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CHAPTER 2 ■ INTRODUCING WCF BASICS 39ramrameshreddy.blog.comHTTP/WS-*BindingASMXWS-* ProtocolsWS-* ProtocolsFigure 2-5. ASMX to WCF connectivity■Note You can find more information about integration between WCF and MSMQ in Chapter 8.A WCF application not only interoperates with applications running on other platformsbut also integrates with other distributed programming models that Microsoft has come upwith over the past ten years. Microsoft has been providing the upgrade path through the use ofwizards, which are the easy way to perform complex tasks. Honestly, these wizards are good inlabs and can be used only for upgrading sample and testing applications. Using wizards toupgrade a complex application is ill advised. This time, Microsoft, having learned from pastexperiences of wizards to migrate applications, is using a more practical approach by providinga bunch of white papers and guidance, samples, demos, and examples illustrating how toport applications from ASMX, Enterprise Services, .NET Remoting, WSE, and MSMQ to WCFand other technologies. These examples also address many of the concerns you’ll have whengoing through the porting process.ramrameshreddyramrameshreddyComponents vs. ServicesReusability is the key to success in a distributed environment. Most of the architecture focuseson the way to maximize the components’ usage in an easy and efficient manner. Most componentsare built on an object-oriented paradigm that also provides reuse in terms of encapsulatingthe state (data) and behavior (function) in a container called a class. We have alreadyWCFHTTP/WS-*Binding

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