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amrameshreddy.blog.comAuthAuditHost projecthost.cs file of, 236program.cs file of, 237Axis2 WSDL2Java-generated code, 415Basic Profileapplying in code, 405applying through configuration, 405enabling in ASP.NET 2.0, 404binary content of MIME message, 412calling service and binding data contractto grid, 368changing bindings, 257channel interfaces to support differentshapes, 68Client App.config file, modifying fortransactions, 287client codeusing ChannelFactory, 76–78using proxy generated by SvcUtil.exe,79–80client program.cscatch block on fault exception, 142modifying for transactions, 286–287cloud listing, 393cloud statistics, 396command line to generate service proxy,366coordinate data contract equivalenceQuickReturnQuote, 346QuickReturnStockQuote, 343–344data contract example, 63data contract using KnownType attribute,345defining web service methods, 432DIME, using in WSE 2.0, 408early bound Visual Basic 6 client, 329enabling auditing for service, 240ExchangeService classadding claim access code to, 218code to include authorization, 235ExchangeServiceInline.svc filewith external code, 160with inline code, 159Execution class, data contract, 139GetFileResult with XOP reference, 412Host App.config file, modifying fortransactions, 291host.cs, configuration file for, 186IContractBehavior interface, 86IEndpointBehavior interface, 87ignoring ExtensionDataObject at servicelevel, 349IntegrationBinding configuration, 271, 273interface of behaviors, 84IQuickReturnQuoteService interface, 362IQuickReturnTraderChat service contract,382IServiceBehavior interface, 84ITradeService interface, 254, 288–289ITradeService.cs, 183ITradeServiceMessage interface usingMessage Object, 62known peer traceroute, 397late-bound VBScript with security, 333Message class in operations, 357message contract example, 65message log, adding filter to, 193messages, creating from objects, 358mixed mode securityclient code for, 231implementing in service, 230MSMQ receiver interface, 271msmqIntegrationBinding, 272MTOM, 409MyService.svc, 110MyStockQuote data contract, 342OldHorse Visual Basic 6 COM positionIDL, 316OldHorse.PositionManagement.svc, 312OldHorse2assembly attributes for COM+, 320.NET IDL, 321Position.cs, 319PositionManagement client, 324PositionManagement.cs, 318OperationBehavior attribute, setting, 284Output.config generated by SvcUtil.exe, 81peer listing, 395peer resolution, 396policy, setting, 436PositionManagement interface.cls, 304proxy sample for TradeService service, 173QueueMessagingClient, 295QuickReturnQuoteService.svc file, 363QuickReturns Ltd. script using servicemonitor, 330QuickReturnSecureTraderChatmember variable list, 390secure binding configuration, 390service configuration, 389service host implementation, 391QuickReturnsScriptClient.vbs, 328QuickReturnStockQuoteimplemented for optimal performance,356implementing message contract, 352SOAP message representation of, 353using legacy SOAP encoding, 354using XmlSerializer class, 350■INDEX 463ramrameshreddyramrameshreddyFind it faster at http://superindex.apress.com/

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