DATA SHEET - Glyn High-Tech Distribution

DATA SHEET - Glyn High-Tech Distribution DATA SHEET - Glyn High-Tech Distribution


HX8346-A(T)240RGBx320 dots, 262,144 color TFT controller driver5.15 OTP programmingDATA SHEET V01Index 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 00x03h~0x00h SDMYP3[7:0] SDMYP2[7:0] SDMYP1[7:0] SDMYP0[7:0]0x07h~0x04h (No use) SDMYB3[4:0] (No use) SDMYB2[4:0] (No use) SDMYB1[4:0] OTP_NVALID (No use) SDMYB0[4:0]0x0Bh~0x08h (No use) (No use) VRH[3:0] (No use) BGP[3:0] OTP_NVALID (No use) OSCADJ[5:0]0x0Fh~0x0Ch (No use) (No use) (No use) VDV[4:0] (No use) VCM[6:0] ID3[7:0] OTP_NVALID ID2[6:0]0x13h~0x10h (No use) (No use) (No use) VDV[4:0] (No use) VCM[6:0] ID3[7:0] OTP_NVALID ID2[6:0]0x17h~0x14h (No use) (No use) (No use) VDV[4:0] (No use) VCM[6:0] ID3[7:0] OTP_NVALID ID2[6:0]Programming flowFigure 5. 48 OTP programming flowHimax Confidential-P.81-This information contained herein is the exclusive property of Himax and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or disclosedin whole or in part without prior written permission of Himax. July, 2007

HX8346-A(T)240RGBx320 dots, 262,144 color TFT controller driver5.16 Free Running Mode SpecificationDATA SHEET V01Burn-in of TFT displays consists of driving each module for 10hr at a temperature of60degC. In order to drive the modules this requires extra electronics. To reduce theburn-in cost it is requested that the driver IC will generate the required display imagewithout requiring extra electronics. We term this a free running mode (FR-mode). Forburn-in it is sufficient that the display is powered up with a plane saturated black orsaturated white pattern. Black should be used for burn-in, since this result in a largerpixel voltage. White is used to verify if the free running mode is properly functioning.Note, the black and the white pattern are reversed in case of a normally black display.Parameter Symbol DescriptionPower supply pins IOVCC, VCI, VCC All power supply pinsFree running mode (1)BURNBURN = H, FR-mode is enabled, BURN = open,FR-mode is disabledReset NRESET Active low pulse in order to start the FR-mode.Chip select (2) NCS This pin will be left open during FR-mode.Data enable (2) ENABLE This pin will be left open during FR-mode.Reads/not write (2) NWR_RNW This pin will be left open during FR-mode.Data/not command (2) DNC_SCL This pin will be left open during FR-mode.Interface select (2) IFSEL This pin will be left open during FR-mode.Horizontal sync (2) HSYNC This pin will be left open during FR-mode.Vertical sync (2) VSYNC This pin will be left open during FR-mode.Data clock DOTCLK This pin will be left open during FR-mode.CPU I/F Data (2) D[17,0] This pin will be left open during FR-mode.SPI I/F Data (2) SDI This pin will be left open during FR-mode.Display color mode CM This pin will be left open during FR-mode.Display on SHUT This pin will be left open during FR-mode.Note: (1) The BURN-pin has a pull down resistor inside the driver IC, because this pin will be left openduring the normal operation in the application. The BURN-pin must be logical high for longerthan 5ms before the driver IC will switch to the FR-mode in order to avoid disturbances duringnormal operation.(2) As a general rule, all control pins of the interfaces like chip-select, data-enable, etc must bedisabled, all mode select pins like data-not-command, interface-select etc and all data-buspins must be set to eider logic high or logic low during the FR-mode.Table 5. 21 Pin InformationHimax Confidential-P.82-This information contained herein is the exclusive property of Himax and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or disclosedin whole or in part without prior written permission of Himax. July, 2007

HX8346-A(T)240RGBx320 dots, 262,144 color TFT controller driver5.16 Free Running Mode Specification<strong>DATA</strong> <strong>SHEET</strong> V01Burn-in of TFT displays consists of driving each module for 10hr at a temperature of60degC. In order to drive the modules this requires extra electronics. To reduce theburn-in cost it is requested that the driver IC will generate the required display imagewithout requiring extra electronics. We term this a free running mode (FR-mode). Forburn-in it is sufficient that the display is powered up with a plane saturated black orsaturated white pattern. Black should be used for burn-in, since this result in a largerpixel voltage. White is used to verify if the free running mode is properly functioning.Note, the black and the white pattern are reversed in case of a normally black display.Parameter Symbol DescriptionPower supply pins IOVCC, VCI, VCC All power supply pinsFree running mode (1)BURNBURN = H, FR-mode is enabled, BURN = open,FR-mode is disabledReset NRESET Active low pulse in order to start the FR-mode.Chip select (2) NCS This pin will be left open during FR-mode.Data enable (2) ENABLE This pin will be left open during FR-mode.Reads/not write (2) NWR_RNW This pin will be left open during FR-mode.Data/not command (2) DNC_SCL This pin will be left open during FR-mode.Interface select (2) IFSEL This pin will be left open during FR-mode.Horizontal sync (2) HSYNC This pin will be left open during FR-mode.Vertical sync (2) VSYNC This pin will be left open during FR-mode.Data clock DOTCLK This pin will be left open during FR-mode.CPU I/F Data (2) D[17,0] This pin will be left open during FR-mode.SPI I/F Data (2) SDI This pin will be left open during FR-mode.Display color mode CM This pin will be left open during FR-mode.Display on SHUT This pin will be left open during FR-mode.Note: (1) The BURN-pin has a pull down resistor inside the driver IC, because this pin will be left openduring the normal operation in the application. The BURN-pin must be logical high for longerthan 5ms before the driver IC will switch to the FR-mode in order to avoid disturbances duringnormal operation.(2) As a general rule, all control pins of the interfaces like chip-select, data-enable, etc must bedisabled, all mode select pins like data-not-command, interface-select etc and all data-buspins must be set to eider logic high or logic low during the FR-mode.Table 5. 21 Pin InformationHimax Confidential-P.82-This information contained herein is the exclusive property of Himax and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or disclosedin whole or in part without prior written permission of Himax. July, 2007

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