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amrameshreddy.blog.comcredentialsbinding support for, 221–222description of, 217federated, 232–233message-level security and, 225–229presenting to WCF, 220–221transport-level security and, 222–223cross-platform integration, 5cross-platform interoperability, approach to,402Custom Actions view (Solution Explorer), 156custom binding, building, 216custom performance counters, creating,199–207CustomServiceHostFactory listing, 162■DdataSee also binary data; data contracts;message contractsfiltering mechanism, 359–360moving large amounts of betweenendpoints, 256overview of, 335QuickReturnQuoteService exampleclient, creating, 366–369service, creating, 362–366streaming, 256data contractsdescription of, 61–65, 127, 337–338equivalence of, 341–345leveraging, 134–137message contracts and, 139names of, 340nonbreaking and breaking changes to,346–347QuickReturns Ltd., 428–429round-tripping feature, 348–349versioning, best practices for, 360–362XML serializationmanaging, 127–134overview of, 349–351security and, 351data transfer and Message class, 357–359data transfer architecture, 335–336data types, 352DataContract attribute, 64, 134, 143DataContractSerializer class, 142, 337, 349datagram, 295DataGridView, 366DataMember attribute, 64, 135–136, 143ramrameshreddyramrameshreddyDCOM (Distributed Component ObjectModel), 26–27dead letter queue (DLQ), 262–263, 298deadlocks, avoiding and resolving, 277■INDEX 459debuggingstart-up or shutdown code, 152tracing process, 49defection attacks, 374definingtransactionsOperationBehavior attribute, using,284–285overview of, 282in QuickReturns Ltd., 286–293ServiceBehavior attribute, using, 283TransactionFlow attribute, using, 283web service methods, 432definitions, WSDL, 20demultiplexing and filtering, 359Depository/Securities Processing System,425, 428deserialization, 335–336designingservice contracts, 17services, 10–11, 33, 106–107desktop, interprocess communication on, 148developer productivity features, 36developing P2P applications, 374–375development environment, 52development tool, WCF as, 33–35Diagnostics window (Microsoft ServiceConfiguration Editor), 93diagnostics, configuring, 91–93DIME (Direct Internet MessageEncapsulation), 408–409disconnected operations, 260dispatchers, 82Distributed Component Object Model(DCOM), 26–27distributed processing and P2P, 373distributed systems, implementing, 3distributed technologiesSee also existing technologiesASMX, 44–45Enterprise Services, 47–48MSMQ, 45–46unifying, 48–50WSE, 46distributed transactions, 282DLQ (dead letter queue), 262–263, 298DNS (Domain Name System), 371document structure, WSDL, 19document style for SOAP messages, 17downloading SQL Server Express, 286dual HTTP channels, 258duplex messaging exchange patterns, 60durability of queue, 274durable storage, 260dynamic discovery, 329Find it faster at http://superindex.apress.com/

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