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amrameshreddy.blog.com456 ■INDEXramrameshreddy.blog.comApplication Server dialog box, 261applying behaviorschannel, 87contract, 86operation, 88overview of, 83service, 84–86service metadata, 88–89architecture for P2P networking, 376ASMXdescription of, 44–45pages, 431–432ASMX (ASP.NET web) serviceshosting and, 156hosting without IIS, 438ASMX to WCF connectivity, 38ASP.NETcompatibility model, 164–165evolution of web services and, 431–432HttpHandler, 102registering, 445–446web service framework, 156web servicescode example, 107–109programming model compared to, 107Website Configuration dialog box, 445WS-I Basic Profile and, 404WSE and, 434Asp<strong>Net</strong>CompatibilityRequirements attribute,164Asset Manager, 425–426asynchronous communication, 5, 45–46atomic, consistent, independent, durable(ACID) behavior, 277–278attachments. See binary dataattribute-based development features, 36–37attributesAsp<strong>Net</strong>CompatibilityRequirements, 164assembly, for COM+, 320ContractBehavior, 86DataContract, 64, 134, 143description of, 36EndpointBehavior, 87header (SOAP), 354KnownType, 345MessageContract, 143.NET Framework 3.0, 106OperationBehavior, 88, 127, 284–285OperationContract, 62, 123–126ReleaseServiceInstanceOnTransaction-Complete, 284ramrameshreddyramrameshreddyRequired transaction, 307Serializable, 129ServiceBehavior, 84–86, 126, 283, 349ServiceContract, 61, 119–123ServiceMetadataBehavior, 88–89TransactionAutoCompleteOnSessionClose,284TransactionFlow, 283XMLSerialization control, 133audit log for AuthAuditClient instance, 241auditing for security features, 240–242AuthAuditClient instance, audit log entriesfor, 241AuthAuditClient project, running underAdministrator account, 238AuthAuditHost projecthost.cs file of, 236program.cs file of, 237AuthAuditHost service, application logentries for, 241authenticationSee also certificate-based authentication;password-based authenticationauthorization compared to, 234credentials, claims, and, 217description of, 215.NET Framework and, 234authorizationauthentication compared to, 234by certificate, 226–229description of, 215, 234IPrincipal interface, 234–238.NET Framework and, 234one-way communication options,239–240autonomy of services, 8Axis project (Apache Software Foundation)JBoss and, 417MTOM, support of, 413–416WCF team and, 402■Bbase addresses, 57Base64 encoding, 407BasicHttpBinding binding, 215BasicHttpBinding class, 405batch processing with queues using sessions,269BEA SystemsMTOM specification and, 417WebLogic application server, 422behaviorsapplying, 83channel, 87contract, 86controlling, 119interface of, 84operation, 88service, 84–86service metadata, 88–89service model layer and, 69

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