusci liquisi eriusto od esectem velis nitercidui blamet am iliquisl inim ero do convolor inFor a complete list of reviewers please visitour website at www.prcboston.org.The PRC Announces its <strong>2007</strong>SUMMER PHOTO CAMPJuly 9–July 20For further information or to register pleasevisit the Youth Programs section of ourwebsite at www.prcboston.org, orcontact Michael Christiano, EducationManager at 617.975.0600 ormchristiano@prcboston.org.The PRC is pleased to offer a variety offun and educational summer photographycamps for children ages 8-14. So whetheryour child is an aspiring Ansel Adams, seeshis/her world in an interesting light, or youare just looking for a great summer experience,the Summer Photo Camp at the PRCis the place to be!Each weeklong and age appropriate campsession is designed to stimulate creativityand self-expression while fostering an understandingand appreciation of photography.Half day or full day options are available forthe 8-10 year olds while camps for the 11-14 year olds are full day. The PRC will providedigital cameras for use during camp,however students are welcome to use theirown cameras. Students will also learn howto print their pictures digitally. No previousphotography experience is necessary.Students’ artwork will be exhibited at thePRC at the close of Photo Camp.Monthly Portfolio Reviewwith the PRC CuratorBelow you will find a date for 30–minutemonthly portfolio reviews (and correspondingcall–in information) with the PRC’s Curator,Leslie Brown. Reservations are accepted ona first–call, first–served basis. You must bea PRC member to participate in the reviewsand members are allotted one review peryear.Review Date: Monday, <strong>April</strong> 23(call in for reservations at 10am,Friday, <strong>March</strong> 9)www.prcboston.org | educationParticipants can sign up for up to six portfolioreviews. Each one–on–one review willbe twenty minutes long. Reservations arerequired for this event and space is limited.How to make reservations: The PRC willbegin accepting reservations on Monday,<strong>March</strong> 12, <strong>2007</strong>, at 10 a.m. Forreservations and questions, please call12Participants from the PRC’s 2006 Summer Photo Camp.

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