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amrameshreddy.blog.com458 ■INDEXramrameshreddy.blog.comclient code, service client proxy, 115client proxy generation.NET Enterprise Services and COM+integration, 323–324using SvcUtil.exe, 79–80WCF COM+ integration, 314–315cloudsdescription of, 372listing, 393–394listing peers in, 395–396scope of, 394statistics, viewing, 396code examples, ASP.NET 2.0 web servicescompared to WCF, 107–109collaboration and P2P, 373COM (Component Object Model), 26, 301COM+consuming services fromoverview of, 324QuickReturns Ltd. Quote serviceexample, 325–332security credentials withIChannelCredentials, 332–334description of, 47–48features of, 301integration with, 302interacting with and reusing applications,38COM+ applications, running as WCF servicesclient proxy generation, 314–315ComSvcConfig.exe utility, 313leveraging utilities, 308.NET Enterprise Services and, 317–324overview of, 302SvcConfigEditor.exe utility, 308–313Visual Basic 6 example, 303–307Visual Basic 6 hidden interfaces, 315–317COM+ integration summary page, 311COM+ Integration Wizard, 309command-line implementation andconsuming services, 176–177commandsGetFile(), 410resolve, 396runas, 238traceroute, 397Common Object Request Broker Architecture(CORBA), 301communicationasynchronous, 5, 45–46one-way, authorization options for,239–240real-time, and P2P, 372reliable messaging and, 251remote, 6compatibility of services, 9compensating transactions, 279Component Object Model (COM), 26, 301Component Services, selecting properties forMy Computer in, 293component technology, history of, 301component-based development, SOAcompared to, 4components, services compared to, 10, 39–40ComSvcConfig.exe utilityCOM+ applications and, 313description of, 38, 308confidentiality of information, 215configuration filesrequirements for, 109security and, 223SvcConfigEditor.exe, 188–190configuration, ServiceHost instantiationbased on, 71configuringdiagnostics, 91–93instrumentation, 95connection drops, 251connectivity, ASMX to WCF, 38constructors, 304consumers, 7consuming messages, 67consuming servicescommand-line implementation, 176–177from COM+overview of, 324QuickReturns Ltd. Quote serviceexample, 325–332security credentials, 332–334options for, 172service proxies and, 173–174Visual Studio 2005 and, 174–176content distribution and P2P, 373ContractBehavior attribute, 86Contract-First Programming (Visual Basic 6),315–316contractsdata, 63–65description of, 53, 59designing, 17message, 65messaging exchange patterns, 59–60service, 60–63SOAP, 9convergence of web- and peer-based serviceorientation, 399CORBA (Common Object Request BrokerArchitecture), 301Create an Empty Application button, 306CreateVirtualDirs.bat script, 110ramrameshreddyramrameshreddy

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