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APPENDIX C ■ WCF AND .NET FRAMEWORK INSTALLATION STEPS 449ramrameshreddy.blog.comWINDOWS SDK INSTALLATION COMPONENTSThe Windows SDK contains a “chained” installation setup program. What happens during the installation isthat the master Setup.exe file calls a series of Microsoft installation packages. These packages are presentin the Setup directory of the image. The current collection of installation packages includes the following:• Windows SDK• MSDN Document Explorer• Windows Debugging Tools• .NET Compact Framework• PowerShell, .NET-enabled command shellIt’s important to note that the only required package is the Windows SDK, which is required for the toolsand utilities that support WCF development. The MSDN Document Explorer is required if you install the associateddocumentation for the SDK.During installation, there have been some issues with some of the subpackages failing because ofunexpected prior installations (betas, prior releases, and so on). To work around those issues, it is possible toexecute the MSI for the Windows SDK directly or for any of the subpackages you require. In fact, during theprolonged CTP and beta releases of WCF and .NET 3.0/WinFx, numerous issues were reported on the installationpackages, which should be expected during the beta periods. Most of the issues we’ve encounteredhave been dutifully corrected by the SDK team.After launching the Setup Wizard, you’re presented with the welcome screen and licensingagreements. Then after accepting the license agreement, you’re presented with the directoriesto which you want to install. Generally accepting the default directories makes things a bit easierto find when moving from machine to machine. Change it if you’re resource starved or wantthe samples put somewhere else. After that, click through to the option screen, and ensure youselect the .NET 3.0 tools or other options you require.When the option screen is selected, select the suboptions related to the documentation,samples, and tools. The documentation and samples are provided in the .NET 3.0 or Win32legacy version. For our needs, the .NET 3.0 set is what you require. Ensure that the option toinstall the tools for .NET 3.0 is selected.Again, these parts are not required for WCF development. The SDK components providehelpful development tools, documentation, and samples that facilitate the development ofWCF and .NET 3.0, as well as Win32-based applications.Once the options are selected, click Next to proceed with the installation. During theinstallation, the Setup Wizard will provide feedback about what parts are being installed.At the completion of the installation, if there were no errors, the Installation Completescreen will appear. If any installation errors occur, the left panel displays the specific failureinformation. At that point, it is possible to bypass some parts of the installation by running thesubparts of the SDK directly. That is unless that part was the failing item. Please see the sidebar“Windows SDK Installation Components” for more information.ramrameshreddyramrameshreddy

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