CalCOFI Reports, Vol. 27, 1986 - California Cooperative Oceanic ...

CalCOFI Reports, Vol. 27, 1986 - California Cooperative Oceanic ...

CalCOFI Reports, Vol. 27, 1986 - California Cooperative Oceanic ...

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LOVE ET AL.: INSHORE SOFT SUBSTRATA FISHES IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BIGHTCalCOFl Rep., <strong>Vol</strong>. XXVII. <strong>1986</strong>2.01.5\ HA- SERIPHUS POLITUSB-ENGRAULIS MORDAXC-GENYONEMUS LINEATUSD- HYPERPROSOPON ARGENTEUME- PHANERODON FURCATUSF - CITHARICHTHYS STIGMAEUSG- PLEURONICHTHYS VERTICALIS- SYNODUS LUCIOCEPS1059060198230-I3dI-aWi3mU1.02UwzuE 0.5YII0,00.06.1 12.2 18.3DEPTH [m)Figure 9. Recruitment depth of nine fish species taken by trawl in the Southern<strong>California</strong> Bight.a $0LeI-$ 900.i3ma 60zaWI0 30aI-WIsa 09060198381984\variability between areas in recruitment strength andseason (based on Figure 11 only) for many of thesespecies.Seriphus politus. There was some fluctuation inmonth of peak recruitment between years. In 1982,we captured almost all small S. politus in August(Redondo) or October (San Onofre and Ormond). In1983, peak catches were in August, whereas in 1984June was highest off San Onofre and August at Redondoand Ormond. Peak catches off Ormond tendedto be later than either Redondo (1982) or San Onofre(1984), or coincided with them (1983). In no year didcatches peak off Ormond before the other two areas.Genyonemus lineatus. Peak catches of small G.lineatus occurred between April and August, dependingon area and year. In two of three years (1983-84),recruitment peaks were sequential from south to north,beginning at San Onofre, continuing at Redondo, andending off Ormond. For 1983 and 1984, these peaksoccurred in April, June, and August. In 1982, highestcatches were again earliest off San Onofre, but bothRedondo and Ormond peaked the following month.3006.1 12.2 18.3Figure 10. Yearly recruitment depth of Genyonernus lineatus off three areas inthe Southern <strong>California</strong> Bight. Squares = San Onofre. circles = Redondo,triangles = Ormond.Citharichthys stigmueus. Between 1982 and 1984,most small C. stigmaeus were taken off Redondo.Almost all recruitment occurred between June andOctober. June was the peak month during 1982 and1983, whereas August catches were highest in 1984.We captured very few small fish in 1984.Phanerodon furcatus. In all three years P. furcatusrecruited almost completely during June. Recruitmentlevels were similar in 1982 and 1983 but were reducedin 1984. No young P. furcatus were taken off Ormondin 1984.Hyperprosopon argenteum. As with P. furcatus, recruitmentof H. argenteum was restricted to a very few,primarily spring, months. April and June were the only99

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