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KwikHEAT - Practical Facilities Management

KwikHEAT - Practical Facilities Management

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support servicesGame, set and match for Leisure Support ServicesLeisure Support Services has recentlywon the prestigious housekeepingand court attendant contract at The AllEngland Lawn Tennis Club, coveringboth year round provision and theQualifying and Championships period.The win adds to a growing portfolio of world-classsports venue contracts gained since the companywas formed just four years ago, including the BritOval, Ricoh Arena and Leicester City’s WalkersStadium. The company also delivers services to anumber of international events including the OpenChampionship and Leeds Festival and the LeisureSupport Services team is relishing the opportunity towork at the prestigious Wimbledon event. LucasBarclay, Head of Operations explains: “Wimbledon is56Dishwasherscan be greenThe debate over whether it’s‘greener’ to use a dishwasher orwash up by hand has been waging forseveral months in the media and willalmost certainly continue to do so,but for commercial organisations,where washing up manually just isn’tan option, energy efficiency is abusiness critical issue - not only interms of ‘ticking boxes’ when itcomes to the environment, but forcost reasons too.Now, Dishwashers Direct, the Midlands-basedindependent commercial dishwasher specialisthas stepped in to offer commercial organisationsa solution, in the form of a brand new range ofenergy efficient commercial dishwashers.The company has teamed up with the well knownItalian commercial dishwasher manufacturer,Kromo, to bring its ‘green’ machines to the UK -all built to be energy efficient as standard.The machines, including the Kromo Lux 60 and61 EL, plus the Hood 130 EL, are all doubleskinned and fully insulated which means theydon’t lose so much heat to the atmosphere,compared to other commercial dishwashingsystems.The machines are also fitted with an economiseras standard, which operates when the dishwasheris in standby mode or between washes. Theeconomiser keeps the water used on the finalrinse (normally kept at 85(C) up to 30(C lower,saving significant amounts of electricity. When thedishwasher is put into a new wash cycle the rinsewater is rapidly heated up to 85(C, before themachine is allowed to complete its wash and rinsecycles -guaranteeingperfect, sanitarywash results.These kinds offeatures canmake a staggeringdifference to theamount of energycompanies use oncommercialdishwashing.RR No.: 112034an event which you feel privileged to work at. Thesense of history, the excitement among the crowdsand the great tennis matches being played make itunique. Having worked at the ChampionshipsPower solutions company, ScorpionPower Systems, has ensured thatthe UK’s leading privately ownedvehicle rental company, NVR Fleet UK,will still be able to control every aspectof its nationwide operation duringpowercuts with the installation of asophisticated standby power system.Scorpion has provided NVR Fleet UK’s newheadquarters with a complete turnkey package thatincludes generator, testing and commissioning.Following the move to its new three-acre site, thecompany began experiencing power outages.Systems Manager, Richard Johnson decided thatthe company needed a state-of-the-art back-uppower system that would not only support its ITnetwork but also its telephones and essentialservices. Looking for a company that could providea complete turnkey operation, he selected ScorpionPower Systems as NVR Fleet UK’s supplier.Following an in depth site survey, Scorpionsuggested a 33kVA continuously rated dieselgenerator fitted with a supersilent and waterproofacoustic canopy and AMF (automatic mains failure).As the generator has been sited outside the buildingbefore, I have come to appreciate the level ofpreparation and meticulous attention to detailnecessary to create the environment thatWimbledon has become famous for. The Club haveentrusted us with the responsibility to maintain it astheir patrons would like, and we won’t let themdown.”Announcing the contract win, managing director ofLeisure Support Services, Peter Watts said: “This isa fantastic win and is testimony to the massiveamount of effort put in by our management and staffteams across the country. It also reflects theenormous success of our ‘project five star’ strategyin which we commit to delivering the same level ofservice and support that you would expect at anyreputable five star hotel.” Reader Reply No: 111112Scorpion takes the sting out ofpowercuts at NVR Fleet UKWe are poisoning our planet withwaste chemicals that we use forcleaning, says OspreyDeepclean, asmany thousands of litres of water everyday are flushed down thedrain and back intothe environment.And because water fallsfrom the sky and so farwe have usually hadplenty of it in thiscountry, most peoplethought that thissituation was OK.But nowadayswe do usewater at analarming rate,and it is not acheapresource atall afterundergoingScorpion has equipped it with a water jacket heater,which is designed to keep the engine at optimumtemperature for fast and efficient start-up and rapidload acceptance. The Scorpion DI33 generator isspecifically produced for the long-term protection ofcritical and sensitive equipment to insure againstmajor electrical catastrophe. When the mainssupply fails, or goes out of acceptable limits, theAMF panel disconnects the faulty mains supply, thecritical loads continue to be supported by the UPSwith no break in supply, then will automatically startthe generator. After a preset time delay, thegenerator will pick up the load. RR No: 111085Steam cleaning is eco cleaningtreatment to bring it up to drinkable quality.Using Dry Steam Vapour for all forms of cleaning istherefore a winning solution on both counts: one -because it can reduce chemical use by 80 - 90%;and two - because it also reduces the use of waterby 90 - 95%. At the same time the energy resourcesneeded for heating the water are also reduced as agreat volume of steam is generated from only asmall amount of water.Dry Steam Vapour can be used both inside and out.Outdoors, OspreyDeepclean’s GumBusterstechnology uses Dry Steam Vapour working incombination with an environmentally-friendly andfully bio-degradable detergent for gum, graffiti andfly poster removal that uses only 40 litres of waterper day. Maximum. Pressure washers can easilyexceed that volume in a minute.Inside, OspreyDeepclean Dry Steam Vapour canoften be used without any chemicals at all, as theheat of the steam alone destroys bacteria, while gutirritatingspores are vacuumed away and safelyisolated in the recovery tank.Reader Reply No.: 110247

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