CalCOFI Reports, Vol. 27, 1986 - California Cooperative Oceanic ...

CalCOFI Reports, Vol. 27, 1986 - California Cooperative Oceanic ...

CalCOFI Reports, Vol. 27, 1986 - California Cooperative Oceanic ...

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<strong>CalCOFI</strong> Rep., <strong>Vol</strong>. XXVII, <strong>1986</strong>CalCOFl REPORTS - INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORSManuscript should be typed (no dot-matrix printouts,please) DOUBLE-SPACED with wide margins, and submittedcomplete with figures, figure captions, and tables, intriplicate (good copies but not carbons) to<strong>CalCOFI</strong> CoordinatorScripps Institution of Oceanography, A-0<strong>27</strong>La Jolla, CA 92093In addition to the manuscript, contributors should submitthe names of three suggested reviewers who would beknowledgeable about the contents and who would be availableand willing to give their time and effort.Sequence of the material should be TITLE PAGE, AB-STRACT, RESUMEN, TEXT, LITERATURE CITED,APPENDIX (if any), TABLES, LIST OF FIGURES withentire captions, and FIGURES.Title page should give:a running head of no more than 60 letters and spaces,title of the article,author(s) name(s) and affiliation(s),address(es), including Zip Code(s).Abstract should not exceed one DOUBLE-SPACED pageand must be submitted both in English and in Spanish (Resumen).Text style will in general follow that of the U.S. Departmentof Commerce (NOAA) Fishery Bulletin. Contributorswho are not familiar with this publication will do well tofollow the U.S. Government Printing Office Style Manual(1973). Authors are strongly urged to compare their typewrittenequations with similar expressions in the printedliterature, with special attention to ambiguity of the symbolsfor “one” and for “el,” before submitting. Wheneverpossible, write in the first person, and use active verbs.Measurements must be given in metric units; otherequivalent units may be given in parentheses.Personal communications and unpublished data shouldnot be included in the Literature Cited but may be cited inthe text in parentheses. Use footnotes only when parentheseswill not suffice. List footnotes on a separate sheet.Literature cited should appear in the text as Smith (1972)or Smith and Jones (1972) or (Smith and Jones 1972; Jonesand Smith 1973) or Smith et al. (1972). All literature referredto in the text should be listed (DOUBLE-SPACED)alphabetically by the first author on a separate sheet underthe heading Literature Cited. Only the authors’ surnamesand initials will be used. No citation should appear in thelist of Literature Cited unless it is cited in the text, tables, orfigure captions. Each citation must be complete accordingto the following:(article):Eppley, R.W., E.H. Renger, E.L. Venrick, and M.M. Mullin.1973. A study of plankton dynamics and nutrient cycling in thecentral gyre of the North Pacific Ocean. Limnol. Oceanog.18(4):543-551.(book):Odum, E.P. 1959. Fundamentals of ecology. 2nd Ed. Saunders,Philadelphia, 546 p.(chapter):Wooster, W.S.. and J.L. Reid, Jr. 1963. Eastern boundary currents.In M.N. Hill (ed.), The sea. Interscience Pub., NewYork, p. 253-280.Tables (with arabic numbers) should be typed separatelyfrom the text; each table should start on a separate page andmust have a brief title. Please avoid vertical rules and beconsistent in format.Figures, whether drawings or halftones, should be submittedin a format not larger than 8% x 11”. Submit one setof camera-ready figures plus 2 sets of copies. Photographsshould be printed on glossy paper. Drawings should bereduced photographically. A composite figure should besubmitted as a single photograph or at least as a singlecareful paste-up. Figures will appear as either singlecolumn(85-mm-width limit), or double-column ( 178-mmwidthlimit; maximum height for either, 115 mm), or as fullpage. Special cases should be discussed with the editorbefore submittal. After reduction, no letter or numbershould be smaller than 1 mm. Special note should be takenof the disappearance of decimal points during reduction. Ifcommercially prepared shading is used, make a trial reductionto ensure that the patterns do not merge at the requiredreductions. The determining factor for size should be thecomplexity of detail to be shown.Each figure must have a caption; captions should betyped, DOUBLE-SPACED, in numbered sequence on aseparate sheet. Illustrative materials submitted for publicationare often first prepared for oral presentation in slideformat. Authors should take special care that slide-formatmaterial submitted to <strong>CalCOFI</strong> <strong>Reports</strong> is appropriate toprinted format with respect to economy, redundancy, andstyle.Acknowledgments, if included, should be placed at the endof the text and should include funding source.Reprint orders will be mailed (to senior author only) onpublication of the completed book. No covers will besupplied, and there will be no further reproduction.The <strong>CalCOFI</strong> <strong>Reports</strong> will use the <strong>CalCOFI</strong> Atlas fullpagechart format where the material would be best usedoverlaid on the <strong>CalCOFI</strong> Atlas charts for purposes ofcomparison of parameters and where the material presentedis of insufficient scope and quantity to warrant the publicationof an atlas.The <strong>CalCOFI</strong> Editorial Board will consider for publication,in the section entitled “Scientific Contributions,”manuscripts not previously published elsewhere that bearsome relationship to the following with respect to the <strong>California</strong>s,the <strong>California</strong> Current, and the Gulf of <strong>California</strong>:marine organismsmarine chemistry, fertility, and food chainsmarine fishery modeling, prediction, policy, and managementmarine climatology, paleoclimatology, ecology, andpaleoecologymarine pollutionphysical, chemical, and biological oceanographynew marine instrumentation and methods.<strong>27</strong>9

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