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amrameshreddy.blog.comServiceHost classaccessing in IIS, 161description of, 145as host agnostic, 148–149IIS and, 159processes, application domains, and, 147Windows Service hosting, 151ServiceMetadataBehavior attribute, 88–89ServicePointManager.ServerCertificate-ValidationCallback delegate, 232servicesSee also managing WCF services; webservicesautonomy of, 8boundaries and, 8as building blocks, 4compatibility of, 9components compared to, 10, 39–40consuming from COM+overview of, 324QuickReturns Ltd. Quote serviceexample, 325–332description of, 6–7designing, 10–11, 106–107endpoints and, 42exposed behavior of, 60granularity of, 33naming, 10references, adding to, 174reusing, 10–11, 39–40robustness of, 145running COM+ applications asclient proxy generation, 314–315ComSvcConfig.exe utility, 313leveraging utilities, 308.NET Enterprise Services and, 317–324overview of, 302SvcConfigEditor.exe utility, 308–313Visual Basic 6 example, 303–307Visual Basic 6 hidden interfaces,315–317schemas, contracts and, 9sending messages between, 22–23web services compared to, 11Windows, hosting in, 150–156ServiceSecurityAuditBehavior, 241session state, 164sessiongram, 295settlement data contract, 429shapes of channels, 67–68sites (IIS), 157ramrameshreddyramrameshreddySOA (Service-Oriented Architecture)advantages of, 5–6constraints for messages, 5description of, 3–4designing services and, 10–11evolution of web services and, 438–439loose coupling and, 8P2P and, 398–399services and, 7–9web services and, 6–7, 11–12SOA interoperabilityJava/J2EEbinary data, sending over Web services,406–416overview of, 401vendor implementation of WS-*standards, 402WS-I Basic Profile, 403–406overview of, 401WS-ReliableMessaging, 418–421SOAPdescription of, 13extensibility of, 14fault codes, 17fine-tuning, 353–355header attributes, valid, 354implementations of, 14, 18interoperability and, 32message exchange patterns and, 13programming model and, 15transport protocols and, 14SOAP messagedescription of, 351evolution of web services and, 439–440format of, 17structure of, 15writing, 16SOAP with Attachments (SwA), 407–408SoapWebRequest implementation, 433SoapWebResponse implementation, 434software development kit (SDK), 52software requirements, 100–102solution, 302Solution ExplorerAdd Project Output Group dialog box, 155Custom Actions view, 156solution file, empty, creating, 116SQL Server Express, downloading andinstalling, 286SSL, 223, 333standardization in enterprise, 11streaming data, 256Sun Microsystemsinteroperability and, 402MTOM, support of, 416superpeer, 371SvcConfigEditor.exe utilityApp.config file and, 114COM+ applications and, 308–313description of, 90, 175, 308Diagnostics window, 93enabling message logging using, 191–193features of, 188■INDEX 471Find it faster at http://superindex.apress.com/

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