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From the Dean’s DeskDr. Wayne DavisAs I drive in to work each morning, I usually geta good dose <strong>of</strong> bluegrass music on XM radio tostart my day <strong>of</strong>f! Yes, I am a bluegrass fan and playguitar and mandolin and a little bass to keep myfeet on the ground. One <strong>of</strong> the expressions <strong>of</strong>tenheard on XM14 is, “Be sure to you know whereNewsletter ProductionPublished byOffice <strong>of</strong> <strong>Engineering</strong> Communications<strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Engineering</strong>, <strong>The</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Tennessee</strong>207 Perkins Hall • Knoxville, TN 37996-2012Editor/WriterKim CowartGraphic DesignMitchell WilliamsonWriterJulie StansberryContents<strong>College</strong> Information............................. 2Faculty News..................................... 3Faculty Focus..................................... 4Department Focus............................... 5Special Features................................. 6Student Feature.................................. 7Research Information ....................... 8-9Special Feature................................. 10Alumni Pr<strong>of</strong>ile................................... 11Development News........................... 12Alumni News ................................... 13Memorials........................................ 14Events & Awards.............................. 15Calendar and Contact Info.................. 16Contributing PhotographerNick Myers, UT Creative ServicesPAN: E01-1301-012-028-11 DOP: 3/11you came from, and look out where you’re going.”Another way <strong>of</strong> saying this is “look back, but moveforward.”Our college has a great history, with its beginningsin 1838 when the university’s then-PresidentJoseph Estabrook hired a group <strong>of</strong> distinguishedpr<strong>of</strong>essors to teach STEM courses in chemistry,geology, mineralogy, trigonometry and civilengineering—and we have come a long way. Atlatest count, we have approximately 3,250 studentsin the college today—approximately 12% <strong>of</strong> the UTKnoxville enrollment—and we have 23,000 alumnilocated in all 50 states and 64 different countries.Our enrollment in the Freshman Engage programand our Ph.D. programs grew by 30% and 25%,respectively, this year, and as best as I can tellfrom our historical data, we are at an all time highenrollment.Another thing that I learned as a bluegrass pickeris that you can never go back—if you make amistake while picking a tune with a group, youjust keep on going as the rest <strong>of</strong> the group willcarry you forward. <strong>Engineering</strong> teamwork is verymuch that way. Our college continues to makemajor steps forward in the number and qualityMeet the New President continued from page 1<strong>of</strong> the worst economic recessions in history, and hefollows three predecessors who all left <strong>of</strong>fice undertroubled circumstances.However, DiPietro views the challenges he faces aspart <strong>of</strong> the job, and feels confident that he can workto make a change for the better.“I believe in the ‘servant leadership’ managementstyle,” he commented. “For me, it is all about theteam. I want to build teams here at UT that can sitat the table with me and tell me what is right–notwhat they think I want to hear.”One <strong>of</strong> the university’s biggest challenges is toovercome the 20% cuts that will be coming upin the next budget cycle as a result <strong>of</strong> the end<strong>of</strong> federal stimulus funding. DiPietro wants t<strong>of</strong>ocus on expanding development efforts throughprivatizing the UT Foundation, which will allow theuniversity to hire additional development <strong>of</strong>ficerswho will be able to raise more private dollars.DiPietro views the UT <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Engineering</strong>(COE) as a vital component <strong>of</strong> the university.“A strong, vibrant engineering program is animportant part <strong>of</strong> any land-grant institution,”DiPietro commented. “I want to see the UTKengineering college get bigger and better all <strong>of</strong> thetime. We are very fortunate to have the alliance withOak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), whichadds a significant boost to our research program.”DiPietro also wants to see the ORNL connectionexpand to other collaborations with the UT HealthScience Center in Memphis and the SimCenter:National Center for Computational <strong>Engineering</strong> at<strong>of</strong> students that we are able to educate becausethe faculty, staff and the administration act as ateam. If someone makes a mistake, we hopefullycontinue to move forward as a team. We teachthe team approach all the way from our FreshmanEngage program to the research laboratories whereour faculty/students team to conduct state-<strong>of</strong>-theartresearch. You (our alumni and friends) are alsoan integral part <strong>of</strong> our team. You and the manyalumni who came before you have collectivelycreated scholarships, provided opportunityfor student, faculty and staff awards, createdpr<strong>of</strong>essorships and provided funds that haveassisted us with new buildings and renovationsthat are all critical to our moving forward.I have never been prouder <strong>of</strong> being a part <strong>of</strong> theengineering team than I am today, and I hopethat each <strong>of</strong> you feels the same as you browse ournewsletter that highlights many <strong>of</strong> the great thingsthat are happening. Please let us hear from youand share with us the accomplishments that youhave made in helping make a positive impact onthe world.UT-Chattanooga. He is an enthusiastic supporter <strong>of</strong>the new Center for Interdisciplinary Research andGraduate Education (CIRE), a joint effort betweenUT and ORNL focused on renewable energy thatgrants fellowships to graduate students.DiPietro is also excited about the number <strong>of</strong> newfacilities being constructed on campus, includingthe COE’s Min H. Kao Electrical <strong>Engineering</strong>and Computer Science Building, the John Tickle<strong>Engineering</strong> Building and the Joint Institute forAdvanced Materials (JIAM) Building, which willbe the first structure on the new Cherokee FarmCampus.“We owe Min Kao and John Tickle an enormousdebt <strong>of</strong> gratitude for their incredible generosity,”DiPietro said. “<strong>The</strong>se new engineering buildingswill be a tremendous asset to our campus. We hopeto begin the construction <strong>of</strong> the JIAM building thisspring once the infrastructure is in place.”DiPietro understands that he has a number <strong>of</strong>daunting tasks ahead <strong>of</strong> him, but he is ready to takethe lead.“I’ve come to know and love the state <strong>of</strong> <strong>Tennessee</strong>and its people,” he said. “I think I’ve finally gotthe ‘orange’ right–I know I have the skills andexperience to take on the role <strong>of</strong> president andlead the university to a better future. It will be a bigchallenge, but hey, I like to drink from the fire hoseoccasionally.”For more information about UT’s new president,visit the online version <strong>of</strong> <strong>Tennessee</strong> Alumnus athttp://alumnus.tennessee.edu/.Dr. Howard HallDr. Haitao LiaoDr. Qiuhong ZhaoDr. William WeberGovernor’s Chair Pr<strong>of</strong>essor to Serve on National Academies CommitteeDr. Howard Hall, Governor’s ChairPr<strong>of</strong>essor for Nuclear Securityin the Department <strong>of</strong> Nuclear<strong>Engineering</strong>, has been asked to serveon a committee for <strong>The</strong> NationalAcademies: Advisers to the Nationon Science, <strong>Engineering</strong> andMedicine.<strong>The</strong> project title is “Assuring aFuture US-based Nuclear ChemistryExpertise,” and will examine supplyDr. Haitao Liao, a joint assistantpr<strong>of</strong>essor in the Department<strong>of</strong> Nuclear <strong>Engineering</strong> andthe Department <strong>of</strong> Industrialand Information <strong>Engineering</strong>,recently received the 2010 WilliamA.J. Golomski Award for hisoutstanding paper, “Spare PartInventory Control Driven byCondition Based Maintenance,” inthe proceedings <strong>of</strong> the 2010 AnnualDr. Qiuhong Zhao, an assistantpr<strong>of</strong>essor in the Department<strong>of</strong> Civil and Environmental<strong>Engineering</strong> (CEE), was recentlynamed as the Vice Chair <strong>of</strong> theTask Group on Bridges: Stability<strong>of</strong> Steel Bridges (TG04) <strong>of</strong> theStructural Stability ResearchCouncil (SSRC).This honor recognized her researchcontributions to the stabilityDr. William Weber, Governor’sChair pr<strong>of</strong>essor in the Department<strong>of</strong> Materials Science and<strong>Engineering</strong>, was elected a fellow <strong>of</strong>the American Physical Society (APS)in December <strong>of</strong> 2010.Weber was nominated for hisseminal contributions and scientificleadership in the materials physics<strong>of</strong> defects, defect processes, ionsolidinteractions and radiationand demand for nuclear chemistryexpertise in the U.S. comparedwith the production <strong>of</strong> experts withthese skills. <strong>The</strong> project will last 18months.<strong>The</strong> National Academiesorganization produces reports thathave helped shape sound policies,inform public opinion and advancethe pursuit <strong>of</strong> science, engineeringand medicine.Dr. Haitao Liao Wins the 2010 William A. J. Golomski AwardReliability andMaintainabilitySymposium(RAMS).This award honorsan outstandingRAMS paperauthored or co-authored bya member <strong>of</strong> the Institute <strong>of</strong>Industrial Engineers (IIE). Liao wasCEE Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Named Vice Chair <strong>of</strong> Task Group on Bridgesand safety <strong>of</strong> steel bridges underconstruction, as well as the stability<strong>of</strong> steel structures under seismicevents. <strong>The</strong> SSRC is the leadingworld technical organization that<strong>of</strong>fers guidance to specificationwriters and practicing engineersby developing procedures for thesolution <strong>of</strong> stability problems, aswell as facilitating and promotingeconomical and safe design.Governor’s Chair Elected Fellow <strong>of</strong> American Physical Societydamage processes in ceramics.He was nominated through theDivision <strong>of</strong> Materials Physics.Weber was named the eighth<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Tennessee</strong>-Oak RidgeNational Laboratory Governor’sChair for Radiation Effects onMaterials in March 2010.Hall was appointed as the third<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Tennessee</strong>-Oak RidgeNational Laboratory Governor’sChair in 2009. He also servesas a pr<strong>of</strong>essor for the Center forInterdisciplinary Research andGraduate Education (CIRE).For more information on <strong>The</strong>National Academies, please visitwww.nationalacademies.org.recognized at the <strong>2011</strong> RAMS inLake Buena Vista, Fla. from Jan.24-27.Zhao leads the Steel StructureGroup, a research group <strong>of</strong> CEEstudents interested in steel andcomposite structures. Together,Zhao and her research group havepublished five journal papers onthe topic <strong>of</strong> stability <strong>of</strong> steel girderbridges under construction in thepast two years.2 THE UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE KNOXVILLE, COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING • www.engr.utk.edu TENNESSEE engineer • <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2011</strong> • www.engr.utk.edu3

Area High School Students Participate in Engineers Day 2010COE alumna and pr<strong>of</strong>essional engineer KristinQualls addresses the crowd during the openingsession <strong>of</strong> the 2010 Engineers Day.On Thursday, Oct. 28, 2010, morethan 600 students from 34 area highschools traveled to the <strong>University</strong><strong>of</strong> <strong>Tennessee</strong>, Knoxville campusto learn more about engineeringfields. Undergraduate engineeringclasses were dismissed for the dayCOE Hosts 2010 Student and Donor Appreciation LuncheonCOE Dean Wayne Davis (right) introduces BillLandry as the luncheon’s guest speaker.<strong>The</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Engineering</strong> (COE)held its 2010 Student and DonorAppreciation Luncheon on Thursday,Sept. 23 in the <strong>University</strong> CenterBallroom.Industrial <strong>Engineering</strong> continued from page 5tools <strong>of</strong> the trade–how you incorporate, protectintellectualproperty, find financial resources,determine the size <strong>of</strong> a market, take an idea to themarketplace, and so forth.”Specific skills included in the program aremethods for innovative thinking, brainstorming,idea protection (how to file a provisional patentand a trademark), how toincorporate a companyand what form it should take, how to identify andfind key resources (both financial and personnel)and how to write a specification/funding proposal/business plan. <strong>The</strong> master’s program creditrequires graduate students to complete an extraproject for credit. <strong>The</strong>se range from preparing thefiling papers for apatent, to creating a product(iPhone app, product mockup) or attending 10entrepreneurial presentations and creating their ownblog from what they learned. “Industrial engineering is the bridge betweenengineering and business,” Martin commented.“IE converts one-<strong>of</strong>-a-kind products into a supplyto allow university students andfaculty to interact with students whileparticipating in competitions, exhibitsand presentations—a tradition thathas lasted nearly 100 years.Engineers Day features threecompetitions for visiting students,which include the Quiz Bowl, EggDrop Competition and High SchoolBalsa Wood Bridge Competition. Formore information and pictures <strong>of</strong> the2010 event, including competitionrules and results, please visit http://www.engr.utk.edu/ed.“Engineers Day 2010 was avery successful event,” said Dr.Masood Parang, Associate Dean <strong>of</strong>More than 130 COE faculty, staff,students, donors and guests attendedthe event, which allowed donors andscholarship recipients to converse overlunch.Dr. Masood Parang, Associate Deanfor Academic and Student Affairs, wasmaster <strong>of</strong> ceremonies for the event.Ben Farr, a senior in the Department<strong>of</strong> Nuclear <strong>Engineering</strong>, made studentappreciation remarks to the guests.COE Dean Wayne Davis introducedthe guest speaker, Bill Landry <strong>of</strong>WBIR, who gave attendees a glimpseinto his Heartland Series tales and a<strong>Engineering</strong> Academic and StudentAffairs. “As part <strong>of</strong> the EngineersDay exhibits, students had theopportunity to view the variousrobots that several area high schoolstudents had built through theirparticipation in FIRST Roboticscompetitions. This was well receivedby all the participants. <strong>The</strong>y learneda lot about engineering and whatengineers do.”Kristin Qualls, a graduate fromthe Department <strong>of</strong> Civil andEnvironmental <strong>Engineering</strong> at UT,was the keynote speaker for the event.Qualls, a registered pr<strong>of</strong>essionalengineer, works for the <strong>Tennessee</strong>Scholarship donors Robbie Nutt (far left) andRobert Nutt (far right) enjoy the luncheon withNutt Scholarship recipients Allison Davis, BradyMiller and Andrew Kaminsky.short excerpt from his latest one-manplay, “Einstein the Man.”<strong>The</strong> Student and Donor AppreciationLuncheon, first held in 2008, waschain that can effectively provide thousands <strong>of</strong>units on demand. Entrepreneurs need access tothis expertise that looks at a product not only froma technical feasibility standpoint, but also from afinancial viability standpoint. As production meansbecome more virtual, the expertise <strong>of</strong> supply chainlogistics becomes essential to the 21st centurytechnology entrepreneur, and IE is at the heart <strong>of</strong>this transformation.”Stakeholder PartnershipsSawhney and the IIE faculty are also developing thedepartment’s network.“We are knocking on doors to introduce ourdepartment to the community around us. As aresult, we have been working on multidisciplinaryprojects with the UT Center for TransportationResearch, UT-Battelle, the Department <strong>of</strong> Energy inOak Ridge and Y-12,” Sawhney said. “We also haveprojects with Children’s Hospital to streamline itsprograms to deliver better, more efficient health careto its patients.”Department <strong>of</strong> Transportation inthe construction division. She isdirectly involved in the oversight <strong>of</strong>several road and bridge projects inEast <strong>Tennessee</strong> and <strong>of</strong>ficially tookover the SmartFIX40 project to buildHall <strong>of</strong> Fame Drive and reconfigureJames White Parkway. Qualls overseesroad projects in Oak Ridge, on LovellRoad, Pleasant Ridge Road andWestern Avenue.<strong>The</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Engineering</strong> wouldlike to thank all the students,sponsors, judges and organizationsthat made Engineers Day 2010 sosuccessful. Engineers Day <strong>2011</strong> will beheld on Thursday, Oct. 27.Joyce Reed (left), assistant director <strong>of</strong> the<strong>Engineering</strong> Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Practice Office, andscholarship student Grace Biggs enjoy a laugh atthe annual luncheon.established as an annual opportunityto recognize outstanding studentswhile thanking donors who providefinancial support.Industrial engineering students have also beencaught up in the new energy that surrounds thedepartment.“We are now split into specialty groups, which ismuch more interesting,” Gagan Rajpal, a fourth-yearPh.D. student, said. “<strong>The</strong> students are really workingright now to help the department achieve its goals.”Anna Thamai, an IIE graduate student, agrees.“Since I joined the department last year, I’ve seenchanges in just one semester,” she commented.Sawhney views all <strong>of</strong> the recent developments as part<strong>of</strong> the progress.“Everything works together–the new building, therenewed energy, the improvements in our standingsacross the board. We must transform the perception<strong>of</strong> IIE. This is not just a one-year or two-yearimprovement–but a continuous journey. We willall see a significantly different department in thefuture,” Sawhney said. “We have a vision for thisdepartment, and it is one that we are dedicated tomaking a reality.”COE Student, Business Partner Win mtvU-NYSE Business CompetitionCOE industrial engineering student Aeron Glover (left) and <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> Business student Kaliv’ Parker (right) werewinners <strong>of</strong> the mtvU business competition.It all started when Aeron Glover, a junior inthe Department <strong>of</strong> Industrial and Information<strong>Engineering</strong> (IIE), studied abroad in Spain in thesummer <strong>of</strong> 2009.“I lived with a host family for nearly two months,and afterward, I realized that there was no way <strong>of</strong>getting in-depth, student generated feedback onthis family before moving in with them,” Gloversaid. “I had to rely on broad information providedby a company who paired me with the family.”When he arrived back in the United Statesin January 2010, Kaliv’ Parker, a junior in the<strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> Business, and Glover started writingthe business plan for Hows<strong>The</strong>Living.com, a Website whose mission is to “help you make informedhousing choices while at school, attending auniversity in the U.S. or abroad.”Glover and Parker then entered their plan into the2010 Undergraduate Business Plan Competitionsponsored by the Anderson Center forEntrepreneurship and Innovation in the <strong>College</strong><strong>of</strong> Business, where they received guidance t<strong>of</strong>urther develop their plan. <strong>The</strong>y were featured onfour episodes <strong>of</strong> mtvU’s Movers & Changers andhad the opportunity to attend the New York StockExchange (NYSE) Movers & Changers Forum,ring the bell at the NYSE and present their plansto a panel <strong>of</strong> industry executives.“<strong>The</strong> experience <strong>of</strong> being at the NYSE at thefinancial capital <strong>of</strong> the world was unreal,” Gloversaid. “Early on, I realized the significance <strong>of</strong> theNYSE, but actually being on the trading floorand opening up the day’s trading gave me an evendeeper understanding and appreciation.”<strong>The</strong> final episode <strong>of</strong> Movers & Changers, whichaired on Dec. 15, 2010, revealed that Parker andGlover won the grand prize <strong>of</strong> $25,000 to furtherdevelop their company. <strong>The</strong>y defeated two otherfinalists.With the seedmoney grandprize, Parkerand Glover arereinventing theirWeb site. <strong>The</strong>yreceive feedbackfrom students andothers every dayconcerning Website additions thatwould make theuser experiencemore enjoyable.Because <strong>of</strong> that,they plan to buildtheir database<strong>of</strong> universitiesand studenthousing. <strong>The</strong>irgrowth milestoneschedule outlines a strategy that will add to theirdatabase thousands <strong>of</strong> universities both in the U.S.and in other top countries where U.S. studentsstudy abroad. <strong>The</strong>y also plan to hold differentpromotional contests to draw students to the site toanalyze their feedback.Glover credits a lot <strong>of</strong> his entrepreneurialcharacteristics to his engineering background.“One <strong>of</strong> the cornerstones <strong>of</strong> an engineeringeducation is a solid critical thinking and analyticalfoundation,” Glover said. “My ability to plan,create and grow Hows<strong>The</strong>Living.com dependslargely on my ability to foresee future obstaclesand to think through complex strategies. Myindustrial engineering education has helped mewith this and has also given me glimpses <strong>of</strong> boththe technical and business sides, which is alwayshelpful in creating and growing an Internet start-upcompany.”<strong>The</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Engineering</strong>’s Entrepreneurshipprogram played a large role in Glover’s success. Inthe spring <strong>of</strong> 2010,Glover enrolledin <strong>Engineering</strong>Fundamentals 130:Survey <strong>of</strong> TechnologyEntrepreneurship.In this class, he wasexposed to many<strong>of</strong> the area’s topentrepreneurs, andhe got the chanceto hear about theirexperiences firsthand.Dr. Lee Martin,research assistantpr<strong>of</strong>essor in the IIEdepartment, taughtthe course.Martin was recently hired by the UT <strong>College</strong><strong>of</strong> <strong>Engineering</strong> to create the <strong>Engineering</strong>Entrepreneurship Program. He is a holder <strong>of</strong> 20U.S. patents, author <strong>of</strong> the book Techonomics, and isa mentor for many area entrepreneurs.“Dr. Martin has been a valuable resource andmentor throughout the process,” Glover said. “Heallowed Kaliv’ and I to practice our presentationand to get valuable feedback from students inanother one <strong>of</strong> his courses. It was great preparationfor the final pitch in front <strong>of</strong> the CEO judges inNew York City.”Martin was able to see Glover and Parker’s planunfold from the beginning and looks forward tothe direction it will take them in.“I am extremely excited to see the opportunitythat is unfolding for Aeron and Kaliv’,” Martinsaid. “<strong>The</strong>y have demonstrated great energy andresourcefulness in their efforts to date. <strong>The</strong> mtvUaward was well deserved!”Glover plans to graduate in the spring <strong>of</strong> 2012,although he admits that deadline could change toensure that he keeps a healthy balance <strong>of</strong> classesand growing Hows<strong>The</strong>Living.com, along with othercampus responsibilities. After graduation, Gloverand Parker plan to pursue Hows<strong>The</strong>Living.com fulltime as they work toward their goal <strong>of</strong> becomingthe de facto standard in student housing reviews.Glover <strong>of</strong>fered up a piece <strong>of</strong> advice to aspiringentrepreneurs: “<strong>The</strong> achievement <strong>of</strong> yourentrepreneurial and life goals requires an on-firemindset and on-fire actions. Have passion, and lovewhat you do,” he said.Episodes <strong>of</strong> mtvU’s Movers & Changers can beviewed online at http://www.moversandchangers.com.To learn more about the <strong>Engineering</strong> Entrepreneurshipprogram, visit http://www.engr.utk.edu/eep/eep.html.<strong>The</strong> Hows<strong>The</strong>Living Web Site6 THE UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE KNOXVILLE, COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING • www.engr.utk.edu TENNESSEE engineer • <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2011</strong> • www.engr.utk.edu7

COE Researchers Play Role in Winning $20 Million EPSCoR GrantUT <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Engineering</strong> researchers are playing akey role in a recently awarded five year, $20 millionprogram devoted to increasing <strong>Tennessee</strong>’s researchbase in renewable energy technologies.<strong>The</strong> Experimental Program to StimulateCompetitive Research (EPSCoR) program wasestablished in the 1970s. <strong>The</strong> mission <strong>of</strong> EPSCoRis to assist the National Science Foundation(NSF) in its efforts to strengthen research andeducation in science and engineering throughoutthe United States. EPSCoR’s goals are to providestrategic programs and opportunities for EPSCoRparticipants that stimulate sustainableimprovements in their research anddevelopment capacity and competitivenessand to advance science and engineeringcapabilities in EPSCoR jurisdictions fordiscovery, innovation and overall knowledgebasedprosperity.EPSCoR districts are defined as states thatreceive less than 7.5% <strong>of</strong> federal researchfunding. <strong>Tennessee</strong> was designated as one<strong>of</strong> five EPSCoR districts four years ago. Thisdesignation means that both public andprivate universities within the district cancompete for federal grants. However, theeducational institutions must compete as astatewide block for the funding.In October <strong>of</strong> 2010, the <strong>Tennessee</strong> StateEPSCoR partnership <strong>of</strong>ficially receiveda grant for a proposal submitted by the<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Tennessee</strong> System, the<strong>Tennessee</strong> Board <strong>of</strong> Regents System,Vanderbilt <strong>University</strong> and the <strong>Tennessee</strong>Independent <strong>College</strong>s and UniversitiesAssociation. <strong>The</strong> overall goal <strong>of</strong> the proposalis to improve the competitive standing <strong>of</strong><strong>Tennessee</strong> Science, Technology, <strong>Engineering</strong>and Mathematics (STEM) researchers bycreating and enhancing a culture <strong>of</strong> collaborationwithin <strong>Tennessee</strong>’s research base.Titled “<strong>Tennessee</strong> Solar Conversion and Storageusing Outreach, Research and Education (TN-SCORE),” the proposal focused on outreach andeducation. <strong>The</strong> total <strong>of</strong> the grant awarded throughEPSCoR was $20 million, $10 million <strong>of</strong> whichwas designated for the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Tennessee</strong>,Knoxville. A total <strong>of</strong> 14 entities applied for thegrant and seven received the funding, which willbe spread out over a time period <strong>of</strong> five years. <strong>The</strong>State Economic Development Office overseesdistribution <strong>of</strong> the EPSCoR funds, while the overallcoordination <strong>of</strong> the program is supervised by Dr.David Millhorn, Executive Vice President and VicePresident for Research and Economic Development,the Principal Investigator <strong>of</strong> the project.<strong>The</strong> overall theme <strong>of</strong> the TN-SCORE wasalternative energy technologies, which complementseveral recent statewide research and demonstrationinitiatives and industry recruitment successes.<strong>The</strong> proposal was separated into three mainscientific thrust teams:Thrust 1: Advanced Solar Conversion andInnovation, featuring the development <strong>of</strong> highlyeffective, hybrid active layers to improve theefficiency and sustainability <strong>of</strong> solar cells.Thrust 2: Components and Devices for EnergyStorage and Conversion, focusing mainly on thedevelopment <strong>of</strong> primary technologies, electrochemicalenergy storage (batteries, supercapacitors) andconversion (fuel cells) devices, to address criticalareas <strong>of</strong> national interest and need.<strong>The</strong> EPSCoR team (back row, left to right): Dr. Stephen Paddison, Dr. Shane Foister, Dr. PeteCounce and Dr. Jimmy Mays; (front row, left to right) outreach coordinator Kat Forst, Dr.Zawodzinski and outreach coordinator-technical Gabriel Goenaga.Thrust 3: Nanostructures for Enhancing EnergyEfficiency, encompassing the development anduse <strong>of</strong> nanostructures to synthesize, fabricate,characterize and implement nanostructures withthe aim <strong>of</strong> enhancing energy efficiency in solid statelighting and solar energy conversion.Dr. Tom Zawodzinski, the UT Governor’s Chair inElectrical Energy Storage, was the co-thrust leaderfor Thrust 2. Dr. Cindy Rice-York, a pr<strong>of</strong>essor at<strong>Tennessee</strong> Technology <strong>University</strong>, was the otherco-thrust leader.“We wanted to have leaders for the thrusts fromboth universities that were research-oriented andfrom smaller academic institutions that were lessfocused on research,” Zawodzinski said.Zawodzinski’s original thrust team includes UTpr<strong>of</strong>essors and Department <strong>of</strong> Chemical andBiomolecular <strong>Engineering</strong> colleagues Dr. R.M.“Pete” Counce and Dr. Stephen Paddison as wellas Dr. Jimmy Mays, a UT Distinguished Scientistbased in the Department <strong>of</strong> Chemistry. Pr<strong>of</strong>essorShane Foister in the chemistry department has alsojoined the team. Researchers from Vanderbilt andMemphis round out the group.“<strong>The</strong>re are a number <strong>of</strong> opportunities, with someflexible funding, for us to add other researchersfrom UT and other institutions as well,”Zawodzinski said. “What makes EPSCoR uniqueis that the program’s goal is to increase statewideresources, using the primary educational resourcesfor outreach with an emphasis on STEM.”When a previous effort to attain EPSCoR fundingwas unsuccessful, Zawodzinski led efforts toaugment the research focus with a battery andfuel thrust.Leaders <strong>of</strong> Thrust 1 were Dr. Barry Brucefrom the <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> Arts and Sciences’Department <strong>of</strong> Biochemistry and Cellularand Molecular Biology and Dr. KaneJennings from Vanderbilt. UT participantsin the solar conversion and innovation teamincluded Department <strong>of</strong> Chemical andBiomolecular <strong>Engineering</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>essors Dr.Ramki Kalyanaraman, Dr. Paul Frymier,Dr. Eric Boder, Dr. Stephen Paddison anddepartment head Dr. Bamin Khomami; Dr.Gerd Duscher, Dr. Bin Hu and Dr. Phil Rackfrom the Department <strong>of</strong> Materials Scienceand <strong>Engineering</strong>; and many collaboratorsfrom other state and private universities andcolleges.<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Tennessee</strong> participants in Thrust3 included Dr. Aly Fathy from the Department<strong>of</strong> Electrical <strong>Engineering</strong> and ComputerScience. A faculty contingent from Vanderbilt,as well as other academic institutions in thestate, was also involved. Dr. Sandy Rosenthal<strong>of</strong> Vanderbilt leads this Thrust.Each thrust team will contribute to the technologyinnovation base being developed in <strong>Tennessee</strong> toadd value to the research enterprise in the state.Also, each thrust includes an aggressive outreachand workforce development approach designed toenhance research capacity while creating a culture<strong>of</strong> collaboration across the state, educating thenext generation <strong>of</strong> scientists in the classroom andproviding opportunities for students and facultythat might otherwise not be available.Workforce development programs under theEPSCoR grant include both summer and yearroundundergraduate research programs; collegefaculty summer research programs; a Council forUndergraduate Research Workshop; a secondaryschool science teacher summer program; industrysummer internships; and “Meetings in Miniature,”two conferences that will involve all TN-SCOREparticipants, one at the beginning and end <strong>of</strong> eachsummer.Continued on page 10Real Problems Make for Real LearningBreast cancer, battery design, solar houses, Alzheimer’s disease, mobile food irradiation and bridgeexpansion are just a few examples <strong>of</strong> the COE’s capstone design projects.Capstone design projects are collaborationsbetween the UT <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Engineering</strong> andlocal, national and regional businesses andgovernment entities. <strong>The</strong>se projects allow uniqueopportunities for students to be involved inhands-on, complex research under the direction<strong>of</strong> engineering faculty.“<strong>The</strong>oretical problems are essential for learningprinciples,” said Dean Wayne Davis, “However,engineers like to make things and solve realproblems. Capstone projects connected toindustry partners enable our students to delveinto real engineering issues.”<strong>The</strong> Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)supports several student design projects, includingone in the Department <strong>of</strong> Chemical andBiomolecular <strong>Engineering</strong> (CBE). A joint projectinvolving 10 students, the project was proposedby CBE’s Dr. Pete Counce, Governor’s ChairPr<strong>of</strong>essor Tom Zawodzinski and adjunct facultymember Dr. J.S. Watson. <strong>The</strong> project focuses onvarious aspects for redox flow battery design.Another long-term capstone design project inCBE is the collaboration with Eastman ChemicalCompany, which has been facilitated by Dr.Charlie Moore for more than 20 years. <strong>The</strong>department sends five to 10 senior chemicalengineering students to work on a process controlissue for Eastman in exchange for class credit.Eastman also has coordinated with theDepartment <strong>of</strong> Mechanical, Aerospace andBiomedical <strong>Engineering</strong> (MABE) on severalcapstone projects supervised by MABE pr<strong>of</strong>essorDr. Don Dareing.Dr. John Schwartz and his students in theDepartment <strong>of</strong> Civil and Environmental<strong>Engineering</strong> are currently collaborating on acapstone design with the <strong>Tennessee</strong> Department<strong>of</strong> Transportation (TDOT) on a road realignmentand bridge expansion over Little Turkey Creekat Kingston Pike and Everett Road intersectionin Farragut, Tenn. <strong>The</strong> objective is to develop aset <strong>of</strong> TDOT roadway construction plans thatinclude a five-lane curb and gutter facility andsidewalks. <strong>The</strong> bridge structure will also be widenedto accommodate the additional lane, sidewalks andcurbs.<strong>The</strong> Department <strong>of</strong> Industrial and Information<strong>Engineering</strong> (IIE) has several capstone designprojects in conjunction with area hospitals andhealth care providers including East <strong>Tennessee</strong>Children’s Hospital, Covenant Health and St.Mary’s Medical Center (now Mercy Hospital).Projects include operating room sterile processingreview; a pharmacy chemotherapy investigation; areview and study <strong>of</strong> the efficiency <strong>of</strong> a medicationadministration process; and procedures used forprocessing patients in an emergency room setting.IIE has also coordinated capstone design projectswith EPRI, American Safety Razor and AmericanAccessories International.In the Department <strong>of</strong> Electrical <strong>Engineering</strong>and Computer Science (EECS), several capstoneprojects are in progress. One notable example isthe Solar Decathlon <strong>2011</strong> Competition projectfor the design, construction and testing <strong>of</strong> acomplete solar house for the U.S. Solar DecathlonCompetition that will take place in Washington,D.C. in September. Supervised by EECS pr<strong>of</strong>essorDr. Leon Tolbert, the design includes an optionallyconnected DC power storage system to allow thehouse to be used in a stand-alone configurationwhen disconnected from the grid. EECS pr<strong>of</strong>essorsDr. Paul Crilly, Dr. Michael Berry, Dr. JensGregor, Dr. Kevin Tomsovic, Dr. Fran Li, Dr. GregPeterson, Dr. Mongi Abidi, Dr. Syed Islam, Dr.Seddik Djouadi, Dr. Ben Blalock and Dr. HairongQi are involved in capstone projects ranging fromelectric vehicles to android-based robot control to awireless dog leash.Dr. Carl Lundin supervised several capstone designprojects for students in the Department <strong>of</strong> MaterialsScience and <strong>Engineering</strong> (MSE). Corporatesupporters <strong>of</strong> the projects provided funding and inkindcontributions and included Lear Corporation,Metal-Tech, Homesteader Trailers and John Deere.<strong>The</strong> MSE department collaborated with the MABEdepartment on the Homesteader Trailers project,which involved a study <strong>of</strong> the breakdown designfor a utility trailer.In the MABE department, Dr. MohamedMahfouz and Dr. Bill Hamel collaborated withUT Medical Center on several capstone designprojects, including developing a touch-sensitivebreast phantom for use in the training <strong>of</strong> medicalpr<strong>of</strong>essionals in clinical breast examinationsand designing and improving a laparoscopictiming device in a simulation lab. Mahfouz alsosupervised projects in coordination with OakRidge National Laboratory (ORNL) to createan epilepsy seizure forewarning system and ananalysis method for early detection <strong>of</strong> Alzheimer’sdisease.MABE faculty member Dareing, adjunctpr<strong>of</strong>essor Dr. Steve Foster and Dr. Butch Irickhave worked with Denso Corporation, Accu-Router, Lexmark, Republic Plastics and CarlisleTire on several capstone design projects formechanical engineering.In the Department <strong>of</strong> Nuclear <strong>Engineering</strong>(NE), research pr<strong>of</strong>essor Dr. Martin Grossbeckis heading up several capstone design projects,including a mobile food irradiation facility,a small mobile reactor designed to fit into atruck for rapid assembly in remote areas and aninstrumented dry fuel storage cask.“Companies who sponsor capstone projects areamong our many corporate partners, and we aregrateful for their support,” remarked Davis. “It’sa win-win situation for both the businesses whichget the power <strong>of</strong> our creative student minds andthe students who develop a better understanding<strong>of</strong> corporate challenges.”Companies who want to explore ways topartner with the <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Engineering</strong> maycontact Marc Gibson, Director <strong>of</strong> CorporateDevelopment at 865-974-7592/ mgibson4@utk.edu, Dr. Bill Dunne, COE Associate Dean forResearch and Technology, (865) 974-3608/wdunne@utk.edu, or you may visit http://www.engr.utk.edu for individual department contact listings.8 THE UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE KNOXVILLE, COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING • www.engr.utk.edu TENNESSEE engineer • <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2011</strong> • www.engr.utk.edu9

Investment PartnersGary Curtis (BS/NE ’71)has joined Barge WaggonerSumner & Cannon, Inc.(BWSC) as Vice Presidentand Director <strong>of</strong> Energyand Environment withresponsibility for the overalldirection and strategicoversight <strong>of</strong> the firm’s workGary Curtiswith nuclear, fossil andalternative power generation projects. He residesin Nashville, Tenn.Kimberly S. Greene (BS/ES‘88), COE Board Memberand the group president<strong>of</strong> Strategy and ExternalRelations at <strong>Tennessee</strong>Valley Authority, hasbeen welcomed into theChancellor’s Associates,a group <strong>of</strong> business,Kimberly Greenepr<strong>of</strong>essional and communityleaders from the greater Knoxville area, for the2010-<strong>2011</strong> year. She resides in Knoxville, Tenn.Johnny Moore (BS/ChE ’83), assistant managerfor science for the U.S. Department <strong>of</strong> Energy,has been welcomed into the Chancellor’sAssociates, a group <strong>of</strong> business, pr<strong>of</strong>essional andcommunity leaders from the greater Knoxvillearea, for the 2010-<strong>2011</strong> year. He resides in OakRidge, Tenn.Kevin Stooksbury (BS/IE ’01) has been namedthe economic practices coordinator withExxonMobil Qatar, Inc. He and his wife, Keri,have relocated to Doha, Qatar.Annual COE Homecoming Allows Alumni to Reconnect<strong>The</strong> COE development staff, from left to right: Nathan Zipper, Assistant Director; Adlai Hurt, Assistant Director; Dorothy Bryson, Senior Director <strong>of</strong> Development; Christina Parsons, Advancement Specialist I; JulieWichlinski, Annual Giving & Alumni Relations Coordinator; Kathleen Baker, Advancement Assistant III; and Brian Shupe, Director.If you are reading this newsletter, then I suspect youconsider education to be important. So do I, andthe more I am immersed in this college, the more Iam energized by both the content and approach <strong>of</strong>the engineering degree. Rigorous and intellectual,practical and useful–engineering educationproduces a mindset that applies to anything thatneeds solution or innovation.This is why I am proud to work with the college’sleadership to secure philanthropic investments thatwill propel the <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Engineering</strong> forward.Every donor at every level to any account in the<strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Engineering</strong> is our investment partner.In calendar year 2010, that includes 102 Dean’sCircle members who gave an annual gift <strong>of</strong> $1,000or more to the <strong>College</strong> Fund for <strong>Engineering</strong>or to one <strong>of</strong> our parallel department funds.Campaign UpdateCultivating Knowledge for aCompetitive EdgeCampaign commitments for the <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Engineering</strong> now total $57,838,955, 77%,towards our $75 million goal.$7.9 million in campaign gifts and pledges wasreceived in 2010.Our partners include major corporate andfoundation donors II-VI Foundation, Bechtel,Denso, Eastman Chemical Company, Exxon Mobil,MathWorks, Nvidia, URS Corporation and others.Estate donors, endowment donors, and every one <strong>of</strong>the individuals who gave to the annual funds–all areinvestment partners.If you consider your engineering education to bevaluable, if it taught you to think more clearly, if itopened doors to a career (or multiple careers), if itenabled you to start a business (or two or three), ifit helped you make a living and a life, then we areasking you to become an investment partner with usor to add to the investment you have already made.You can invest in the college through annualgiving at any amount directed to the <strong>College</strong> FundWe had a 35% increase in annual giving tothe <strong>College</strong> Fund for <strong>Engineering</strong> and paralleldepartment funds–from $371,855 in 2009 to$503,415 in 2010.To make a gift, discover how to create anendowment, learn about trust and annuity options,or how you might benefit the college through yourestate planning contact.for <strong>Engineering</strong> or to the Department Fund forany one <strong>of</strong> our seven departments. <strong>The</strong> <strong>2011</strong>commemorative medallion celebrating Dean’sCircle gifts ($1,000 or more annually), features theMin H. Kao Electrical <strong>Engineering</strong> and ComputerScience Building. Endowments provide principalfrom which annual earnings finance pr<strong>of</strong>essorships,scholarship stipends, or program support. Legaciescan be left through Estate Bequests.Investments are tricky–full <strong>of</strong> surprises. But I canassure you as an investment partner in the UTK<strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Engineering</strong> enterprise, you will receive apriceless return on your investment–human futures.Become a partner.Dorothy Barkley Bryson, Senior Director,<strong>Engineering</strong> Development<strong>The</strong> Office <strong>of</strong> Development<strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Engineering</strong>120 Perkins Hall • Knoxville, <strong>Tennessee</strong> 37966Phone: 865-974-2779 • email: engrdev@utk.eduVisit our website at http://www.engr.utk.edu/give/ and check us out on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/pages/<strong>University</strong>-<strong>of</strong>-<strong>Tennessee</strong>-<strong>College</strong>-<strong>of</strong>-<strong>Engineering</strong>/172016882812772You may also use the envelope handily tucked inthis newsletter!<strong>The</strong> annual <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Engineering</strong> (COE) AlumniBBQ was held at 9 a.m. prior to kick-<strong>of</strong>f <strong>of</strong> the UTv. Ole Miss football game on Nov. 13, 2010.<strong>The</strong>re were 302 individuals in attendance,including alumni, faculty, retired faculty andstudents. Eleven student organizations, as well asthe <strong>Engineering</strong> Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Practice Office andthe Jerry E. Stoneking Engage Program, showcasedtheir projects and research for COE alumni.“<strong>The</strong> annual Homecoming <strong>Engineering</strong> BBQprovides an atmosphere for our alumni andcurrent and retired faculty members to reuniteand ask questions about what the COE is doingtoday,” said Dr. Wayne Davis, COE dean. “I lovebeing able to talk with our engineering alumniand their families and provide an opportunity forthem to show their families where they went toschool and give them a firsthand look into theircollege experience at the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Tennessee</strong>,along with the many changes that are takingplace. Hopefully, we will be able to provide tours<strong>of</strong> the new Min Kao Electrical <strong>Engineering</strong> andComputer Science Building next year, as it shouldbe opened by Homecoming <strong>2011</strong>.”<strong>The</strong> event was catered by Dead End BBQ, which isco-owned by Robert Nutt, a COE alumnus.All alumni and their families are invited to attendnext year, so look out for the save-the-date formore information.Left to right: Julie Wichlinski with the COE development <strong>of</strong>fice, Carl Mims (W. Louis Wood’s son-in-law), and W. Louis Wood (BS/EE ‘49, BSMarketing ‘50) <strong>of</strong> Germantown, Tenn. enjoy the homecoming event.Dr. Ed Burdette (right) pr<strong>of</strong>essor in the Department <strong>of</strong> Civil and Environmental <strong>Engineering</strong>, visits with the Tucker family during homecomingactivities. Greg Tucker (facing camera) is a second-generation COE alumnus (BS/CE ’87, MS/CE ‘88) who now resides in Birmingham, Ala.12 THE UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE KNOXVILLE, COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING • www.engr.utk.edu TENNESSEE engineer • <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2011</strong> • www.engr.utk.edu13

Dr. James HungMemorialsR. <strong>The</strong>odore Davis (BS/EE ’39) died on Sept. 27,2010. He was a resident <strong>of</strong> Wilmington, N.C.Charles C. Lasater (BS/ME ’40) died on Oct. 5,2010. He was a resident <strong>of</strong> Pascagoula, Miss.William S. Regenold Jr. (BS/CE ’47) died on Sept.22, 2010. He was a resident <strong>of</strong> Highlands, N.C.James Garner (BS/ChE ’48) died on Oct. 17,2010. He was a resident <strong>of</strong> Plano, Texas.Harry W. Givan (BS/CE ’48) died on July 1, 2010.He was a resident <strong>of</strong> Port Charlotte, Fla.James E. Still Sr. (BS/ME ’48) died on Oct. 26,2010. He was a resident <strong>of</strong> Huntsville, Ala.Louis H. Sommers (BS/EE ’49) died on Aug. 23,2007. He was a resident <strong>of</strong> Huntsville, Ala.Minnis C. Harr (BS/EE ’50) died on Sept. 27,2010. He was a resident <strong>of</strong> Knoxville, Tenn.In Memoriam: Dr. James HungIn Memoriam: Dr. E. Eugene StansburyDr. E. Eugene StansburyDr. E. EugeneStansbury, a retired<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Tennessee</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Engineering</strong> (COE)pr<strong>of</strong>essor, passedaway on Feb. 19,<strong>2011</strong>, in Alexandria,Va. Stansburywas a pr<strong>of</strong>essor<strong>of</strong> Metallurgical<strong>Engineering</strong> at UTfrom 1947 until 1985.Jack H. Lefler Sr. (BS/IE ’50) died on Sept. 15,2010. He was a resident <strong>of</strong> Loudon, Tenn.William B. Robertson (BS/ChE ’51) died on Sept.21, 2010. He was a resident <strong>of</strong> Kingsport, Tenn.Dr. Ronald D. Morris (BS/ChE ’55) died on Oct.7, 2010. He was a resident <strong>of</strong> La Vergne, Tenn.Charles N. McClanahan (BS/CE ’56) died on June1, 2010. He was a resident <strong>of</strong> Centerville, Tenn.William H. Stewart Jr. (BS/ME ’57) died on Sept.22, 2010. He was a resident <strong>of</strong> Houston, Texas.Ronald G. Domer (BS/ME ’59, MS/ES ’65, PhD/ES ’73) died on Oct. 25, 2010. He was a resident <strong>of</strong>Danville, Calif.Jimmie Pafford (BS/EE ’59) died on April 19,2010. He was a resident <strong>of</strong> Pocomoke City, Md.Robert W. Smartt (BS/CE ’59) died on April 2,2009. He was a resident <strong>of</strong> Nashville, Tenn.James C. Billingsley (BS/EE ’62) died on Dec. 8,2009. He was a resident <strong>of</strong> Tullahoma, Tenn.Dr. James Hung, a retired pr<strong>of</strong>essor fromthe Department <strong>of</strong> Electrical and Computer<strong>Engineering</strong> (now the Department <strong>of</strong> Electrical<strong>Engineering</strong> and Computer Science) at the<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Tennessee</strong>, passed away on Dec. 27,2010, at the age <strong>of</strong> 81.Hung was born in 1929 in Foochow, China,and came to the United States in 1954 to earnhis master’s and doctorate degrees at New York<strong>University</strong>. He then joined UT in 1961, where hetaught systems and control courses in the ECEdepartment until he retired in 1999.In the 1970s, he consulted with NASA to buildnavigation systems for the lunar rover that becameknown as the “moon buggy.”Hung was the faculty advisor to Dr. Min Kao,chairman and CEO <strong>of</strong> the Garmin Corporation,one <strong>of</strong> the world’s largest manufacturers <strong>of</strong> GlobalStansbury was instrumental in beginning theCOE’s metallurgy program, which is now part<strong>of</strong> the Department <strong>of</strong> Materials Science and<strong>Engineering</strong>. He established graduate programs inMetallurgy at both UT and Oak Ridge NationalLaboratory (ORNL).Stansbury placed high importance on technologyin the field and developed and taught severalinterdisciplinary courses that covered its advantages.He was the author or co-author <strong>of</strong> 35 articles anda book on corrosion and was the recipient <strong>of</strong> manypr<strong>of</strong>essional and academic awards.David S. Fuller (BS/ME ’63) died on Sept. 19,2010. He was a resident <strong>of</strong> Nebo, N.C.James R. Jones (BS/EE ’74, MS EE ’75) died onSept. 25, 2010. He was a resident <strong>of</strong> Kingston<strong>Spring</strong>s, Tenn.Billie M. McAlister (BS/CE ’74) died on Feb. 24,2005. He was a resident <strong>of</strong> Franklin, Tenn.Daryl Sinclair (MS/ME ’76) died on Sept. 29,2009. He was a resident <strong>of</strong> Decherd, Tenn.Dr. Thomas J. Abraham Jr. (BS/ChE ’79, MS/ChE’84, PhD/ChE ’85) died on Oct. 28, 2010. He was aresident <strong>of</strong> Knoxville, Tenn.Michael K. Howze (BS/CE ‘82) died on Oct. 5,2010. He was a resident <strong>of</strong> Franklin, Tenn.Jerry D. McCroskey Jr. (BS/ME ’84) died on Sept.10, 2010. He was a resident <strong>of</strong> Hixson, Tenn.John F. Conlon III (MS/EnvE ’96) died on Oct.25, 2010. He was a resident <strong>of</strong> Mystic, Conn.Positioning System (GPS) products. Kao receivedhis Ph.D. from the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Tennessee</strong> in 1975and stayed in touch with Hung through the yearsafter his graduation.In 2004, Kao contacted Hung about makinga gift <strong>of</strong> lasting value to the university. Hungsuggested donating money for a new electrical andcomputer engineering building. Kao eventuallycommitted to donating $17.5 million, $12.5 <strong>of</strong>which was designated for the construction <strong>of</strong> theMin H. Kao Electrical <strong>Engineering</strong> and ComputerScience Building. <strong>The</strong> other $5 million wenttoward matching private donations to generate anendowment for the EECS department.In his remarks during the groundbreakingceremony in May 2007, Kao saluted Hung, hislongtime friend and advisor, who was instrumentalin Kao’s decision to give back to the college.Dr. Stansbury received his bachelor’s degreein chemical engineering in 1940 from NorthCarolina State <strong>University</strong>. He received hismaster’s and Ph.D. degrees in metallurgicalengineering in 1942 and 1946, respectively, fromthe <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Cincinnati.Upon his retirement, an endowment fund forscholarships and equipment was established.Donations can be made to the E. EugeneStansbury Endowment fund at UT (via the Office<strong>of</strong> <strong>Engineering</strong> Development, (865) 974-2779/engrdev@utk.edu).Leadership Awards Bestowed on <strong>Engineering</strong> Diversity Program StudentsTia Renee Tabors and Aeron Lydell Glover both received the <strong>2011</strong>Community Award at the Black <strong>Engineering</strong> <strong>of</strong> the Year Awards (BEYA)Student Leadership and Scholarship Awards on Friday, February 18.Tia Tabors receives her BEYA award from Shelton Guinn, Director <strong>of</strong> Strategic Sales at Aerotek, alongwith the emcees Marc Clarke and Fonzworth Bentley.UT ALUMNUS WINS<strong>2011</strong> TIBBETTS AWARDAnalysis andMeasurementServices Corporation(AMS), located inKnoxville, Tenn. andowned by HashemM. Hashemian (MS/NE ’76), recentlywon a TibbettsAward for its criticalrole in research anddevelopment for theUT alumnus Hashem Hashemian government and forits success in drivinginnovation and creating new jobs. Hashemianwas presented with the award in Washington,D.C., in February.Hashemian, President and CEO <strong>of</strong> AMS, has32 years <strong>of</strong> experience with the company, whichbegan in 1977 when he and Dr. Thomas W.Kerlin, pr<strong>of</strong>essor emeritus in the Department <strong>of</strong>Nuclear <strong>Engineering</strong>, founded AMS. Since then,AMS has provided a unique set <strong>of</strong> equipment,services and training to the worldwide nuclearindustry. <strong>The</strong>se products help nuclear powerplants verify that the sensors used to controlplant operation and safety functions are workingproperly.<strong>The</strong> Tibbetts Awards are given by the U.S. SmallBusiness Administration. Award recipients areselected based on the economic impact <strong>of</strong> theirtechnological innovation and whether theyhave met federal research and developmentneeds, encouraged diverse participation intechnological innovation and increased thecommercialization <strong>of</strong> federal research. For moreinformation, visit http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/<strong>2011</strong>0215006909/en/SBA-Announces-Winners-<strong>2011</strong>-Tibbetts-Awards.Nuclear <strong>Engineering</strong> Graduate Students Win ContestNuclear engineering student award winners (left toright): Susan Hogle, Matthew Cook and Oscar Lastres.Benita Fitzgerald Mosley speaksat the UT diversity event.<strong>The</strong> two students were recognized for outstanding academic achievement andleadership. Tabors is a senior majoring in chemical engineering, and Glover isalso a senior majoring in industrial engineering.Aeron Glover receives his award from Rear Admiral Randall M. Hendrickson from the Missile DefenseAgency and BEYA awards emcees Marc Clarke and Fonzworth Bentley.A team comprised <strong>of</strong> Department <strong>of</strong> Nuclear <strong>Engineering</strong>(NE) graduate students won first place in the 2010 StudentDesign Contest, which is sponsored annually by theAmerican Nuclear Society (ANS). Matthew Cook, OscarLastres and Susan Hogle won for their project “ConceptualDesign <strong>of</strong> a Neutron Absorber System for Spent Fuel Pools.”Dr. Martin Grossbeck, a research pr<strong>of</strong>essor in the NEdepartment, supervised the group. UT nuclear engineeringstudents have been finalists, winning either first or secondplace in either the undergraduate or graduate category <strong>of</strong>this annual contest in 32 <strong>of</strong> the past 35 years.COE Alumna and Olympic Gold Medalist is KeynoteSpeaker at Diversity EventBenita Fitzgerald Mosley (BS/IE ’84) returned to Knoxville on Tuesday, February1 as the featured speaker for the kick<strong>of</strong>f celebration for the 50th anniversary <strong>of</strong>undergraduate admission by African Americans at the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Tennessee</strong>.Fitzgerald Mosley became the first African-American woman to win an Olympicgold medal in the 100-meter hurdles in the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics. Shewas a 14-time All-American and five-time national champion while on the LadyVols Track and Field Team and won nine Southeast conference championships.She currently serves as the Chief <strong>of</strong> Sport Performance for USA Track & Field.For more information about the diversity event, visit http://www.utk.edu/tntoday/<strong>2011</strong>/01/25/rescheduled-50th-anniversary-kick<strong>of</strong>f/.UTSI Doctoral Candidate Receives AIAA Special AwardDr. Joe Majdalani (left) presents theaward to Brian Maicke (right) duringthe AIAA luncheon at UTSI.Brian Maicke, a doctoral candidate at the UT Space Institute, received theprestigious AIAA Special Award on November 17, 2010 at the AmericanInstitute <strong>of</strong> Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) luncheon at UTSI. <strong>The</strong>recognition highlights outstanding achievements among AIAA membersand salutes spirit, teamwork, outstanding research, mentorship andsupport in the fields <strong>of</strong> high-speed propulsion and theoretical modeling <strong>of</strong>aerospace engineering problems. Maicke has also recently had the results<strong>of</strong> his research published in both the Journal <strong>of</strong> Fluid Mechanics and theProceedings <strong>of</strong> the Royal Society, Series A. He also was recently recognizedwith the Outstanding Graduate Assistant Award at UTSI and received aspecial commendation from the <strong>Tennessee</strong> State Senate for his research andpublication efforts.14 THE UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE KNOXVILLE, COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING • www.engr.utk.edu TENNESSEE engineer • <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2011</strong> • www.engr.utk.edu15

<strong>The</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Tennessee</strong><strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Engineering</strong>207 Perkins HallKnoxville, TN 37996-2012Non-Pr<strong>of</strong>it Org.US POSTAGEPAIDPermit No. 481Knoxville, TNFall <strong>2011</strong>Classes Begin................................ Aug 17Labor Day...................................... Sept 5Fall Break.................................Sept 29-30Thanksgiving............................ Nov 25-26Classes End.................................. Nov 29Exams...................................Dec 1-2, 5-8Graduate Hooding............................ Dec 8UT Commencement......................... Dec 9Senior AdministrationDr. Wayne Davis,Dean <strong>of</strong> <strong>Engineering</strong>Dr. Bill Dunne,Associate Dean for Research & TechnologyDr. Masood Parang,Associate Dean for Academic& Student AffairsDepartmentsBiosystems............................... 974-7266Chemical & Biomolecular............ 974-2421Civil & Environmental................. 974-2503Electrical & Computer Science..... 974-3461Industrial & Information.............. 974-3333Materials Science....................... 974-5336Mechanical, Aerospace &Biomedical................................ 974-5115Nuclear..................................... 974-2525CalendarContact Information<strong>Spring</strong> 2012Classes Begin.................................Jan 11MLK Holiday..................................Jan 161 st Session Ends.............................Feb 292 nd Session Begins.......................... Mar 1<strong>Spring</strong> Break.............................Mar 19-23<strong>Spring</strong> Recess............................... April 6Classes End................................ April 27Exams................................. May 1-4, 7-8Commencement........................ May 9-11Administration & ProgramsCommunications........................ 974-0533Dean’s Office............................ 974-5321Development............................. 974-2779<strong>Engineering</strong> Advising Services..... 974-4008<strong>Engineering</strong> Diversity Programs.... 974-1931<strong>Engineering</strong> Fundamentals........... 974-9810<strong>Engineering</strong> Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Practice.. 974-5323<strong>Engineering</strong> Research................. 974-8360<strong>Engineering</strong> Student Affairs......... 974-2454Finance & Admin. Affairs............ 974-5279Research CentersIntelligent Systems and MachineLearning.....................................974-4394Materials Processing .................. 974-0816Reliability & Maintainability Center.974-9625Scintillation Materials................. 974-0254Transportation Research............. 974-5255Save the Date!Please mark your calendars now forHomecoming <strong>2011</strong>! Saturday, November 5th<strong>The</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Tennessee</strong> Volunteers vs. Middle <strong>Tennessee</strong>State <strong>University</strong>.Cheer on the Vols as they take on the Blue Raiders!<strong>The</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Engineering</strong> will be hosting the Annual AlumniHomecoming Barbeque on <strong>The</strong> Hill three hours prior to kick<strong>of</strong>f.Join us for a delicious barbeque lunch; exhibits anddemonstrations; and reunions with former classmates and faculty.Details will be available in the upcoming issue <strong>of</strong> <strong>The</strong> Torchbearer.For more information, contact the <strong>Engineering</strong> DevelopmentOffice at (865) 974-2779 or e-mail Christina Parsons atcparson4@utk.edu.<strong>The</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Tennessee</strong> is an EE)/AA/Title VI/Title IX/Section 504/ADA/ADEA institutionin the provision <strong>of</strong> its education and employment programs and services. All qualifiedapplicants will receive equal consideration for employment without regard to race, color,national origin, religion, sex, pregnancy, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity,age, physical or mental disability or covered veteran status.

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