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amrameshreddy.blog.comNew Component option, 307next hop routing model, 436nodesdescription of, 371identification of, 375non breaking changes to data contracts,346–347nonfunctional requirements, 148■Oobject model, 53object-oriented (OO) model, SOA comparedto, 4object-oriented programming, serviceorientedprogramming compared to,34–35objects, creating messages from, 358OldHorse COM+ application, creating,305–307OldHorse position-tracking system, 302OldHorse2 .NET COM+ registration, 320OldHorse2 PositionManagement interfacemethods, 322OldHorse2 WCF COM+ Integration Wizard,322OldHorse.PositionManagement properties,313OleView.exe utility, 317one-to-many P2P application flow, 380one-way communication, authorizationoptions for, 239–240one-way messaging exchange patterns, 60openingIIS Manager, 118.NET Framework command prompt, 293WMI CIM Studio, 208operating systems supported by .NETFramework 3.0, 52OperationBehavior attribute, 88, 127,284–285OperationContract attribute, 62, 123–126OperationContractAttribute class, 60operations, WSDL, 20order of members in data contracts, 343out-of-order messages, 251outsourcing server farms, 213■PP2P. See peer-to-peer (P2P) applications;peer-to-peer (P2P) computing; peerto-peer(P2P) networksparametersDataContract attribute, 64DataMember attribute, 64OperationContract attribute, 62ServiceContract attribute, 61partial topology, 379password, holding in memory, 390password-based authentication and P2Pnetworks, 388payload, 355peek method (MSMQ), 263peer channel type of mesh networksoverview of, 379–382QuickReturnTraderChat examplebinding configuration, 383main application, 384–385message interface, 382overview of, 382receiver configuration andimplementation, 386service configuration, 383service invocation, 386–387security, 387–388peer context of <strong>Net</strong>Shell, 396–398peer ID, 375Peer Name Resolution Protocol (PNRP),375–377peer names in Windows P2P networking, 377peer-to-peer (P2P) applicationsdevelopment life cycle, 374–375normal flow of, 380types of, 380Windows P2P networking stack, 375–378peer-to-peer (P2P) computingchallenges of, 373–374future of, 399overview of, 371–372purpose of, 372solution domains, 372–373peer-to-peer (P2P) networksflavors of, 379–380<strong>Net</strong>Shell utilityavailability of, 382cloud scopes, 394cloud statistics, 396listing clouds, 393–394listing peers in clouds, 395–396overview of, 392peers, working with, 396–398peer channeloverview of, 381–382QuickReturnTraderChat example,382–387securitycertificate-based authentication, 388of message, 388overview of, 387password-based authentication, 388peer channel, 387–388QuickReturnSecureTraderChatapplication, 389–391as self-healing, 378SOA with, 398–399■INDEX 467ramrameshreddyramrameshreddyFind it faster at http://superindex.apress.com/

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