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amrameshreddy.blog.com58 CHAPTER 3 ■ EXPLORING THE WCF PROGRAMMING MODELramrameshreddy.blog.combinding supports the duplex messaging exchange pattern. As you can see, each transport wecovered earlier has at least one associated predefined binding.Table 3-2. Predefined WCF BindingsBinding Configuration Security Default Transactions DuplexSessionbasicHttpBinding Basic Profile 1.1 None NowsHttpBinding WS Message Optional YeswsDualHttpBinding WS Message Yes Yes YeswsFederationHttpBinding WS-Federation Message Yes Yes NonetTcpBinding .NET Transport Optional Yes YesnetNamedPipeBinding .NET Transport Yes Yes YesnetMsmqBinding .NET Transport Yes Yes NonetPeerTcpBinding Peer Transport YesmsmqIntegrationBinding MSMQ Transport Yes YesRemember, you can have multiple endpoints defined for a service so that your servicesupports any combination of these bindings.WCF supports several transports on the Microsoft platform:• HTTP(S)• TCP• Named Pipes• MSMQObviously, only HTTP(S) is truly an interoperable transport. When integration is requiredwith different platforms, you can recognize interoperable bindings with the WS prefix.BasicHttpBinding is also an interoperable binding that maps very well on the pre-WCF servicestacks such as ASMX. The bindings prefixed with <strong>Net</strong> are really Windows-centric, where it isexpected that interoperability is not a requirement. So, you know up front what your requirementsare and as such what transport fits best into your scenario. As mentioned, when youchoose a binding, often you are choosing a transport as well. Table 3-3 lists the predefinedWCF bindings and the transport(s) they support.Table 3-3. Predefined WCF Bindings Mapped on the TransportsramrameshreddyramrameshreddyBinding HTTP HTTPS TCP MSMQ NamedPipesBasicHttpBinding Yes Yes No No NoWSHttpBinding Yes Yes Yes No NoWSDualHttpBinding Yes Yes No No NoWSFederationHttpBinding Yes Yes No No No

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