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WHALE FOR SALE THE GLOBAL TRADE IN DEAD WHALESContentsIntroduction 4Brazil 7Canada 7Denmark 8European Union 10Faroe Islands 11Germany 13Greenland 14Iceland 16India 20Indonesia 20Italy 20Japan 21Norway 28Peru 31Russian Federation 32Solomon Islands 34South Korea 35Spain 36Sri Lanka 36St Lucia 36St Vincent & the Grenadines 37Taiwan 39United Kingdom 40USA 41Conclusion 44References 45Appendix 50GlossaryTo avoid repetition in the main text, abbreviations are used and explained below.Aboriginal Subsistence Whaling: Quota granted by the IWC to certain aboriginal peoples to hunt alimited number of <strong>whale</strong>s in order to meet their subsistence nutritional and/or cultural needsAmbergris: Solid, waxy substance secreted in the intestines of the sperm <strong>whale</strong>, traditionally highlyprized as a fixative by perfumersCetacean: Collective noun <strong>for</strong> <strong>whale</strong>s, dolphins and porpoisesCITES: Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and FloraICRW: The International Convention <strong>for</strong> the Regulation of Whaling, the IWC’s founding treatyIWC: International Whaling Commission, the body established in 1946 to regulate whalingMoratorium: International ban on commercial whaling, adopted by the IWC in 1982 and implementedfrom the 1985/6 seasonSPAW: Specially Protected Areas and WildlifeSpermaceti oil: A white, waxy substance obtained from the head cavity of the sperm <strong>whale</strong> or other<strong>whale</strong> species and used <strong>for</strong> making candles, ointments, and cosmeticsUNEP: United Nations Environment Programme{ 3 }

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