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KwikHEAT - Practical Facilities Management

KwikHEAT - Practical Facilities Management

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New web system helpscompanies meet staff obligationsby automating complianceSoftware solutions specialist FDH islaunching an innovative web-basedsystem to help companies meet its dutyof care on policy compliance, and tomake staff training that much easier.Especially with the Corporate Manslaughter Acttightening up this April*, making it easier fororganisations to be prosecuted for work-relateddeaths, the spotlight will be firmly placed on thelegal requirement for employees to not only read acompany’s policies and procedures, but alsounderstand them.FDH’s Saffron Cascade system is designed toautomate the whole procedure, cutting down notonly on the paperwork involved, but also providingThe hunt for the perfectE-learning training solutionat Safety & Health ExpoSafety Media is delightedto announce that it will beshowcasing its E-Learningsolution Safety Learning atstand G51 at the Safety &Health Expo 2008.Safety Learning is an interactive,blended E-Learning solution, designedto give high quality, cost effective andengaging health and safety training toall employees within an organisation -including those without a PC!Safety Media will be highlighting whatmakes their E-Learning product standan effective way of ensuring employees haveunderstood the policies by requiring them to take anon-line test once they have read the information.As the system is managed through the web, it alsoallows companies to tackle compliance remotely,therefore cutting down on transport costs and thetime taken in carrying out an induction.The system can be fully customised for individualcompanies and will guide users through a series ofsimple steps, from the initial reading of a policythrough to taking the test, with a pass or fail alertbeing automatically sent to the relevant manager.Audit trails of policy and user-history can also bemaintained, making it far easier for companies andtheir employees to access the current versions of apolicy or procedure.Andrew Markwell, FDH’s sales director comments:“The simplicity of the system makes it suitable forany size of business that wants to introduce asounder policy compliance procedure, not only incase of a work-related death but also accidentswhere employees then attempt to sue the company.“Policy compliance can be one of those ‘I’ll do ittomorrow’ procedures, but particularly with theimpending changes to the Corporate ManslaughterAct, companies will need to sharpen up on its dutyof care by ensuring its health and safety proceduresare fit for the job. Reader Reply No.: 111063out from the crowd at this year’s Expo,including:● Multi-Lingual Training● Video Courses● Offline Training● Group Training● Self-Paced training● Bespoke Course DevelopmentAt Stand G51, a number of E-Learningexperts will be available to discussvisitors’ requirements and find apackage that will suit all their needs.Meeting spaces will be availableduring the exhibition for those lookingfor an in-depth meeting to discussmoving forward with a Safety Learningsystem. To make a booking, pleasecall 0845 345 1703 or visitwww.safetyelearning.co.uk and fill in ameeting request form.“Safety Learning is a successfultraining aid for many companies in anumber of industries,” said SafetyMedia Managing Director JulianRoberts. “I’m looking forward tointroducing Safety Learning to thoseattendees who have never consideredE-Learning as a training solution, andhighlighting the many benefits thesystem offers.”Reader Reply No.: 111130ne of the leading namesOin the development andmanufacture of occupationalhealth and environmentalmonitoring instrumentationwill be at the NEC, May 13-152008 (stand F70) with a newrange of sound level metersdesigned for workplace noiseauditing.The all new CEL-600 range of soundlevel meters from Casella comprises 3instruments, all with an intuitive userinterface that offers colour codedmeasurement parameters anddisplays.The new range is completelyinnovative to the market, offeringtechnology and ergonomics not seenbefore in its price band. The CEL-600sound level meter series is based ondigital signal processing (DSP)technology fully compliant with all thenational and international accuracystandards. The products are compactand rugged, and integrating(averaging) and octave band modelsfor the selection of hearing protectionare available, all with high resolutionTFT colour displays.Also new from Casella CEL is a rangeof application specific sampling kits,designed to help users determinewhich equipment is most appropriatehealth & safetyMaltron keyboardgets Beverleyback from despairCarpal Tunnel Syndrome, Tendonitis,Tenosynovitis and a frozenshoulder, caused by working longhours on a conventional keyboard,were four excellent reasons whyBeverley Fewings could not work in anoffice any more.With time on her hands at home she read story inthe press about the Maltron fully ergonomickeyboard and immediately ordered one.She found that within three days she needed to getused to the unusual design and work trough thetraining course, she was typing faster than ever.All her pre- Maltron symptoms of pains in wrists,forearms, shoulders, neck and upper asms, elbowsand back, pins and needles and numb fingertipshad vanished as she mastered the Maltronkeyboard. Maltron keyboards are specificallydesigned to fit hands, minimise or eliminate stressand greatly reduce pain.Reader Reply No.: 111039Casella Samples theatmosphere at Expofor the specific sampling regimesrequired for compliance with COSHHlegislation.The range of kits includes:An organic solvent sampling kit aimedat Chemical and Industrial users. Thekit contains all the equipment andsampling accessories required toundertake sampling for the majority oforganic solvents, either onto charcoaltubes or grab samples into Tedlarbags.2 Kits for dust monitoring, one aimedspecifically at Construction andanother for Woodworking Industries.The kits contain a Microdust Pro realtime dust meter and Apex samplingpump, with all relevant samplingheads and filters for undertakingpersonal and area sampling for dustsand fumes. RR No.: 11113235

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