DATA SHEET - Glyn High-Tech Distribution

DATA SHEET - Glyn High-Tech Distribution DATA SHEET - Glyn High-Tech Distribution


HX8346-A(T)240RGB x 320 dot, 262K color, TFT Mobile Single Chip Driver5.9.1 Structure of Grayscale Voltage GeneratorDATA SHEET V01Eight reference gamma voltages VgP/N(0, 1, 8, 20, 43, 55, 62, 63) for positive andnegative polarity are specified by the center adjustment , the micro adjustment andthe offset adjustment registers firstly. With those eight voltage injected into specifiednode of grayscale voltage generator, total 64 grayscale voltages (V0-V63) can begenerated from grayscale amplifier for LCD panel used.Gamma Resister StreamFigure 5. 38 Structure of Grayscale Voltage GeneratorHimax ConfidentialThis information contained herein is the exclusive property of Himax and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or disclosedin whole or in part without prior written permission of Himax.-P.63-July, 2007

HX8346-A(T)240RGB x 320 dot, 262K color, TFT Mobile Single Chip Driver5.9.2 Gamma-Characteristics Adjustment RegisterDATA SHEET V01This HX8346-A has register groups for specifying a series grayscale voltage thatmeets the Gamma-characteristics for the LCD panel used. These registers aredivided into two groups, which correspond to the gradient, amplitude, and macroadjustment of the voltage for the grayscale characteristics. The polarity of eachregister can be specified independently. (R, G, and B are common.) Offset adjustment registers 0/1The offset adjustment variable registers are used to adjust the amplitude of thegrayscale voltage. This function is implemented by controlling these variable resistersin the top and bottom of the gamma resister stream for reference gamma voltagegeneration. These registers are available for both positive and negative polarities5.9.2.2 Gamma center adjustment registersThe gamma center adjustment registers are used to adjust the reference gammavoltage in the middle level of grayscale without changing the dynamic range. Thisfunction is implemented by choosing one input of 8 to 1 selector in the gamma resisterstream for reference gamma voltage generation. These registers are available for bothpositive and negative polarities.5.9.3 Gamma macro adjustment registersThe gamma macro adjustment registers can be used for fine adjustment of thereference gamma voltage. This function is implemented by controlling the 8-to-1selectors (NP/N0~5), each of which has 8 inputs and generate one reference voltageoutput (Vg(P/N)0, 4, 32, 80, 176, 224, 252, 256). These registers are available forboth positive and negative polarities.Register Positive NegativeGroups Polarity PolarityDescriptionCenterCP0 2-0 CN0 2-0 Variable resistor (VRCP/N0) for center adjustmentAdjustment CP1 2-0 CN1 2-0 Variable resistor (VRCP/N1)for center adjustmentNP0 2-0 NN0 2-0 8-to-1 selector (voltage level of grayscale 4)MacroAdjustmentNP1 2-0 NN1 2-0 8-to-1 selector (voltage level of grayscale 32)NP2 2-0 NN2 2-0 8-to-1 selector (voltage level of grayscale 80)NP3 2-0 NN3 2-0 8-to-1 selector (voltage level of grayscale 176)NP4 2-0 NN4 2-0 8-to-1 selector (voltage level of grayscale 224)NP5 2-0 NN5 2-0 8-to-1 selector (voltage level of grayscale 252)OffsetOP0 3-0 ON0 3-0 Variable resistor (VROP/N0)for offset adjustmentAdjustment OP1 4-0 ON1 4-0 Variable resistor (VROP/N1)for offset adjustmentTable 5. 10 Gamma-Adjustment RegistersHimax ConfidentialThis information contained herein is the exclusive property of Himax and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or disclosedin whole or in part without prior written permission of Himax.-P.64-July, 2007

HX8346-A(T)240RGB x 320 dot, 262K color, TFT Mobile Single Chip Driver5.9.2 Gamma-Characteristics Adjustment Register<strong>DATA</strong> <strong>SHEET</strong> V01This HX8346-A has register groups for specifying a series grayscale voltage thatmeets the Gamma-characteristics for the LCD panel used. These registers aredivided into two groups, which correspond to the gradient, amplitude, and macroadjustment of the voltage for the grayscale characteristics. The polarity of eachregister can be specified independently. (R, G, and B are common.) Offset adjustment registers 0/1The offset adjustment variable registers are used to adjust the amplitude of thegrayscale voltage. This function is implemented by controlling these variable resistersin the top and bottom of the gamma resister stream for reference gamma voltagegeneration. These registers are available for both positive and negative polarities5.9.2.2 Gamma center adjustment registersThe gamma center adjustment registers are used to adjust the reference gammavoltage in the middle level of grayscale without changing the dynamic range. Thisfunction is implemented by choosing one input of 8 to 1 selector in the gamma resisterstream for reference gamma voltage generation. These registers are available for bothpositive and negative polarities.5.9.3 Gamma macro adjustment registersThe gamma macro adjustment registers can be used for fine adjustment of thereference gamma voltage. This function is implemented by controlling the 8-to-1selectors (NP/N0~5), each of which has 8 inputs and generate one reference voltageoutput (Vg(P/N)0, 4, 32, 80, 176, 224, 252, 256). These registers are available forboth positive and negative polarities.Register Positive NegativeGroups Polarity PolarityDescriptionCenterCP0 2-0 CN0 2-0 Variable resistor (VRCP/N0) for center adjustmentAdjustment CP1 2-0 CN1 2-0 Variable resistor (VRCP/N1)for center adjustmentNP0 2-0 NN0 2-0 8-to-1 selector (voltage level of grayscale 4)MacroAdjustmentNP1 2-0 NN1 2-0 8-to-1 selector (voltage level of grayscale 32)NP2 2-0 NN2 2-0 8-to-1 selector (voltage level of grayscale 80)NP3 2-0 NN3 2-0 8-to-1 selector (voltage level of grayscale 176)NP4 2-0 NN4 2-0 8-to-1 selector (voltage level of grayscale 224)NP5 2-0 NN5 2-0 8-to-1 selector (voltage level of grayscale 252)OffsetOP0 3-0 ON0 3-0 Variable resistor (VROP/N0)for offset adjustmentAdjustment OP1 4-0 ON1 4-0 Variable resistor (VROP/N1)for offset adjustmentTable 5. 10 Gamma-Adjustment RegistersHimax ConfidentialThis information contained herein is the exclusive property of Himax and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or disclosedin whole or in part without prior written permission of Himax.-P.64-July, 2007

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