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amrameshreddy.blog.comWS-Addressing, 55WS-Atomic protocol, 278WS-Atomic transactions, enabling, 293WS-I (Web Services Interoperability)Organization, 31, 403WS-I Basic ProfileASP.NET support of, 404core components of, 403–404Microsoft Web Service Extensions, 405WCF support of, 405–406WS-MetadataExchange (WS-MEX)contract service moniker, 330request, 89service contracts and, 103WS-ReliableMessagingenabling on WcfHost, 419example of, 419–421industry and platform support of, 421overview of, 250, 418–419WS-Security and, 420WS-SecureConversation and WSE 2.0, 436WS-Security and WS-ReliableMessaging, 420WS-Trust and WSE 2.0, 436WsatUI.dll user interface, 293WSDL (Web Services Description Language)contract service moniker, 330–331definitions, 20description of, 19document structure, 19endpoints and, 18–19generating Java code from, 414message contract support and, 355message definitions, 20operations, 20service bindings, 21service contracts and, 103WSE 2.0 and, 436WSE (Web Services Enhancements)1.0, evolution of web services and, 4352.0, evolution of web services and,435–4363.0, evolution of web services and,436–438programming model compared to, 107ASP.NET web service and, 156description of, 46evolution of web services and, 432–434WS-I Basic Profile and, 405WSHttpBinding binding, 217, 406WSIT (Web Services InteroperabilityTechnology)capabilities and standards of, 402Java technologies and, 416■XX.509 certificate, using to secure meshnetworks, 391XML document, embedding binary data in,407XML schema, 438–439XML serializationdata contracts and, 349–351managing, 127–134summary of, 142XML Web Service class, example of, 44XML web services. See web servicesXML-binary Optimization Packaging (XOP),409XmlSerializer class, 349–350XPIIS 5.1 and, 166installing .NET Framework 3.0 RuntimeComponents for, 447installing IIS on, 442■Yyellow pages (UDDI), 21■INDEX 475ramrameshreddyramrameshreddyFind it faster at http://superindex.apress.com/

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