DATA SHEET - Glyn High-Tech Distribution

DATA SHEET - Glyn High-Tech Distribution DATA SHEET - Glyn High-Tech Distribution


HX8346-A(T)240RGB x 320 dot, 262K color, TFT Mobile Single Chip Driver5. Function DescriptionDATA SHEET V015.1 Interface Control ModeThe HX8346-A supports four-type interface mode: Command-Parameter interfacemode, Register-Content interface mode, RGB interface mode and Hardware-Controlinterface mode. Command-Parameter interface mode, Register-Content interface modeand Hardware-Control interface mode are selected by the external pins IFSEL1-0setting, and RGB interface mode is selected by internal bit RGB_EN setting as shownin Table5.1. There are two-type chip access formats in HX8346-A. One is registercommand for chip internal operation. The other is display data for chip display.IFSEL1 IFSEL0 RGB_EN Register Data Display Data0 1 0 Register-content interface Register-content interface0 1 1 Register-content interface RGB interfaceTable 5. 1 Interface Mode SelectionThere are two-type register groups in HX8346-A. One is accessed only viaCommand-Parameter interface. The other is accessed only via Register-Contentinterface.This manual description focuses on Register-Content interface mode and RGBinterface mode, about the Command-Parameter interface mode, please refer to theHX8346-A(N) datasheet for detail.Himax ConfidentialThis information contained herein is the exclusive property of Himax and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or disclosedin whole or in part without prior written permission of Himax.-P.31-July, 2007

HX8346-A(T)240RGB x 320 dot, 262K color, TFT Mobile Single Chip Driver5.1.1 Register-Content Interface ModeDATA SHEET V01The register-content interface circuit in HX8346-A supports 18-/16-/8-bit bus widthparallel bus system interface for I80 series and M68 series CPU, and serial bus systeminterface for serial data input. When NCS = “L”, the parallel and serial bus systeminterface of the HX8346-A become active and data transfer through the interface circuitis available. The DNC_SCL pin specifies whether the system interface circuit access isto the register command or to the GRAM. The input bus width format of system interfacecircuit is selected by external pins BS(2-0) setting. For selecting the input bus format,please refer to Table5.2 and Table5.3.In Register-Content interface, it includes an Index Register (IR) be stored index data ofinternal control register and GRAM. Therefore, the IR can be written with the indexpointer of the control register through data bus by setting DNC_SCL=0. Then thecommand or GRAM data can be written to register at which that index pointer pointed bysetting DNC_SCL=1.Furthermore, there are two 18-bit bus control registers used to temporarily store the datawritten to or read from the GRAM. When the data is written into the GRAM from theMPU, it is first written into the write-data latch and then automatically written into theGRAM by internal operation. Data is read through the read-data latch when reading fromthe GRAM. Therefore, the first read data operation is invalid and the following read dataoperations are valid.P68Input signal format selection0 Format for I80 series MPU1 Format for M68 series MPUTable 5. 2 MPU selection in Register-content Interface CircuitTransferring Method Transferring MethodBS2 BS1 BS0 Interfaceof RAM dataof Command0 0 0 16-bit collective16-bit system interface0 0 116-bit + 2 bit8-bit collective0 1 0 18-bit system interface 18-bit collective0 1 1 8-bit system interface 8-bit + 8-bit + 8-bit1 1 x Serial bus transfer interface 16 or 24-bit serial 8-bit serialTable 5. 3 Interface Selection in Register-content Interface ModeHimax ConfidentialThis information contained herein is the exclusive property of Himax and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or disclosedin whole or in part without prior written permission of Himax.-P.32-July, 2007

HX8346-A(T)240RGB x 320 dot, 262K color, TFT Mobile Single Chip Driver5. Function Description<strong>DATA</strong> <strong>SHEET</strong> V015.1 Interface Control ModeThe HX8346-A supports four-type interface mode: Command-Parameter interfacemode, Register-Content interface mode, RGB interface mode and Hardware-Controlinterface mode. Command-Parameter interface mode, Register-Content interface modeand Hardware-Control interface mode are selected by the external pins IFSEL1-0setting, and RGB interface mode is selected by internal bit RGB_EN setting as shownin Table5.1. There are two-type chip access formats in HX8346-A. One is registercommand for chip internal operation. The other is display data for chip display.IFSEL1 IFSEL0 RGB_EN Register Data Display Data0 1 0 Register-content interface Register-content interface0 1 1 Register-content interface RGB interfaceTable 5. 1 Interface Mode SelectionThere are two-type register groups in HX8346-A. One is accessed only viaCommand-Parameter interface. The other is accessed only via Register-Contentinterface.This manual description focuses on Register-Content interface mode and RGBinterface mode, about the Command-Parameter interface mode, please refer to theHX8346-A(N) datasheet for detail.Himax ConfidentialThis information contained herein is the exclusive property of Himax and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or disclosedin whole or in part without prior written permission of Himax.-P.31-July, 2007

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