KwikHEAT - Practical Facilities Management

KwikHEAT - Practical Facilities Management

KwikHEAT - Practical Facilities Management

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NEWSnewsC.K Tools UKfirst with fantasticFast FourLeading the market with yet anotherUK first, C.K tools, major supplierof quality tools for professionaltrades, has launched a revolutionaryfour-flute drill bit - the C.K tools FastFour. Designed to dramaticallyincrease speed and productivity onthe job, this outstanding power toolaccessory also delivers far moreaccurate holes than the traditional flatbit and three-flute drill bits currentlyavailable.Six times faster than a conventional flat drill bit,the four cutting blades of the innovative C.K toolsFast Four provides the ultimate cutting, allowingtradesmen to speed through all their woodprojects in a fraction of the time.The C.K tools Fast Four makes light work of fenceposts, wall studs and roof trusses, as well asfloorboards and window frames. Even therepetitive task of running wires and pipes throughjoists is done in a flash thanks to the four cuttingedges of this groundbreaking drill bit.The increased number of blades of the C.K toolsFast Four not only facilitates impressive speed butthe additional edges clear away debris as it drills,creating a cleaner hole than both its standard flatbit and three-flute counterparts, resulting in muchless ‘tearing’ of the wood.Quantity of work teamed with a lack of availabletrained professionals is putting increased timeconstraints on already busy tradesmen, which isimpacting negatively on their wallets. The C.Ktools Fast Four is the ultimate power toolaccessory to fulfill the end user’s need for speed,allowing them to complete a job quickly andefficiently and move on to the next task.Constructed from high carbon steel to ensurelongevity, the C.K tools Fast Four is available in afull range of sizes, including 16mm, 20mm,22mm, 25mm and 32mm, and will be availablethrough all C.K tool stockists from April 2008.NickiElkin, brand manager, C.K tools, commented: “Wework hard to develop products that areappropriate to our end users and theirprofessional needs. The quicker a tradesman canfinish a job the sooner they can move on to thenext, which is why we developed the UK’s firstever four flute drill bit. Our new C.K tools FastFour is a far better alternative to the standard flatbits often used because it is six times faster,enabling the trades to execute a high quality jobin a far shorter time. The increased speed it offersis ideal in the current climate, as for alltradesmen, time is money.”Reader Reply No.: 111133University challengeChloride recently met CambridgeUniversity Zoology Department’spower protection challenge with a30kVA 70-NET uninterruptible powersupply (UPS) system, complete with 9minute battery autonomy.The power protection is required for theDepartment’s imaging facility which operates fourcomputer-controlled confocal microscopes, equippedwith light detection and lasers.Chloride’s transformer-free 70-NET UPS is smallerFor the second year running, Lanesfor Drains has won a Royal MailGroup Property Gold award forconsistently outstanding performance.In a ceremony held at the Royal Mail’s PhoenixCentre in January, Lanes picked up the trophy for itsdrainage services to a large number of Royal Mailproperties, stretching from South Yorkshire up toScotland and including Northern Ireland.Account Manager Nicki Caven explained: “We carryout planned maintenance programmes which mayinvolve up to 4 visits a year, depending on theinstallation, wherever there are interceptors for fuelpumps, fuel islands and vehicle washing facilities. Inmost cases we operate 2 full service visits and 2fuel island cleans.“We also provide Royal Mail with a reactive servicein case of emergencies such as blockages to theexternal drainage system or fuel spillages,” sheadded.and lighter than comparable systems and offered theflexibility required for this facility. It employs digitalvector control to eliminate power disturbance orblackouts in real-time and is fully compatible withLIFE.net, Chloride’s real-time remote monitoring anddiagnostic system.Cambridge Zoology Department is large and multidisciplined.Its members research and teach anexceptionally diverse range of subjects frommolecular and cell biology, through developmentalbiology, neurobiology, animal physiology,evolutionary biology, to behavioural, population andcommunity ecology. It accommodates over 300people, including approximately 90 graduatestudents studying for their PhDs.<strong>Facilities</strong> Manager, Zoltán Cseresnyés commented:“It was essential to install effective power protectionas even short power interruptions or disturbancescan result in serious data losses and risks damageto our high value, sensitive equipment.”Zoltán continued “We have a duty to provide ourresearchers and students with high-integrity systemsupon which they can rely”. RR No: 111079Lanes scoops Royal MailGroup Property awardZip Heaters (UK) Ltd offersan exceptional range ofboiling, chilled and hot waterproducts, including theinnovative new HydroTap -but it doesn’t end there.Zip believes that customer service isas important as product and hasreinforced this belief through aNational Product Support schemewhich provides breakdown cover, filterreplacement and scale managementfor the lifetime of an appliance.Zip offers a site survey and quotationservice which assists in the creationof a programme of support tailored tosuit individual needs andrequirements of the product andthe product owner. Zip believesThe company won the contract for plannedmaintenance and reactive services to drainagesystems across the Royal Mail’s Northern region inOctober 2005 for a 3-year period, with an option toextend for a further 2. Reader Reply no: 111096National product supportfrom Zip Heatersthis to be the perfect formula for ensuringcontinued user satisfaction.With national service coverage and ongoingcommitments to improve customer care, anyconcerns regarding the continuous availability ofproper service from appliances can be a thing ofthe past.Jim Foxall, Managing Director at Zip Heaterscommented, “The continual service ofappliances ensures optimum productperformance and maintenance over itslifetime, and therefore helps to reduceoperating costs andincrease usersatisfaction. That is whywe recommend it to anyuser who requires totalpeace of mind.”RR No: 11107514

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